606 research outputs found

    Политика Румынии в отношении Республика Молдова на современном этапе

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    This article is devoted to the Romania’s policy towards Moldova which began to take shape soon after the dissolution of the Soviet Union of the USSR. The Moldovan vector of the Romanian foreign policy is based on the geopolitical “Great Romania” project, which implies the expansion of the borders of Romania, by uniting with neighboring Moldova. The article analyzes the main directions and features of the implementation of Romania’s foreign policy towards Moldova. The basic agreements concluded between countries are analyzed.The main factors influencing the formation and implementation of Romanian foreign policy are identified. The role of the influence of the external factor on the Romania’s policy towards Moldova is investigated. Romania’s participation in the EU and NATO has a significant impact on the Romanian vector of foreign policy towards Moldova. The distribution of power was investigated both in the country and in neighboring Moldova. The positions of the political elites of Romania and Moldova are analyzed.The characteristic features of the cultural identity of the peoples of both countries are investigated. An important direction in the policy of Romania in Moldova is the cultural and educational component. Its main goal is to expand the influence of Romania through the education of pro-Romanian-minded youth in Moldova, as well as through the formation of a positive image of Romania among various segments of the population, that supports its policies.Статья посвящена политике Румынии в отношении Молдовы, которая стала формироваться после распада СССР. Молдавский вектор румынской внешней политики основывается на геополитическом проекте «Великая Румыния», который направлен на расширение границ Румынии, за счет объединения с соседней Молдовой. В статье анализируются основные направления и особенности реализации внешней политики Румынии в отношении Молдовы. Проанализированы базовые соглашения, заключенные между странами.Выявлены основные факторы, влияющие на формирование и реализацию внешней политики Румынии. Исследуется роль влияния внешнего фактора на проведение Румынской политики в отношении Молдовы. Участие Румынии в ЕС и НАТО оказывает существенное влияние на румынский вектор внешней политики в отношении Молдовы. Исследована расстановка сил как в самой стране, так и в соседней Молдове. Проанализированы позиции политических элит Румынии и Молдовы.Исследуются характерные особенности культурной идентичности народов обеих стран. Важным направлением в политике Румынии в Молдове является культурно-образовательная составляющая. Ее основной целью является расширение влияния Румынии через воспитание прорумынско настроенной молодежи в Молдове, а также посредством формирования положительно образа Румынии среди различных слоев населения, которое поддерживает ее политику

    Influence of the nanostructure on the surface and bulk physical properties of materials

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    Fullerenes, nanotubes, quantum dots have been considered as effective sensitizers to modify both the spectral, optical, nonlinear optical features, dynamic and polarization characteristics, as well as mechanical properties of the organic and inorganic materials. Laser, spectroscopy, mass-spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance methods have been apply to support the change in the physical properties of the new nanocomposites. The extending of the nanocomposites applications area has been considered

    Berry Phase Quantum Thermometer

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    We show how Berry phase can be used to construct an ultra-high precision quantum thermometer. An important advantage of our scheme is that there is no need for the thermometer to acquire thermal equilibrium with the sample. This reduces measurement times and avoids precision limitations.Comment: Updated to published version. I. Fuentes previously published as I. Fuentes-Guridi and I. Fuentes-Schulle

    Phase diagram investigation and characterization of alloys in Bi-Ga10Sb90 section of Ga-Bi-Sb system

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    The results of phase equilibria investigation and characterization of the alloys in the Bi-Ga10Sb90 section of Ga-Bi-Sb system are presented in this paper. Phase diagram of the mentioned section has been calculated according to CALPHAD model, using Pandat software. In the frame of alloys characterization, structural, mechanical and electrical characteristics were determined using SEM-EDX analysis, microhardness and electroconductivity measurements

    Which Method-Stereotype Changes are Indicators of Code Smells?

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    A study of how method roles evolve during the lifetime of a software system is presented. Evolution is examined by analyzing when the stereotype of a method changes. Stereotypes provide a high-level categorization of a method\u27s behavior and role, and also provide insight into how a method interacts with its environment and carries out tasks. The study covers 50 open-source systems and 6 closed-source systems. Results show that method behavior with respect to stereotype is highly stable and constant over time. Overall, out of all the history examined, only about 10% of changes to methods result in a change in their stereotype. Examples of methods that change stereotype are further examined. A select number of these types of changes are indicators of code smells

    Scientific Report of the 9th International Congress “Flour-Bread ’17”

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    The scientific programme of the 9th International Congress “Flour-Bread ’17” and the 11th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists “Brašno-Kruh ’17” held from 25 to 27 October in Grand Hotel Adriatic, Opatija, Croatia, included 39 oral and 38 poster presentations. Three plenary lectures, 11 invited lectures, 19 oral presentations, three sponsor advertisement presentations, 3 interactive workshop lectures and 38 poster presentations were within one of five different Congress topics: Cereals and Cereal Product Quality, Cereal Processing Technologies, Cereals and Health, Cereal Food Safety, and Cereal Waste Management

    On the degree of scale invariance of inflationary perturbations

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    Many, if not most, inflationary models predict the power-law index of the spectrum of density perturbations is close to one, though not precisely equal to one, |n-1| \sim O(0.1), implying that the spectrum of density perturbations is nearly, but not exactly, scale invariant. Some models allow n to be significantly less than one (n \sim 0.7); a spectral index significantly greater than one is more difficult to achieve. We show that n \approx 1 is a consequence of the slow-roll conditions for inflation and ``naturalness,'' and thus is a generic prediction of inflation. We discuss what is required to deviate significantly from scale invariance, and then show, by explicit construction, the existence of smooth potentials that satisfy all the conditions for successful inflation and give nn as large as 2.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Influence of the Nanostructures on the Surface and Bulk Physical Properties of Materials

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    Fullerenes, nanotubes, quantum dots are considered as effective sensitizers to modify both the optical, nonlinear optical features, dynamic and polarization characteristics, as well as mechanical and spectral properties of the organic and inorganic materials. The correlation between photorefractivity and photoconductivity was supported and the relation between charge carrier mobility of pure conjugated structures and nanoobjects-doped ones has been revealed. An increase of transmission of nanostructured polarization films was observed. An extension of the nanocomposites applications area is considered

    Quantum nonlocality and applications in quantum-information processing of hybrid entangled states

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    The hybrid entangled states generated, e.g., in a trapped-ion or atom-cavity system, have exactly one ebit of entanglement, but are not maximally entangled. We demonstrate this by showing that they violate, but in general do not maximally violate, Bell's inequality due to Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt. These states are interesting in that they exhibit the entanglement between two distinct degrees of freedom (one is discrete and another is continuous). We then demonstrate these entangled states as a valuable resource in quantum information processing including quantum teleportation, entanglement swapping and quantum computation with "parity qubits". Our work establishes an interesting link between quantum information protocols of discrete and continuous variables.Comment: 5 pages, no figur