187 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Keperawatan Dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Peserta Jamkesmas Di Irina E Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    The quality of nursing service is proffesional attitude from the nurse giving comfortable feel to the patient who follow the recovery treatment. Jamkesmas is a government program to increase the quality service and the satisfaction from under society but the reality shows that not all society who use jamskesmas satisfaction with its, that all because they feel the server attitude lack of friendly, lack of communicative, and there are the different service between the patient in first class and the member of jamkesmas.The aim of this research is to know the correlation between a nursing service quality with satisfaction level from the jamkesmas member patient in the Irina E Blu prof. Dr. R.d. Kandou hospital Manado. This research is analitic survey with cross sectional. The all populations are the patients parents whose members of jamkesmas and have been treated in hospital at least 3 days, they are 35 peoples that accept to be the responder.The sampling technique use purposive sampling and the data were analyzed by SPSS program 17 version with Chi-square. The result show that the statistic analysis for acception, attention, communication, relation, and responsibility are Ho refused and Ha accepted it mean that there are relations between acception, attention, communication, relation, and responsibility with the level of satisfaction from the parents of patients who follow jamskesmas program.The conclusion is a nursing service quality has relation with satisfaction level from the jamkesmas member patient in the Irina E BLU Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital Manad

    Senyawa Bioaktif dari Rumput Laut sebagai Antioksidan

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    Radikal bebas merupakan molekul yang kehilangan salah satu elektron dan sangat reaktif. Molekul ini berusaha mencari elektron lain dari berbagai sumber termasuk molekul biologis untuk menjadi stabil. Radikal bebas ini dapat merusak membran fosfolipid, mempercepat proses penuaan serta menimbulkan berbagai penyakit. Pembentukan radikal bebas dalam tubuh manusia dapat terjadi secara alami maupun induksi dari lingkungan yang akan didiskusikan bersama dengan kerusakan molekulernya. Antioksidan yang adalah senyawa yang mampu menetralkan radikal bebas tersebut dapat berasal dari dalam atau dari luar tubuh manusia melalui makanan yang dikonsumsi. Rumput laut merupakan salah satu sumber antioksidan karena mengandung senyawa bioaktif seperti karotenoid, senyawa fenol dan turunannya, sulfat polisakarida, dan vitamin. Review ini akan memberikan uraian tentang senyawa-senyawa bioaktif tersebut sebagai sumber antioksidan alami. Mekanisme antioksidan karotenoid, fenol dan turunannya, serta vitamin rumput laut yang diuraikan adalah melalui abstraksi atom hidrogen; sedangkan uraian mekanisme pada sulfat polisakarida dan fikobilin masih diselidiki. Selanjutnya, berbagai senyawa bioaktif dari beberapa spesies rumput laut, dan penelitian yang membuktikan kemampuan antioksidan rumput laut juga akan diuraikan

    Optically Pumped Direct Extraction Electron Spin Filter System and Method of Use

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    Disclosed are a System, and method, for producing a directly extracted flow of preferred-spin-polarization-direction electrons. The present invention optically pumped electron Spin filter System provides a mixture of, typically alkali, atoms and electron polarization direction enhancing buffer gas, to a, preferably, Single chamber essentially enclosed Space, into which essentially enclosed space is entered a predominately single handedness, preferably laser System produced, beam of photons which optically pumps electrons in atoms to a dark-ground State with a preferred-spin-polarization, that is maintained in the presence of an imposed magnetic field, which magnetic field is oriented essentially co-linear with said beam of predominately single polarized photons. Con-currently electrons are, by practice of the method of the present invention, generated in the essentially enclosed space by a buffer gas mediated electric discharge, and are caused to be in a preferred-spin-polarization-direction via pumped dark-ground State atom-electron collision mediated exchange mechanism(s), prior to being directly extracted

    A 19-channel d.c. SQUID magnetometer system for brain research

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    A 19-channel d.c. SQUID magnetometer system for neuromagnetic investigations is under constuction. The first-order gradiometers for sensing the signal are placed in a hexagonal configuration. D.c. SQUIDs based on niobium/aluminium technology have been developed, leading to a field sensitivity of about 5 fT/ Hz. SQUID read-out is realized with a resonant transformer circuit at 100 kHz. The multichannel control and detection electronics are compactly built

    Raman microspectroscopy: A non-invasive analysis tool for monitoring of collagen-containing extracellular matrix formation in a medium-throughput culture system

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    The three-dimensional environment is known to play an important role in promoting cell–matrix interactions. We have investigated the possibility of using Raman microspectroscopy—which has the great advantage of noninvasive sensing—for in vitro monitoring of extracellular matrix (ECM) formation in a medium-throughput pellet (3D) culture system with soft-litography, agarose-microwell arrays. Chondrocytes were seeded in the agarose microwells in basic or chondrocyte medium. After 3, 7, and 14 days of culture, samples were analyzed for ECM formation by Raman microspectroscopy, histology, and immunofluorescence. ECM formation in the chondrocyte medium-cultured samples was detected by histology and immunofluorescence, and also noninvasively by Raman microspectroscopy. The Raman band of collagen found at 937 cm−1 can be used as a Raman marker for collagen-containing ECM formation over time in the chondrocyte pellets. This culture system can be implemented as a medium-throughput platform for Raman applications and screening microtissue formation, since with these agarose-microwell arrays relatively large numbers of cell pellets could be screened in a short time in situ, without having to transfer the pellets onto microscopic slides. Moreover, in this manner the culture system is suitable for long-term, real-time live-cell measurements

    Malaria in Pregnancy: A Holistic Review and Approach to Laboratory Findings, Management and Outcomes

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    Abstract Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium, transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes Anopheles. Malaria can infect various populations including pregnant women. The incidence of malaria in pregnancy is quite high especially in tropical - endemic regions such as Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, West Africa and Sudan. It happens because there is no enhanced control activities such as two prevention approaches advocated by the WHO, as well prevention intermittently with sulfadoxine- pyrimethamine (SP) and the treatment of malaria during pregnancy. There are several factors that influence the high prevalence of malaria such as mosquito vectors, malaria parasites, human hosts and environment. As a result of the presence of malarial parasites in the placenta appear serious adverse outcomes to the mother, fetus and newborn. Malaria can be diagnosed with microscopy, rapid diagnostic test (RDT), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).The firstline treatments recommended by the WHO in the second and third trimester of pregnancy are artemisinin-based combination treatments (ACT).Keywords: Malaria, pregnancy, laboratory findings, management, outcomes Abstrak Penyakit malaria merupakan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh genus Plasmodium, yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Anopheles betina. Malaria dapat menginfeksi berbagai populasi termasuk perempuan hamil. Insidens malaria dalam kehamilan cukup tinggi terutama di wilayah tropis - endemik seperti Indonesia, Papua Nugini, Nigeria, Afrika Barat, dan Sudan. Hal itu terjadi karena ketiadaan penanggulangan/pencegahan seperti yang dianjurkan WHO yaitu pemberian sulfadoxine- pyrimethamine (SP) intermiten dan pengobatan malaria dalam kehamilan. Ada banyak faktor yang berperan terhadap kejadian malaria yakni nyamuk sebagai vektor, parasit malaria, manusia sebagai pejamu dan lingkungan yang juga berperan terhadap kejadian malaria dalam kehamilan. Malaria dalam kehamilan berakibat serius trehadap ibu, janin dan neonatus. Diagnosis dapat ditegakkan secara mikroskopi, rapid diagnostic test (RDT), dan polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Pengobatan lini pertama yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO pada trimester ke dua dan ketiga kehamilan adalah kombinasi artemisinin (artemisinin-based combination treatments - ACT).Kata kunci: Malaria, kehamilan, pemeriksaan laboratorium, tatalaksana, luara

    Aerial dissemination of Clostridium difficile spores inside and outside a pig farm

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    In both human and veterinary medicine Clostridium difficile infections are increasingly reported. The observation that aerial dissemination occurs in a hospital environment and can pla a role in the transmission of human C. difficile infection, resulted in the present study to the occurence of airborne C. difficile in, and nearby a pig farm with a high prevalence of C. difficile
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