189 research outputs found

    Gerakan Masyarakat dalam Membentuk Kenegerian Tiga Lorong Baturijal Hulu sebagai Desa Adat di Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Tahun 2014-2015

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    This research entitled "Community Movement in Establishing Kenegerian Three Upper Baturijal Lorong As Indigenous Villages In Peranap District Indragiri Hulu Regency Year 2014-2015". This form of research is based on the existence of Law Number 6 Year 2014 About the Village. Based on the provisions of the rules for determining customary villages, then the three areas of Lorong Baturijal Hulu areas to be custom villages in Peranap District. How is the community movement in realizing the customary village in Kenegerian Tiga Lorong and its failure factor. The purpose of this study is to describe the movement and efforts of the community and internal and external barriers in forming the Kenegerian Three Lorong Baturijal Hulu as a custom village in Peranap District Indragiri Hulu Regency 2014-2015. The benefit of this research is as a material of scientific information for researchers who want to study the movement of society in forming custom village. The research method used is qualitative descriptive by using basic descriptive qualitative research analysis with interactive analysis model. There are two theories used, namely the theory of social movements and the concept of custom village formation. The results showed that in the social movement stage decline ending failure, and there are factors of failure of community movement in determining Kenegerian Three Lorong Baturijal Hulu as custom village in Kecamatan Peranap

    Partai Politik Dalam Pemenangan Suyatno Dan Jamiludin Pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Tahun 2015

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    Political parties as an icon of democracy is an organization engaged in the political process. Political parties have the goal of conquering power or take part in a launch power. For that victory in local elections became a very important thing obtained as the achievement of the objectives of political parties.This research was conducted in the District Rokan Hilir. The data used in this study is Primary data and secondary data. Data collection through in-depth interviews and documentation. This study uses qualitative descriptive method because the retrieval of data from informants depth interviews of informants related. So that the problem in this case is How Political Parties in Victory Suyatno and Jamiludin in local elections Rokan Hilir 2015.The results of this study are the political parties have an enormous influence on the award-Jamiludin Suyatno in Rokan Hilir. It can be seen from the performance of the party and the winning team always brings out creativity in conducting political campaign. In addition to campaign actively is also the most effective efforts are decisive victory Suyatno-Jamiluddin in Rokan Hilir in the general election of Regional Head in the title 2015. Political Parties is a highly effective tool in the campaign in the county Regional Head of Rokan Hilir. That's because the political parties were able to encourage people Rokan Hilir to steer voters in mmilih Suyatno-Jamiludin by optimizing campaigns and external network utilization

    Kinerja Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Provinsi Riau dalam Mengelola Informasi pada Penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Riau pada Putaran Pertama Tahun 2013

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    This research titled performance of provincial electoral commission Riau in managing information on the implementation of election of the governor and deputy governor of Riau in the first round of 2013. Purpose of this study is to know how the performance of provincial electoral commission Riau in managing information on the conduct of elections for governor and deputy governor of Riau. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Data collected by observation and interview. Of the results of this research is that performance of provincial electoral commission Riau in managing information on the conduct of elections for governor and deputy governor of Riau in the first round of 2013 can be seen through several stages of, management information on the stages of the selection list remains, management information on the stages of registration, verification and determination of the candidate pairs, management of information on the phase of socialization,management of information on the phase of the campaign, management information on the voting stage, management information on the stages of counting and management information on the stages of the determination of the selected pair. of one of these stages still have shortage but what has been done by local election commissions Riau was based on procedures.It is concluded that the performance of local election commissions in Riau in managing information on the conduct of elections for governor and deputy governor of Riau in the first round of 2013 good enough.Key world : Performance, Local Election Commission, Information Managemen

    Kebijakan Perizinan Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru : Studi Kasus Izin Tempat Usaha Reklame di Kota Pekanbaru Dijalan Pangeran Hidayat dan Kh.a Dahlan Tahun 2012-2013

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    Now, Indonesia is doing development in every aspects lad to chane and improvement that may beable to improve public welfare. Realization of the development may be looked at the existence of its dwvwlopmwnt, like housing complex, bridges, roads, harbors and business or enterprises that uses machines with medium interference intensity like printing business in advertisement form. As constitutional state, there are some rules that bind society indevelopin their business. They are licensing business. The business licensing aims to prevent the danger of environment protect the certain objects and desire direct to certain activities such business licenses. The license of business place is one of the instrumnts that are very urgent in the government.In licensing business for advertising field, it is alleged that there are problems that are quite complex. Among them always happens conflict both internally and externally. The issue of licensing place of business is that the complexity of such a complexty of information flow, decision making and so forth. Because of that complexity, the issue of licensing maintenance of business premises causing conflict in the process. According to Robins (Organizational Behavior: 1979) says that the conflict is a process of interaction that occurs due to a discrepancy that occurs due to a discrepancy between the two opinions (point of view) that effects on the parties involved, the effect of positive and neative effects. It is the same as the opinion of Luthan ( Organizational Behaviour: 1981), he states that the conflict is a condition caused by the presence of opposing forces, these forces comes to the existence of human interests (resources). Conflict is closely linked to dissent, competition and differences desires or interests. There are serveral views on the impact of the conflict, including the view that a conflict on interest is a danger that some time may threaten the existence of a current and survival of an institutional or organization. These conflict need to be managed properly and required maximum efforts so that conflicts that occur can be directed to things that are positive

    Perilaku Tidak Memilih Masyarakat Desa di Kecamatan Mandau dalam Pilkada Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2015 ( Studi Kasus Desa Bumbung dan Desa Pamesi)

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    Behavior does not choose interesting to study because it is showing the public outcry over what happens in political activities that took place. This study describes the behavior did not vote in the two villages of Bumbung and Village Pamesi. This study refers to main village and village expansion highest level of behavior is not chosen in the District Saber.This study used qualitative methods and was conducted at the Bumbung and Pamesi Village, District Mandau, Bengkalis 2015. This research use informants as sources of information objects that aims to achieve mastery in getting information. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with informants. Analysis of the data in the study was done descriptively to explain the data in a systematic and objective so as to produce factual information, real-time and accurate.Based on the results of the study found the following: Awareness and trust are the main thing in using the right to vote or participate in the elections, it should be emphasized to the public that the vote is important because it involves who will lead their area the next five years and are very influential for the policy to be changed and that will be made by the elected regional head. The causes of the villagers and village Bumbung Pamesi not choose that administrative problems, not in place when the election, do not know the candidate, lack of socialization of the organizers and of the candidates will be selected and prefer to work rather than having to choose saaat elections. This shows the high and various behavioral factors did not choose in the Village and Village Bumbung Pamesi. So it takes people who are aware and believe it is a choice that the elections means changes carrier for the progress of a region. The role of the organizers is Bengkalis district commissioner is expected to reduce the behavior did not choose in Bengkalis and establish people\u27s confidence that they as organizers were able to hold elections in a fair, honest, free and confidential. Election Commission as a service provider must be able to demonstrate a neutral attitude towards all candidates are ahead in the election so that people trust and believe there is no manipulation in the electoral process

    Pajak Restoran sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Karimun Tahun 2012-2014

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    The restaurant tax potential in Karimun is large because it is more than 1 billion a year, and always increasing every year. Automatically, the contribution in increasing revenue will be increased. Therefore, the achievement of the tax revenue can still be improved by increasing the tax restaurant. This is because there are several restaurants that disobedient to pay taxes and there are also a tax payments that arrears, and there are some tax that still have not been recorded by the local departement of revenue in karimun. These problems indicate that the management of tax collection of the restaurant is not optimal. Although the report tax avenue has exceeded the target of the restaurant tax, but the fact is there are still so many tax restaurants that were unearned.The local revenue department efforts in increasing revenue of tax restaurant can be clarified into the concept of the theory of management. The findings of the study can already be deduced that the lack of plan in formulating the revenue target, the lack of human resources to manage the restaurant tax, and there is still a lack of public awareness of the importance of taxes for development.The conclusion is, the revenue in tax restaurant must be maintained and improved. The inhibiting factors can be resolved by wise so that the effort which is conducted in raising revenues by collecting restaurant tax can run well

    Effect extract of Ipomoea pes-caprae leaf as anti-inflammatory non immunological in rat Rattus norvegicus

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    Ipomoea pes-caprae is one of the plants in Indonesia that has the potential as a traditional herbal medicine to treat inflammation. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of I. pes-capraeleaf extract as anti-inflammatory in edema rats induced by 5% egg white solution. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisted of 5 treatments, each consisted of 5 rats.The treatment consisted of KN = negative control, KP = positive control, giving  of 25 mg diclofenac sodium, K 100 = giving 100 mg kg-1body weight (BW) of I. pes-capraeleaf extract , K300 = 300 mg kg-1BW of I. pes-capraeleaf extract, and K500 = 500 mg kg-1BW of I. pes-capraeleaf extract. The anti-inflammatory data obtained were tested statistically with a one-way ANOVA test at  99% confidence level and followed by Duncan's test. The ANOVA test results showed that the giving ofI. pes-capraeleaf extract had a very significant effect (p 0.01) on the percentage of inflammatory, obtained Fcount Ftable, 21.46 4.79 at the level of α = 0.01. The treatment of I. pes-capraeleaf extract of 500 mg kg-1BW had the effect of decreasing the volume of edema with the positive control variable using diclofenac sodium 25 mg. It is concluded that I. pes-capraeleaf extract can be used as an anti-inflammatory by decreasing rat feet edema volume. I. pes-capraeleaf extract has a prospect for non-immunological inflammatory natural drug candidates

    Aplikasi Beberapa Dosis Herbisida Glifosat dan Paraquat pada Sistem tanpa Olah Tanah (TOT) Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah, Karakteristik Gulma dan Hasil Kedelai

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    . This study aims to assess the effect of dose of herbicide glyphosate and paraquat on the NT system to soil chemical properties, weeds characteristics of soybean yield. The design used is a randomized completely block design (RBD) factorials consisting of 2 (two) factors herbicide and dose with 3 (three) replication times. The variables properties of chemical, characteristics of weed, components and yield of soybean. The study results showed that all doses and types of herbicides provided increased pH, total soil-N, 1.50 kg dose ba ha-1 gave the value of K-dd are better than the doses of 0.75 and 2.25 kg ha-1. 2.25 kg dose b.a. ha-1 increased the percentage of weed control and dry weight weed is lower, improving yield and yield components of soybean. Herbicide glyphosate and paraquat have the same ability in improving soil chemical properties, improve weed control and reduce the percentage of dry weight of weeds and increase yield and components and yield of soybean. Interaction between 2.25 kg dose b.a. ha-1 and the herbicide glyphosate give a percentage higher weed control and dry weight weed is lowe
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