10,912 research outputs found

    Quantum cryptography as a retrodiction problem

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    We propose a quantum key distribution protocol based on a quantum retrodiction protocol, known as the Mean King problem. The protocol uses a two way quantum channel. We show security against coherent attacks in a transmission error free scenario, even if Eve is allowed to attack both transmissions. This establishes a connection between retrodiction and key distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Temperature evolution and bifurcations of metastable states in mean-field spin glasses, with connections with structural glasses

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    The correlations of the free-energy landscape of mean-field spin glasses at different temperatures are investigated, concentrating on models with a first order freezing transition. Using a ``potential function'' we follow the metastable states of the model in temperature, and discuss the possibility of level crossing (which we do not find) and multifurcation (which we find). The dynamics at a given temperature starting from an equilibrium configuration at a different temperature is also discussed. In presence of multifurcation, we find that the equilibrium is never achieved, leading to aging behaviour at slower energy levels than usual aging. The relevance of the observed mechanisms for real structural glasses is discussed, and some numerical simulations of a soft sphere model of glass are presented.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 10 figures (12 postscript files

    Giftedness research and education of the gifted and talented in Germany

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    Glassy Mean-Field Dynamics of the Backgammon model

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    In this paper we present an exact study of the relaxation dynamics of the backgammon model. This is a model of a gas of particles in a discrete space which presents glassy phenomena as a result of {\it entropy barriers} in configuration space. The model is simple enough to allow for a complete analytical treatment of the dynamics in infinite dimensions. We first derive a closed equation describing the evolution of the occupation number probabilities, then we generalize the analysis to the study the autocorrelation function. We also consider possible variants of the model which allow to study the effect of energy barriers.Comment: 21 pages, revtex, 4 uuencoded figure

    On the Tail of the Overlap Probability Distribution in the Sherrington--Kirkpatrick Model

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    We investigate the large deviation behavior of the overlap probability density in the Sherrington--Kirkpatrick model from several analytical perspectives. First we analyze the spin glass phase using the coupled replica scheme. Here generically 1NlogPN(q)\frac1N \log P_N(q) \approx A- {\cal A} ((qqEA)3((|q|-q_{EA})^3, and we compute the first correction to the expansion of \A in powers of TcTT_c-T. We study also the q=1q=1 case, where P(q)P(q) is know exactly. Finally we study the paramagnetic phase, where exact results valid for all qq's are obtained. The overall agreement between the various points of view is very satisfactory. Data from large scale numerical simulations show that the predicted behavior can be detected already on moderate lattice sizes.Comment: 18 pages including ps figure

    Intensity interferometry of single x-ray pulses from a synchrotron storage ring

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    We report on measurements of second-order intensity correlations at the high brilliance storage ring PETRA III using a prototype of the newly developed Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD). The detector recorded individual synchrotron radiation pulses with an x-ray photon energy of 14.4 keV and repetition rate of about 5 MHz. The second-order intensity correlation function was measured simultaneously at different spatial separations that allowed to determine the transverse coherence length at these x-ray energies. The measured values are in a good agreement with theoretical simulations based on the Gaussian Schell-model.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 42 reference

    TDC Chip and Readout Driver Developments for COMPASS and LHC-Experiments

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    A new TDC-chip is under development for the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The ASIC, which exploits the 0.6 micrometer CMOS sea-of-gate technology, will allow high resolution time measurements with digitization of 75 ps, and an unprecedented degree of flexibility accompanied by high rate capability and low power consumption. Preliminary specifications of this new TDC chip are presented. Furthermore a FPGA based readout-driver and buffer-module as an interface between the front-end of the COMPASS detector systems and an optical S-LINK is in development. The same module serves also as remote fan-out for the COMPASS trigger distribution and time synchronization system. This readout-driver monitors the trigger and data flow to and from front-ends. In addition, a specific data buffer structure and sophisticated data flow control is used to pursue local pre-event building. At start-up the module controls all necessary front-end initializations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a simple stochastic model

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    We investigate the low-temperature dynamics of a simple stochastic model, introduced recently in the context of the physics of glasses. The slowest characteristic time at equilibrium diverges exponentially at low temperature. On smaller time scales, the nonequilibrium dynamics of the system exhibits an aging regime. We present an analytical study of the scaling behaviour of the mean energy, of its local correlation and response functions, and of the associated fluctuation-dissipation ratio throughout the regime of low temperature and long times. This analysis includes the aging regime, the convergence to equilibrium, and the crossover behaviour between them.Comment: 36 pages, plain tex, 7 figures, to be published by Journal of Physics

    Algebraic Fermi liquid from phase fluctuations: "topological" fermions, vortex "berryons" and QED3 theory of cuprate superconductors

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    Within the phase fluctuation model for the pseudogap state of cuprate superconductors we identify a novel statistical "Berry phase" interaction between the nodal quasiparticles and fluctuating vortices. The effective action describing this model assumes the form of an anisotropic Euclidean quantum electrodynamics in (2+1) dimensions (QED_3) and naturally generates the marginal Fermi liquid behavior for its fermionic excitations. The doping axis in the x-T phase diagram emerges as a quantum critical line which regulates low energy fermiology. We examine the merits of our theory in light of available experiments.Comment: 5 pages REVTeX + 2 PostScript Figures. Final version to appear in PR