2,192 research outputs found

    Quantifying ultrasonic deformation of cell membranes with ultra-high-speed imaging

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    We present a new method for controllable loading of cell models in an ultrasonic (20 kHz) regime. The protocol is based on the inertial-based ultrasonic shaking test and allows to deform cells in the range of few mm/m to help understand potential consequences of repeated loading characteristic of ultrasonic cutting

    Unusual Assortment of Segments in 2 Rare Human Rotavirus Genomes

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    Using full-length genome sequence analysis, we investigated 2 rare G3P[9] human rotavirus strains isolated from children with diarrhea. The genomes were recognized as assortments of genes closely related to rotaviruses originating from cats, ruminants, and humans. Results suggest multiple transmissions of genes from animal to human strains of rotaviruses

    Post-stroke deficit prediction from lesion and indirect structural and functional disconnection

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    Behavioural deficits in stroke reflect both structural damage at the site of injury, and widespread network dysfunction caused by structural, functional, and metabolic disconnection. Two recent methods allow for the estimation of structural and functional disconnection from clinical structural imaging. This is achieved by embedding a patient's lesion into an atlas of functional and structural connections in healthy subjects, and deriving the ensemble of structural and functional connections that pass through the lesion, thus indirectly estimating its impact on the whole brain connectome. This indirect assessment of network dysfunction is more readily available than direct measures of functional and structural connectivity obtained with functional and diffusion MRI, respectively, and it is in theory applicable to a wide variety of disorders. To validate the clinical relevance of these methods, we quantified the prediction of behavioural deficits in a prospective cohort of 132 first-time stroke patients studied at 2 weeks post-injury (mean age 52.8 years, range 22-77; 63 females; 64 right hemispheres). Specifically, we used multivariate ridge regression to relate deficits in multiple functional domains (left and right visual, left and right motor, language, spatial attention, spatial and verbal memory) with the pattern of lesion and indirect structural or functional disconnection. In a subgroup of patients, we also measured direct alterations of functional connectivity with resting-state functional MRI. Both lesion and indirect structural disconnection maps were predictive of behavioural impairment in all domains (0.16 < R2 < 0.58) except for verbal memory (0.05 < R2 < 0.06). Prediction from indirect functional disconnection was scarce or negligible (0.01 < R2 < 0.18) except for the right visual field deficits (R2 = 0.38), even though multivariate maps were anatomically plausible in all domains. Prediction from direct measures of functional MRI functional connectivity in a subset of patients was clearly superior to indirect functional disconnection. In conclusion, the indirect estimation of structural connectivity damage successfully predicted behavioural deficits post-stroke to a level comparable to lesion information. However, indirect estimation of functional disconnection did not predict behavioural deficits, nor was a substitute for direct functional connectivity measurements, especially for cognitive disorders

    Ileocecal duplication cysts: Is the loss of the valve always necessary?

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    Ileocecal (IC) duplication cysts are enteric duplications located at the IC junction, not clearly identified in all the published series. The reported treatment is IC resection and ileocolic anastomosis. It is well known that the loss of the IC valve has several adverse effects. This study is aimed at demonstrating that cyst removal together with the common ileal wall and following enterorrhapy is possible, safe, and effective in preserving the IC region. Methods Medical records of 3 patients who underwent surgery for IC duplication between 2003 and 2013 were retrospectively reviewed evaluating follow-up results. Results All patients had an antenatal diagnosis of intrabdominal cystic mass. In two cases associated malformations were reported. The lesions presented at newborn age with intermittent small bowel obstruction and required removal. No patients underwent IC resection. The diagnosis of duplication cyst was confirmed by histo-pathologic examination. The postoperative course was uneventful, even in the long-term follow-up

    Modelling the effect of environmental variables on the reproductive success of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Sardinia, Italy

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    Old World vultures are experiencing dramatic population declines and now are among the species most threatened with extinction. Understanding the environmental variables that can influence the reproductive indexes of vulture populations can facilitate both habitat and species management. The aim of this study was to identify which environmental variables primarily affect the breeding successes of the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus in northern Sardinia by applying a Bayesian hierarchical model. A unique dataset of reproductive records (197 nests monitored over 39 years for a total of 992 breeding records) was used. Eight environmental and topographical variables describing the habitat at the nesting sites were considered as potential predictors of breeding success. These included mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, isothermality, elevation, the normalized difference vegetation index, wind speed, and the aspect and slope of the land surface. In addition, we also considered the effect of human disturbance and the type of nest. According to our best model, the probability of successfully raising a chick in Griffon Vultures was higher in nests exposed to a high wind speed, not covered by natural shelters, where the vegetation was mostly represented by shrub and pastures, with low human disturbance and in years with low rainfall. This model will be useful for management of the breeding habitat and to identify the area most suitable for Griffon Vulture reproduction. This information is crucial for programming conservation measures aimed at enlarging the area of occupancy of the species.Postprin

    Comparison of local injection of methotrexate and linear salpingostomy in the conservative laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy

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    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare local injection of metothrexate (MTX) and linear salpingostomy in the conservative laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy. DESIGN: Prospective, nonrandomized study, July 1991 to May 1994. SETTING: Department of obstetrics and gynecology in a university hospital. PATIENTS: Fourteen women with unruptured ectopic pregnancies without documented fetal heart motion and size below 50 mm as measured by ultrasound. INTERVENTIONS: All 14 women underwent the laparoscopic treatment by either local injection of MTX or linear salpingostomy (7 patients each). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Both treatments were successful in all patients. Mean length of operation was 32 +/- 5 minutes (range 25-35 min) in the MTX group versus 67 +/- 15 minutes (range 50-90 min) in the salpingostomy group. Mean length of hospital stay was 2.7 days (range 1-5 days) and 1.7 days (range 1-3 days), respectively. No intraoperative complications occurred, and the postoperative course was uneventful in all women. Mean disappearance time of serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels was similar in both groups, although in the linear salpingostomy group the decrease was immediate. No difference in tubal patency on follow-up hysterosalpingography was observed between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Although this is a preliminary report with a small number of patients, both types of treatment were safe and effective. An advantage of linear salpingostomy was the predictable and consistent decline of circulating beta-hCG, and consequently a reduced need for a close follow-up. Local MTX injection was safe, economic, effective, and easy to perform, and in our experience the surgical time was statistically shorter than that for linear salpingostomy. Therefore, in selected patients, local injection of MTX could be the treatment of choice for unruptured ectopic pregnancy, avoiding a longer and potentially more dangerous procedure. Long-term outcomes do not seem to differ between the two types of treatment

    Sorveglianza delle gastroenteriti da Norovirus in Italia: comparsa e diffusione della nuova variante GII.4 Sydney 2012

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    In the 2012-2013 winter season, global surveillance for norovirus circulation evidenced the onset of a new norovirus GII.4 variant, termed Sydney 2012. In Italy, ISGEV hospital-based surveillance revealed that this variant already circulated at low frequency in the winter season 2011-2012 and emerged definitively only in the late 2012. This lag-time pattern mirrors the findings reported elsewhere and suggests that the novel variant circulated at low prevalence before spreading globally

    MAD-4-MITO, a Multi Array of Detectors for ground-based mm/submm SZ observations

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    The last few years have seen a large development of mm technology and ultra-sensitive detectors devoted to microwave astronomy and astrophysics. The possibility to deal with large numbers of these detectors assembled into multi--pixel imaging systems has greatly improved the performance of microwave observations, even from ground--based stations, especially combining the power of multi--band detectors with their new imaging capabilities. Hereafter, we will present the development of a multi--pixel solution devoted to Sunyaev--Zel'dovich observations from ground--based telescopes, that is going to be operated from the Millimetre and Infrared Testagrigia Observatory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in th eProceedings of the 2K1BC Workshop, July 9-13, 2001 - Breuil-Cervini

    Tailoring the size of ultrasound responsive lipid-shelled nanodroplets by varying production parameters and environmental conditions

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    Liquid perfluorocarbon nanodroplets (NDs) are an attractive alternative to microbubbles (MBs) for ultrasound-mediated therapeutic and diagnostic applications. ND size and size distribution have a strong influence on their behaviour in vivo, including extravasation efficiency, circulation time, and response upon ultrasound stimulation. Thus, it is desirable to identify ways to tailor the ND size and size distribution during manufacturing. In this study phospholipid-coated NDs, comprising a perfluoro-n-pentane (PFP) core stabilised by a DSPC/PEG40s (1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and polyoxyethylene(40)stearate, 9:1 molar ratio) shell, were produced in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) by sonication. The effect of the following production-related parameters on ND size was investigated: PFP concentration, power and duration of sonication, and incorporation of a lipophilic fluorescent dye. ND stability was also assessed at both 4°C and 37°C. When a sonication pulse of 6 s and 15% duty cycle was employed, increasing the volumetric concentration of PFP from 5% to 15% v/v in PBS resulted in an increase in ND diameter from 215.8 ± 16.8 nm to 408.9 ± 171.2 nm. An increase in the intensity of sonication from 48 to 72 W (with 10% PFP v/v in PBS) led to a decrease in ND size from 354.6 ± 127.2 nm to 315.0 ± 100.5 nm. Increasing the sonication time from 20 s to 40 s (using a pulsed sonication with 30% duty cycle) did not result in a significant change in ND size (in the range 278 - 314 nm); however, when it was increased to 60 s, the average ND diameter reduced to 249.7 ± 9.7 nm, which also presented a significantly lower standard deviation compared to the other experimental conditions investigated (i.e., 9.7 nm vs. > 49.4 nm). The addition of the fluorescent dye DiI at different molar ratios did not affect the ND size distribution. NDs were stable at 4°C for up to 6 days and at 37°C for up to 110 min; however, some evidence of ND-to-MB phase transition was observed after 40 min at 37°C. Finally, phase transition of NDs into MBs was demonstrated using a tissue-mimicking flow phantom under therapeutic ultrasound exposure conditions (ultrasound frequency: 0.5 MHz, acoustic pressure: 2-4 MPa, and pulse repetition frequency: 100 Hz)

    Congenital cytomegalovirus related intestinal malrotation: a case report

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    Background: Cytomegalovirus is the most common cause of congenital infection in the developed countries. Gastrointestinal involvement has been extensively described in both adult and paediatric immunocompromised patients but it is infrequent in congenital or perinatal CMV infection. Case presentation: We report on a case of coexistent congenital Cytomegalovirus infection with intestinal malrotation and positive intestinal Cytomegalovirus biopsy. At birth the neonate showed clinical and radiological evidence of intestinal obstruction. Meconium passed only after evacuative nursing procedures; stooling pattern was irregular; gastric residuals were bile-stained. Laparatomy revealed a complete intestinal malrotation and contextually gastrointestinal biopsy samples of the appendix confirmed the diagnosis of CMV gastrointestinal disease. Intravenous ganciclovir was initiated for 2 weeks, followed by oral valgancyclovir for 6 month. Conclusion: CMV-induced proinflammatory process may be responsible of the interruption of the normal development of the gut or could in turn lead to a disruption in the normal development of the gut potentiating the mechanism causing malrotation. We suggest the hypothesis that an inflammatory process induced by CMV congenital infection may be responsible, in the early gestation, of the intestinal end-organ disease, as the intestinal malrotation. CMV infection should always be excluded in full-term infants presenting with colonic stricture or malrotation