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    In this paper, we give some characterizations of FP-grinjective R-modules and graded right R-modules of FP-gr-injective dimension at most n. We study the existence of FP-gr-injective envelopes and FP-gr-injective covers. We also prove that (1) (āŠ„gr-FI, gr-FI) is a hereditary cotorsion theory if and only if R is a left gr-coherent ring, (2) If R is right gr-coherent with FP-gr-id(RR) ā‰¤ n, then (gr-FIn, gr-F nāŠ„) is a perfect cotorsion theory, (3) (āŠ„gr-FIn, gr-FIn) is a cotorsion theory, where gr-FI denotes the class of all FP-gr-injective left R-modules, gr-FIn is the class of all graded right R-modules of FP-gr-injective dimension at most n. Some applications are given

    Experimental tests of pseudo-complex General Relativity

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    Based on previous publications exploring pseudo-complex General Relativity (pc-GR) we present a selection of observable consequences of pc-GR and possible ways to experimentally access them. Whenever possible we compare the results to Einstein's GR and differences are worked out in detail. We propose experimental tests to check the predictions of pc-GR for the orbital frequency of test particles, the gravitational redshift effect and the last stable orbit. We will show that the orbital frequency of test particles at a given radius in pc-GR is in general lower compared to standard GR. Also the effect of frame dragging is modified (weakened) in pc-GR. Concerning the gravitational redshift of a radiation emitting object we find that it is also lower in pc-GR than in standard GR. Eventually the classical concept of a last stable orbit has to be modified in pc-GR.Comment: submitted for publication to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ
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