139 research outputs found

    Hilbert Schemes, Separated Variables, and D-Branes

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    We explain Sklyanin's separation of variables in geometrical terms and construct it for Hitchin and Mukai integrable systems. We construct Hilbert schemes of points on T∗ΣT^{*}\Sigma for \Sigma = {\IC}, {\IC}^{*} or elliptic curve, and on C2/Γ{\bf C}^{2}/{\Gamma} and show that their complex deformations are integrable systems of Calogero-Sutherland-Moser type. We present the hyperk\"ahler quotient constructions for Hilbert schemes of points on cotangent bundles to the higher genus curves, utilizing the results of Hurtubise, Kronheimer and Nakajima. Finally we discuss the connections to physics of DD-branes and string duality.Comment: harvmac, 27 pp. big mode; v2. typos and references correcte

    Duality in Integrable Systems and Gauge Theories

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    We discuss various dualities, relating integrable systems and show that these dualities are explained in the framework of Hamiltonian and Poisson reductions. The dualities we study shed some light on the known integrable systems as well as allow to construct new ones, double elliptic among them. We also discuss applications to the (supersymmetric) gauge theories in various dimensions.Comment: harvmac 45 pp.; v4. minor corrections, to appear in JHE

    On Microscopic Origin of Integrability in Seiberg-Witten Theory

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    We discuss microscopic origin of integrability in Seiberg-Witten theory, following mostly the results of hep-th/0612019, as well as present their certain extension and consider several explicit examples. In particular, we discuss in more detail the theory with the only switched on higher perturbation in the ultraviolet, where extra explicit formulas are obtained using bosonization and elliptic uniformization of the spectral curve.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, based on the talks at 'Geometry and Integrability in Mathematical Physics', Moscow, May 2006; 'Quarks-2006', Repino, May 2006; Twente conference on Lie groups, December 2006 and 'Classical and Quantum Integrable Models', Dubna, January 200

    Darboux coordinates, Yang-Yang functional, and gauge theory

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    The moduli space of SL(2) flat connections on a punctured Riemann surface with the fixed conjugacy classes of the monodromies around the punctures is endowed with a system of holomorphic Darboux coordinates, in which the generating function of the variety of SL(2)-opers is identified with the universal part of the effective twisted superpotential of the corresponding four dimensional N=2 supersymmetric theory subject to the two-dimensional Omega-deformation. This allows to give a definition of the Yang-Yang functionals for the quantum Hitchin system in terms of the classical geometry of the moduli space of local systems for the dual gauge group, and connect it to the instanton counting of the four dimensional gauge theories, in the rank one case.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, v1. in the proceedings of Cargese conference "String Theory: Formal Developments and Applications" (Jun 21-Jul 3, 2010); reported also at six other conferences in 2010, v2. references correcte

    Dualities in integrable systems and N=2 theories

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    We discuss dualities of the integrable dynamics behind the exact solution to the N=2 SUSY YM theory. It is shown that T duality in the string theory is related to the separation of variables procedure in dynamical system. We argue that there are analogues of S duality as well as 3d mirror symmetry in the many-body systems of Hitchin type governing low-energy effective actions.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, Talk given at QFTHEP-99, Moscow, May 27-June

    Relating Gauge Theories via Gauge/Bethe Correspondence

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    In this note, we use techniques from integrable systems to study relations between gauge theories. The Gauge/Bethe correspondence, introduced by Nekrasov and Shatashvili, identifies the supersymmetric ground states of an N=(2,2) supersymmetric gauge theory in two dimensions with the Bethe states of a quantum integrable system. We make use of this correspondence to relate three different quiver gauge theories which correspond to three different formulations of the Bethe equations of an integrable spin chain called the tJ model.Comment: 30 pages, published in JHEP. LaTeX problem correcte

    Angular Momentum and Gravimagnetization of the N=2{\cal N}=2 SYM vacuum

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    In this note we discuss the gravimagnetization of the N=2{\cal N}=2 SYM vacuum in the Ω\Omega-background. It is argued that the Seiberg-Witten prepotential is related to the vacuum density of the angular momentum in the Euclidean R4R^4 space. The possible role of the dyonic instantons as the microscopic angular momentum carriers which could yield the spontaneous vacuum gravimagnetization is conjectured. We interpret the dyonic instanton as a kind of the Euclidean bounce in R4R^4 similar to one responsible for the Schwinger pair creation. The induced angular momentum in R4R^4 is also briefly considered in the dual Liouville formulation of SU(2)SU(2) theory via AGT relation.Comment: 20 page

    Quantization of Integrable Systems and a 2d/4d Duality

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    We present a new duality between the F-terms of supersymmetric field theories defined in two- and four-dimensions respectively. The duality relates N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions, deformed by an Omega-background in one plane, to N=(2,2) gauged linear sigma-models in two dimensions. On the four dimensional side, our main example is N=2 SQCD with gauge group SU(L) and 2L fundamental flavours. Using ideas of Nekrasov and Shatashvili, we argue that the Coulomb branch of this theory provides a quantization of the classical Heisenberg SL(2) spin chain. Agreement with the standard quantization via the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz implies the existence of an isomorphism between the chiral ring of the 4d theory and that of a certain two-dimensional theory. The latter can be understood as the worldvolume theory on a surface operator/vortex string probing the Higgs branch of the same 4d theory. We check the proposed duality by explicit calculation at low orders in the instanton expansion. One striking consequence is that the Seiberg-Witten solution of the 4d theory is captured by a one-loop computation in two dimensions. The duality also has interesting connections with the AGT conjecture, matrix models and topological string theory where it corresponds to a refined version of the geometric transition.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figures. Additional comments, minor improvements and references adde
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