150 research outputs found

    ´Primary productivity in winter in the Ria of Pontevedra (NW of Spain) and the changes caused by the contamination

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    Spatial distribution in winter of the primary productivity in the Ria of Pontevedra (NW of Spain), is shown. It is proved that industrial and urban efluents have a negative effect on photosynthesis, especially on the surface of the water, and on the Northern Coast, which is in accordance with the dynamics of the RiaOn indique la distribution spatial d'hiver de la production primaire dans la Ria de Pontevedra (NO d'Espagne). Les debuts industrielles et urbains affectent negativement la photosynthése. Cette influence est plus noté dans la surface et spécialement dans la zone Nord de la Ria

    Dissolved organic matter signatures in urban surface waters: spatio-temporal patterns and drivers

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    Advances in analytical chemistry have facilitated the characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which has improved understanding of DOM sources and transformations in surface waters. For urban waters, however, where DOM diversity is likely to be high, the interpretation of DOM signatures is hampered by a lack of information on the influence of land cover and anthropogenic factors such as nutrient enrichment and release of organic contaminants. Here we explored the spatio-temporal variation in DOM composition in contrasting urban water bodies, based on spectrophotometry and fluorometry, size-exclusion chromatography, and ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry, to identify linkages between DOM signatures and potential drivers. The highly diverse DOM we observed distinguished lakes and ponds, which are characterized by a high proportion of autochthonous DOM, from rivers and streams where allochthonous DOM is more prevalent. Seasonal variation in DOM composition was apparent in all types of water bodies, apparently due to interactions between phenology and urban influences, such as nutrient supply, the percentage of green space surrounding the water bodies and point source pollution. Optical DOM properties also revealed the influence of effluents from wastewater treatment plants, suggesting that simple optical measurements can be useful in water quality assessment and monitoring, providing information about processes both within water bodies and in their catchments.</p

    Variación temporal de las concentraciones de PCBs en tejido de mejillón de dos zonas de la Bahía de Santander (España)

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    Se presenta la variación temporal de bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) en mejillón silvestre Mytilus galloprovincialis de dos zonas de la Bahía de Santander (norte de España) de 1991 a 2003, así como la posible influencia en sus concentraciones de los diferentes aportes externos a que están sometidas ambas zonas. Las concentraciones de SCB7 (suma de los CBs Nos. IUPAC: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 y 180) de la zona de Pantalán, oscilan entre los 21 μg kg–1 en peso húmedo (ph) y los 38 μg kg–1 ph Mientras que en la zona de Pedreña, con menor influencia antropogénica, varían entre un mínimo de 8 μg kg–1 ph y un máximo de 15 μg kg–1 ph Para conocer la evolución temporal, se usa el coeficiente de correlación Tau-b de Kendall y se comprueba la existencia de una tendencia decreciente significativa en los niveles de PCBs en ambas zonas.An analysis was made of the temporal variation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in wild mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, from two areas of Santander Bay (northern Spain) during 1991–2003, as well as of the posible influence of different external contributions on their concentrations. The concentrations of the sum of seven PCBs (IUPAC numbers 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) from the Pantalán area ranged from 21 to 38 μg kg–1 wet weight, whereas those from the Pedreña area, subject to less anthropogenic influence, ranged from 8 to 15 μg kg–1 wet weight. To determine the temporal evolution, the Kendall Tau-b correlation coefficient was used and a decreasing trend in PCB levels was verified for both areas.Publicado

    Datos químico-oceanográficos de la Ría de Pontevedra en invierno. Parte I

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    Se presentan datos de salinidad, fracción de agua dulce, temperatura, densidad, estabilidad, oxígeno disuelto, porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno, consumo aparente de oxígeno y de nutrientes (nitritos, nitratos y fosfatos) de la Ría de Pontevedra, correspondientes al invierno de 1980. Se efectúa un avance de interpretación simplista de los resultados.Data of temperature, salinity, density, stability, dissolved oxygen, % oxygen saturation, apparent oxygen consumation, nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate) parameters taken in winter 1980 in the Ría de Pontevedra (NW Spain) are presented. Also a brief interpretation of results are included.Versión del editor0,000

    Datos químico-oceanográficos de la Ría de Pontevedra en invierno. Parte II

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    Se presentan los resultados de luminosidad, clorofilas y materia orgánica particulada obtenidos en la Ría de Pontevedra en un estudio integral realizado en invierno de 1980. En base a los datos obtenidos se pueden apreciar en dicha Ría tres zonas bien diferenciadas: la parte más interna que presenta poca transparencia y un contenido bajo en clorofilas debido a la alta carga contaminante que incide sobre ella, una segunda zona con valores intermedios y la más externa que tiende a características oceánico-costeras.The results of the analyses of transparency, chlorophyll and particulate organic matter (P.O.M.) in winter 1980 in the Ría de Pontevedra are presented. From the data three different parts in the Ría are differenciated, the inner part with low levels of transparency and chlorophyll due to contaminant load; the medium, with intermediate values, and the external part with characteristics corresponding to coastal shelf waters.Versión del editor0,000

    Rootstock Effects on Leaf Photosynthesis in 'Navelina' Trees Grown in Calcareous Soil

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    Citrus crops in the Mediterranean region are often grown in high pH calcareous soils, which promote nutrient imbalances, especially iron deficiency. &#39;Navelina&#39; trees grafted on eight different citrus rootstocks were assessed in terms of their relative tolerance to these soils. To do so, leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were measured for 2 consecutive years in leaves without visible injury symptoms. Trees were grown on the rootstocks Carrizo citrange, hybrids of Cleopatra mandarin x Poncirus trifoliata no. 5 (F-A 5),13 (F-A 13), and 16 (030116), Troyer citrange x common mandarin no. 18 (F-A 418), King mandarin x P. trifoliata no. 7 (F-A 517), 020324 (Troyer citrange x Cleopatra mandarin), and Volkamer lemon x P. trifoliata no. 64 (230164). gs and transpiration rate were clearly lower in leaves of shoots grafted on Carrizo citrange than in those on the other rootstocks assayed, but net photosynthetic flux did not differ. However, leaves of shoots on Carrizo citrange displayed a decline in their maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry [variable fluorescence/maximum fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)) ratio] and other chlorophyll parameters in the steady state such as photochemical quenching (qp) and the quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry as well as an increase in nonphotochemical quenching (q(N)). Other rootstocks such as 030116, F-A 517 and, especially, F-A 5 showed the highest Phi(PSU) and F(v)/F(m) values, whereas F-A 5 had the lowest qN in the steady state. The photosynthetic characteristics observed in leaves on Carrizo citrange showed them to be the least tolerant to these calcareous conditions, whereas photosynthesis of &#39;Navelina&#39; trees budded on F-A 5 were the most tolerant


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    The importance of assuming and facilitating the pain and death process, as well as the way of facing up to it, it is something that always exists in the individual. Therefore, it may be interesting going into the population attitudes before those processes in depth. The goal of this essay has been to get to know the preferences in individuals about how they want to be treated before a terminal illness with pain process and which factors affect those preferences.La importancia de asumir y facilitar el proceso de dolor y muerte, así como el modo de afrontarlo, hace que siempre esté vigente en el individuo y puede resultar interesante profundizar en las actitudes de la población ante los mismos. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer las preferencias de los individuos sobre cómo quieren ser tratados ante un proceso de enfermedad terminal con dolor y qué factores inciden en dichas preferencias

    Evaluation of Clinical and Immunopathological Features of Different Infective Doses of Trypanosoma cruzi in Dogs during the Acute Phase

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    Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi is a major risk in Latin America, and dogs are believed to be good models for evaluating Chagas disease. Here, we evaluated the clinical and immunopathological alterations developed by mongrel dogs experimentally infected with different infective doses (2,000, 20,000, and 200,000 metacyclic trypomastigotes of Sylvio X10/4 strain kg−1 via intraperitoneal). Clinical and electrocardiographic parameters, as well as antibody production and pathologic lesions were evaluated. All three doses of this strain of T. cruzi induced a similar pattern of infection characterized by cardiac arrhythmias and severe and diffuse myocarditis. Specific anti-T. cruzi IgG indicated seroconversion by day 14 after infection, and IgG levels increased during the period of evaluation. Mortality was observed only in dogs infected with the medium or high parasite doses, but not in the group infected with a low dose of 2,000 parasites kg−1. Infection with a low dose of parasites provides an excellent nonlethal model to evaluate the immunopathology of the acute disease in dogs infected with the Sylvio X10/4 strain of T. cruzi

    Methane emissions from contrasting urban freshwaters: Rates, drivers, and a whole‐city footprint

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    Global urbanization trends impose major alterations on surface waters. This includes impacts on ecosystem functioning that can involve feedbacks on climate through changes in rates of greenhouse gas emissions. The combination of high nutrient supply and shallow depth typical of urban freshwaters is particularly conducive to high rates of methane (CH4) production and emission, suggesting a potentially important role in the global CH4 cycle. However, there is a lack of comprehensive flux data from diverse urban water bodies, of information on the underlying drivers, and of estimates for whole cities. Based on measurements over four seasons in a total of 32 water bodies in the city of Berlin, Germany, we calculate the total CH4 emission from various types of surface waters of a large city in temperate climate at 2.6 ± 1.7 Gg CH4/year. The average total emission was 219 ± 490 mg CH4 m−2 day−1. Water chemical variables were surprisingly poor predictors of total CH4 emissions, and proxies of productivity and oxygen conditions had low explanatory power as well, suggesting a complex combination of factors governing CH4 fluxes from urban surface waters. However, small water bodies (area <1 ha) typically located in urban green spaces were identified as emission hotspots. These results help constrain assessments of CH4 emissions from freshwaters in the world's growing cities, facilitating extrapolation of urban emissions to large areas, including at the global scale.DFG, 248198858, GRK 2032: Grenzzonen in urbanen Wassersysteme


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    Introduction: Knowledge about hypertension among nurses is a subject of great concern due to their important role in prevention, health education, control and follow-up of hypertensive patients. As hypertension is a prevalent health condition in western societies, the goal of this work is to assess the level of knowledge about high blood pressure in a sample of nursing students, as future professionals of this discipline. The results will help us to improve their formation and their lifestyle habits. Methods: Descriptive study. Variables were analysed using Chi-square tests, complemented with residual analysis.Los conocimientos que sobre la hipertensión arterial pueden tener las enfermeras en el desarrollo de su actividad profesional tienen una gran importancia, dada su responsabilidad en este campo, tanto en la prevención de los factores de riesgo, realizando educación sanitaria, como en el control de la presión arterial y en los cuidados, cuando se producen complicaciones. En este trabajo pretendemos profundizar en los conocimientos de los alumnos de enfermería, como futuros profesionales, en un tema tan frecuente en las sociedades desarrolladas como es la hipertensión arterial, para así poder mejorar su formación y sus hábitos de vida no siempre saludables. El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en los conocimientos que sobre la hipertensión arterial tienen los alumnos de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Murcia. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las variables y los análisis estadísticos correspondientes de X2 de Pearson, complementado con un análisis de residuos