597 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Jagung Untuk Produk Modular Dengan Teknik Pilin

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    The development of zero waste creative industry is a vital prerequisite for a healthy balance between industrial development, nature support capacity and community welfare within the area. There are only a few number of industries that consider to optimalized their raw materials towards zero waste goal. Corn husk is one of the industrial and residential waste that is under utilize although available in abundance. Production and consumption is a part of the whole living system therefore both should be parts of the industrial consideration in asssuring nature support capability. This posttest-only experimental research of corn husk is intended to optimally utilize corn husk as a raw material alternative in craft industry towards zero waste production. The highest tensile force and the brightest color is attained by soaking corn husk in CH3COOH chemical liquid and drying them for 3 hours from 9.00 AM to 12.00PM. The twisting technic has enhanced its tensile capability through its twisting density. The result of the material experimental research is used to create a product performance specification for designing a modular woven rack, produced by using a practical rod pegs connection

    Speech Act in Arafat Nur’s Novel Tanah Surga Merah

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    This study focuses on the speech act in the novel Tanah Surga Merah written by Arafat Nur. The researcher uses Searle’s speech act theory in John R. (1985). The speech act theory consists of declarations, representatives, expressive, directives and comissives. This study aimed to find out the kinds of speech act and to reveal the kinds of speech act expressed by the first character. This research is library research proposed by Khotari (2004). The design of the research is descriptive qualitative research. The aim of descriptive qualitative research is to clarify the nature of a phenomenon in a specified, static context while viewed from a specific, fixed perspective [8]. The data are the utterances in the novel. The source of the data is the novel Tanah Surga Merah written by Arafat Nur. The research findings show that, declaratives are used for 14.28%, representatives 21.42%, expressive 28.57%, directives 21.42% and commisives 14.28%. Based on the findings, the expressives are the dominant form of speech acts in the novel.   Keywords: declaration, representative, expressiveness, directives and comissives

    Identifikasi Gulma Resisten Herbisida Paraquat Pada Lahan Jagung Di Kecamatan Tigabinanga Kabupaten Karo

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    Paraquat is a herbicide commonly used for weed control in corn fields at Tigabinanga Subdistrict(TS), Karo District North Sumatera.The aim of this research was to identify paraquat resistant weedspecies (Echinochloa colonum and Eleusine indica) in corn fields at TS. This research consist of 3steps: seed collection, screening of paraquat resistant weed biotypes, and dose response test. Seed ofputative paraquat resistant biotypes were randomly collected from 28 corn fields in TS. Atscreening test, paraquat at the rate of 150 g a.i./ha was evaluated against weed populations to findresistant and susceptible biotypes. The experiment was performed in a randomized block designwith three replications. Dose response test was arranged in a randomized block design and fourreplications with eight levels of paraquat dose (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 g a.i./ha). Theresults showed that none of E. colonum TS population was resistant to paraquat whereas E. indicaTS populations were 2 population resistant, 4 population moderate resistant, and 21 populationsusceptible to paraquat. Resistant index of Benjire Village (ETB-14) and Perlamben Village (ETB-19) biotype were >5 and >9 times of susceptible population

    Studi Perencanaan Penanggulangan Banjir Kota Kuala Tungkal Kab. Tanjung Jabung Barat Propinsi Jambi

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    Floodis a natural phenomenon, flood problems caused byebb and flow ofthe oceanortidal wateris one of them. The location of a region that is in direct contact with these a willexperience it. It is see nin the area of Kuala Tungkal District of Tanjabbar. The solutions of fered to over come the flood tideis with the planning system by building in filtration pond sand drainage trunk city center.Judging from the tidesan drain fall, based on thereview of the literature regarding flooding, drain age system sand analysis of rain fall data, the results obtained in the form ofthe dimensions of the parent with extensive drainage channelhy draulic channel cross section72.457m2, 6mhigh, 12 m wide with an area field trunk 64.08km2 discharge planthat flows16.31m3/sec. Farm buildings planned form easuring the water levelof 1.3m, the channel widthof 40 manda length of 80m. The number off arm buildings that can be builtas many as36 pieces. Decreased water discharge that occurs in the Pengabuan riverresultis 3%

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Motivasi, dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Prestasi Kerja pada Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (Koni) Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of organizational culture on work performance, motivation influence on job performance, job satisfaction influence on work performance, and organizational culture influence, motivation, and job satisfaction simultaneously on work performance at employees of Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Yogyakarta.   Variables are Organizational Culture X1, Motivation X2, Job Satisfaction X3 and Job Performance Y.Populasi in this research is employees of Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Yogyakarta.Sampel sample is 42 employees, with sample technique used is census sampling. Methods of data collection using questionnaire method, data analysis using multiple regression.   Result of research with 5% or 0,05 significance level indicates that organizational culture has a significant positive effect on work performance (0,000 <0,05) Motifation has no significant effect on employee performance which is indicated by significance value (0,344> 0,05) and job satisfaction have a significant effect on work performance (0.000 <0,05). Simultaneously variable of organizational culture, motivation, and job satisfaction have an effect on signifikan to work performance of Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Yogyakarta

    Analisis Finansial Perkebunan Gambir Rakyatdi Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis tingkat kelayakan finansial perkebunan gambir rakyat di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Metode penentuan daerah penelitian ditentukan secara purposive (sengaja). Metode penentuan dan penarikan sampel ditentukan secara accidental sampling (metode penelusuran). Besar sampel penelitian sebanyak 65 sampel Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data digunakan analisis NPV, Net B/C, dan IRR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan : USAhatani gambir di daerah penelitian memiliki rata-rata biaya produksi USAhatani gambir per hektar selama 1 tahun adalah Rp 17.388.304, yang terbesar adalah biaya tenaga kerja yaitu sebesar Rp 15.341.797, yang kedua ialah biaya penyusutan sebesar Rp 1.443.485, dan yang terakhir adalah biaya sarana produksi yaitu sebesar Rp 602.662. Secara finansial, USAhatani gambir di daerah penelitian layak untuk diusahakan dan dikembangkan, dengan nilai :NPV Rp 283.616, Net B/C sebesar 3,40 dan IRR sebesar 13,25%. Rata-rata pendapatan bersih USAhatani gambir per petani adalah sebesar Rp 7.498.882 dan rata-rata pendapatan bersih USAhatani per hektar adalah sebesar Rp 4.971.735. Pada simulasi penurunan harga sebesar 2,5% dan 5% dengan tingkat suku bunga sebesar 15,5 % dan 18 %, nilai NPV yang didapat seluruhnya negative yang berarti USAhatani tersebut tidak lagi memberikan keuntungan atau tidak layak
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