440 research outputs found

    Classification of the Structural Behavior of Tall Buildings with a Diagrid Structure: A Machine Learning-Based Approach

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    We study the relationship between the architectural form of tall buildings and their structural response to a conventional seismic load. A series of models are generated by varying the top and bottom plan geometries of the buildings, and a steel diagrid structure is mapped onto their skin. A supervised machine learning approach is then adopted to learn the features of the aforementioned relationship. Six different classifiers, namely k-nearest neighbour, support vector machine, decision tree, ensemble method, discriminant analysis, and naive Bayes, are adopted to this aim, targeting the structural response as the building drift, i.e., the lateral displacement at its top under the considered external excitation. By focusing on the classification of the structural response, it is shown that some classifiers, like, e.g., decision tree, k-nearest neighbour and the ensemble method, can learn well the structural behavior, and can therefore help design teams to select more efficient structural solutions

    Optimal decay estimates for the general solution to a class of semi-linear dissipative hyperbolic equations,

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    We consider a class of semi-linear dissipative hyperbolic equations in which the operator associated to the linear part has a nontrivial kernel. Under appropriate assumptions on the nonlinear term, we prove that all solutions decay to 0, as t → +∞, at least as fast as a suitable negative power of t. Moreover, we prove that this decay rate is optimal in the sense that there exists a nonempty open set of initial data for which the corresponding solutions decay exactly as that negative power of t. Our results are stated and proved in an abstract Hilbert space setting, and then applied to partial differential equations

    A finite element flux-corrected transport method for wave propagation in heterogeneous solids

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    When moving discontinuities in solids need to be simulated, standard finite element (FE) procedures usually attain low accuracy because of spurious oscillations appearing behind the discontinuity fronts. To assure an accurate tracking of traveling stress waves in heterogeneous media, we propose here a flux-corrected transport (FCT) technique for structured as well as unstructured space discretizations. The FCT technique consists of post-processing the FE velocity field via diffusive/antidiffusive fluxes, which rely upon an algorithmic length-scale parameter. To study the behavior of heterogeneous bodies featuring compliant interphases of any shape, a general scheme for computing diffusive/antidiffusive fluxes close to phase boundaries is proposed too. The performance of the new FE-FCT method is assessed through one-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations of dilatational stress waves propagating along homogeneous and composite rods

    A top-down, three-scale numerical analysis of wafer-to-wafer metallic bonding

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    To study the sensitivity to micro-scale imperfections of the strength of a metallic, wafer-to-wafer MEMS bonding, we propose a three-scale numerical (finite element) approach. At the wafer level (macro-scale), accounting for the whole metallic sealing through nonlinear springs connecting the two silicon wafers modelled as thin plates, we link the force transferred by each single MEMS die to the external pressure applied to the wafers. This force is next used as an index for the input pressure at the die level (meso-scale), where the geometry of the metallic rings is accurately described: the local stress field at the interface between the upper and lower metallic rings is so obtained. Finally, a local (micro-scale) model is used to link the aforementioned local stress field in each die to the bonding strength: representative volumes of the rings getting into contact, accounting in a statistically way for the relevant surface roughness (which is on the order or tens of nanometers at most), are adopted to obtain the relationship between the external pressure and the percentage of sealed area. This information is exploited to assess the properties of the rings, in terms of expected bonding strength

    An Experimental and Numerical Study on Glass Frit Wafer-to-Wafer Bonding

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    A thermo-mechanical wafer-to-wafer bonding process is studied through experiments on the glass frit material and thermo-mechanical numerical simulations to evaluate the effect of the residual stresses on the wafer warpage. To experimentally characterize the material, confocal laser profilometry and scanning electron microscopy for surface observation, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for microstructural investigation, and nanoindentation and die shear tests for the evaluation of mechanical properties are used. An average effective Young’s modulus of 86.5 ± 9.5 GPa, a Poisson’s ratio of 0.19 ± 0.02, and a hardness of 5.26 ± 0.8 GPa were measured through nanoindentation for the glass frit material. The lowest nominal shear strength ranged 1.13 ÷ 1.58 MPa in the strain rate interval to 0.33 ÷ 4.99 × 10 (Formula presented.) s (Formula presented.). To validate the thermo-mechanical model, numerical results are compared with experimental measurements of the out-of-plane displacements at the wafer surface (i.e., warpage), showing acceptable agreement

    Towards Safer Helmets: Characterisation, Modelling and Monitoring

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    Bike and ski helmets are mainly made up of two layers: the external shell and the foam liner. The foam liner, typically made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) or polypropylene (EPP), is asked to provide energy absorption in case of impacts. Standard helmet design requires the foam to maximize this energy absorption, thus achieving large deformations (up to 25% in compression) while maintaining the stress level below a threshold value. To optimize the helmet construction in terms of foam composition, structure and density, reliable numerical models are required, which in turn need to be fed with accurate experimental data. A characterisation of several foams was performed, including EPS and EPP having varying densities, under tensile and compressive stress states at varying strain rates. Typical mechanical parameters (elastic moduli and plateau stress in compression, Poisson's ratio) were compared with literature data and applicability of existing models to experimental results was discussed. A marked strain rate dependence – very important for impact applications – was accurately described using the Nagy phenomenological model. The foam microstructure was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess structural changes before and after compression. The aforementioned mechanical features were then adopted in a rate-dependent constitutive law for crushable foams, to model the shock attenuation properties of helmets and validate the approach against available data. Finally, a microelectromechanical system based in-helmet wireless micro monitoring system was developed and inserted in a helmet prototype. The system is capable of acquiring impact load spectra, providing valuable information to investigate generic impacts with varying angles and energy. In particular, it can monitor the effect of repeated micro-impacts on the residual energy absorption characteristics of the foam

    Potencial de economia de energia em iluminação através da utilização de fibras ópticas

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    The effective integration of the artificial lighting system and daylight occurs only when the artificial lighting system can be switched on or off as a function of daylighting levels reaching the working surface of spaces.This article presents a methodology to assess the potential for energy savings on lighting due to the effective integration of daylight with artificial lighting in buildings. This research work considers the use of fibre optics, as a means of transporting daylight to the rear side of rooms where the supply of daylight is low. Such an approach may contribute to the reduction in the energy consumed by lighting and, at the same time, in the environmental pollution associated with buildings. The potential for energy savings on lighting by using fibre optics was found to range from 19.8% to 79.4% for seven cities in Brazil and from 56.0% to 89.2%for one city in the UK. In the study carried out in the UK, there was also a reduction in carbon dioxide emission of 122 kg per square metre of built area per year if there were integration of artificial lighting with daylight supplied by windows. Such a reduction would be 138 kg/m2 per year if fibre optics were considered in the integration.A integração efetiva da luz natural com o sistema de iluminação artificial ocorre apenas quando este pode ser ligado ou desligado em função dos níveis de iluminação natural que atingem a superfície de trabalho dos ambientes. Esse trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para avaliar o potencial de economia de energia em iluminação devido à integração efetiva de iluminação natural e artificial em edificações. Considera-se o uso de fibras ópticas como um meio de transportar luz natural para o fundo dos ambientes, onde o suprimento de luz natural é baixo. Esta abordagem pode contribuir para a redução do consumo de energia em iluminação e da poluição ambiental associada ao consumo de energia em edificações. O potencial de economia de energia em iluminação utilizando fibras ópticas variou de 19,8% a 79,4% para as sete cidades no Brasil e de 56,0% a 89,2% para a cidade no Reino Unido. No estudo realizado no Reino Unido, mostrou-se também que poderia ocorrer uma redução na emissão de dióxido de carbono de 122 kg por metro quadrado de área construída por ano caso houvesse integração da iluminação artificial com a natural suprida pelas janelas. Essa redução seria de 138 kg/m2 por ano caso fibras ópticas fossem consideradas na integração

    On-Chip Tests for the Characterization of the Mechanical Strength of Polysilicon †

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    Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are nowadays widespread in the sensor market, with several different applications. New production techniques and ever smaller device geometries require a continuous investigation of potential failure mechanisms in such devices. This work presents an experimental on-chip setup to assess the geometry- and material-dependent strength of stoppers adopted to limit the deformation of movable parts, using an electrostatically actuated device. A series of comb-finger and parallel plate capacitors are used to provide a rather large stroke to a shuttle, connected to the anchors through flexible springs. Upon application of a varying voltage, failure of stoppers of variable size is observed and confirmed by post-mortem DC–V curves. The results of the experimental campaign are collected to infer the stochastic property of the strength of polycrystalline, columnar silicon films