816 research outputs found

    A Neutrino-Factory Muon Storage Ring to Provide Beams for Multiple Detectors Around the World

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    We briefly discuss the physics motivation for a neutrino factory with varying baseline distances of about 1000 to 9000 km. We describe the amount of non planarity of the storage ring required to service three or four detectors at once. A novel bowtie storage ring is described that could in part provide these beams; a preliminary lattice design is given. We give the space angles between the various detector locations and possible sites for neutrino factories. Finally we describe detectors at the Gran Sasso Laboratory and at a new laboratory near Carlsbad, NM to observe the neutrino interactions with wrong sign leptons.Comment: 8 pages. Presented at the 5th Int. Conf. sponsored by UCLA on the Physics Potential and Develoment of mu^+mu^- Colliders (San Francisco, December 15-17, 1999) and to be published in the Proceedings by AI

    A C++ particle data table interface

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    Implications of SAR ambiguities in estimating the motion of slow targets

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2263096This paper examines the implications pertaining to the problem of attempting to invert synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurement data to yield unique estimates of the underlying motion of slow targets in the imaged scene. A recent analysis has demonstrated that ambiguities exist in estimating the kinematics parameters of surface targets for general bistatic SAR collection data. In particular, a procedure has been developed which generates alternate target trajectories which give the same SAR measurements as that of the true target motion. The current paper extends the earlier analysis by generating specific numeric examples of alternate target trajectories corresponding to the motion of a given slowly moving target. This slow-target case reveals the counter-intuitive result that a single SAR collection data set can be generated by target trajectories with significantly different, and possibly opposing, heading directions. For example, the true motion of a given target can be moving towards the mean radar position during the SAR collection interval, whereas a valid alternate trajectory can correspond to a target that is moving away from the radar. The present analysis demonstrates the extent of the challenges associated with attempting to estimate of the underlying motion of targets using SAR measurement data.AFRL for partial sponsorshi

    A Pulsed Synchrotron for Muon Acceleration at a Neutrino Factory

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    A 4600 Hz pulsed synchrotron is considered as a means of accelerating cool muons with superconducting RF cavities from 4 to 20 GeV/c for a neutrino factory. Eddy current losses are held to less than a megawatt by the low machine duty cycle plus 100 micron thick grain oriented silicon steel laminations and 250 micron diameter copper wires. Combined function magnets with 20 T/m gradients alternating within single magnets form the lattice. Muon survival is 83%.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figures, LaTeX, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams (NuFact 03), 5-11 Jun 2003, New Yor

    Hybrid Fast-Ramping Accelerator to 750 GeV/c: Refinement and Parameters over Full Energy Range

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    Starting with the lattice design specified in [Garren and Berg, MAP-doc-4307, 2011], we refine parameters to get precise dispersion suppression in the straight sections and eliminate beta beating in the arcs. We then compute ramped magnet fields over the entire momentum range of 375 GeV/c to 750 GeV/c, and fit them to a polynomial in the momentum. We compute the time of flight and frequency slip factor over the entire momentum range, and discuss the consequences for longitudinal dynamics

    .8 TeV Tevatron Upgrade Lattices

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    Abstract The prcsc-nt l~crmilab Upgrade program calls for a future higher rnetgy (> 1.5 TeV) superconducting accelerator to reside in the existing Trvatron tunnel [I]. Tl lrer possihlr lattice designs for this arcrlrrator arc prrscnted hew. The first involves longer straight sections which prrmit the extraction of 1 .X TeV beams to the fixed target cxperimrntal areas or to cxt.ernal aborts. The second option uses stronger focusing quadrupoles to reduce the beam size throughout thr accelerator. In this scheme, a large number of quadrupole circuits provide thr necessary mat,ching of the dispersion function across the long straight sert.ions. The third option uses longer standard cells in the arcs, the cell length strategically chosen so as to minimize thr dispersion wave generated by the medium-and min-straight sections located in the arcs. The bran, size is not a.s small as in the second option, though it is bvtter behaved than in the present Tevatron lattice, plus it is belirvrd that separator and low-beta schemes may he more ra.sily irnplemcnt.rd using this lattice design

    READ @your library David A. Garren (bookmark)

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    A project of the Dudley Knox Library at the Naval Postgraduate School