27 research outputs found

    Aggregation in a mixture of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and polyoxyethylene 600 monolaurate solutions

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    Micellization in the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-polyoxyethylene 600 monolaurate (PL)-chloroform system is studied with dielcometric titration, NMR self-diffusion (2D DOSY), 13C NMR spectroscopy, and light scattering methods. The formation of mixed aggregates of surfactants is established. It is shown that CTAB and PL polar moieties interact in the inverse micelle core in the vicinity of PL carbonyl group. © Pleiadas Publishing, Inc., 2006

    Novel self-assembling systems based on amphiphilic phosphonium salt and polyethylene glycol. Kinetic arguments for synergetic aggregation behavior

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    Structural behavior and catalytic activity toward basic hydrolysis of O-alkyl-O-p-nitrophenyl chloromethyl phosphonates (alkyl=ethyl (S1) and hexyl (S2)) of mixed cetyl triphenyl phosphonium bromide (TPPB)-polyethylene glycol (PEG) systems are studied. The interdependence of aggregates and substrates is revealed from symbate changes in their self-diffusion coefficients determined by NMR FT-PGSE method. Much lower zeta-potentials of mixed systems as compared to single TPPB micelles are found, although the counterion binding of aggregates decreases with the addition of PEG. A 1.5-2-fold increase in the reactivity of phosphonates is shown to occur in mixed TPPB-PEG systems versus single surfactant micelles. In addition, a polymer induced shift of the onset of the rate acceleration toward the lower concentrations is observed. These findings provide strong evidences for synergetic solution behavior in the TPPB-PEG systems. The quantitative treatment of kinetic data in terms of pseudophase model sheds light on the factors of catalytic action. In the case of hydrolysis of S1, the more favorable microenvironment is responsible for the higher catalytic effect of mixed systems as compared to single TPPB micelles, while the factor of concentration decreases. The opposite trend is observed for hydrolysis of phosphonate S2, for which an increase in the micellar rate effect with the PEG addition is mainly contributed by the growth of the factor of concentration. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Исследование целеполагания современных студентов

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    The article presents a study of the goal setting by modern students. The authors analyze the role of goal setting in educational and future professional activities. The authors consider goal setting in the structure of valueoriented activity. They reveal the correlation of prosocial and egoistic values of students. The article provides a brief overview of modern approaches to goal setting. The authors consider various aspects of goal setting related to future professional activities, family life planning and the formation of material prosperity. The practical part of the study includes an analysis of goal setting based on a survey of 479 respondents (172 male, 307 female). The respondents were senior students of Novosibirsk universities. The researchers asked the respondents to formulate their life goals for one year, for five years, and for life. The results of this study are diverse. On the one hand, it reveals disturbing trends (a low level of prosocial motives expressed in the goal setting by students, as well as a small percentage of students who associate their future with research activities). Consumer motivation is expressed in student’s goal setting much more strongly than prosocial motivation. On the other hand, the results of the study allow us to speak about the preservation of the importance of family values in the views of modern students. There is a desire to acquire housing in the property, which indicates a tendency to settle down. This contradicts the ideas about the prospect of increasing the mobility of labor resources in Russia. It is also significant that only less than a third of young men and less than a third of girls expressed their intention to start their own business, which indirectly indicates the relatively modest prospects for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. Finally, the study showed a low level of emigrant sentiment among the surveyed students. The authors consider it expedient to organize such studies everywhere on an ongoing basis.Введение. В статье представлено исследование целеполагания современных студентов. Анализируется роль целеполагания в образовательной и будущей профессиональной деятельности. Постановка задачи. Целеполагание рассматривается в структуре ценностно-ориентационной деятельности. Выявляется соотношение просоциальных и эгоистических ценностей обучающихся. Дан краткий обзор современных подходов к целеполаганию. Методология и методика исследования. В статье рассматриваются различные аспекты целеполагания, связанные с будущей профессиональной деятельностью, планированием семейной жизни и формированием материального достатка. Результаты. Практическая часть исследования включает в себя анализ целеполагания на материале опроса 479 респондентов (172 мужского пола, 307 женского пола). Выборку составили студенты старших курсов университетов г. Новосибирска. Респондентам предлагалось сформулировать свои жизненные цели на один год, на пять лет и на всю жизнь. Результаты исследования носят разноплановый характер. С одной стороны, в нем выявляются тревожные тенденции (низкий уровень просоциальных мотивов, выраженных в целеполагании студентов, а также незначительный процент студентов, связывающих свое будущее с научно-исследовательской деятельностью). Потребительская мотивация выражена в целеполагании студентов гораздо сильнее, чем просоциальная. С другой стороны, результаты исследования позволяют говорить о сохранении значимости семейных ценностей в представлениях современных студентов. Выводы. Отмечается стремление к приобретению жилья в собственность, что свидетельствует о тенденции к оседлому проживанию. Это противоречит представлениям о перспективе повышения мобильности трудовых ресурсов в России. Показательно также, что лишь менее трети юношей и менее трети девушек высказали намерение открыть собственное дело, что косвенно указывает на относительно скромные перспективы развития малого и среднего бизнеса в России. Наконец, исследование показало невысокий уровень эмигрантских настроений среди опрошенных студентов. Представляется целесообразной повсеместная организация подобных исследований на постоянной основе

    Социальные лифты и их восприятие обучающимися

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    Introduction. Society is a hierarchical system in which active elements, that is, individuals, are interested in acquiring a higher position. This is especially true for young people who are just determining their life prospects. Social institutions that allow you to move to a higher social position are commonly referred to as «social elevators». The theoretical basis of this study is the doctrine of systemic inversions. System inversion is a form of relations in hierarchical systems, in which some lower element acquires a dominant value in this system, but does not leave its initially subordinate position. Inversion in a hierarchical system occurs due to the fact that several organizational principles operate simultaneously in such a system, each of which determines the hierarchical position of subordinate elements. Systemic inversion occurs when the action of one organizational principle contradicts the action of another such principle (or several ones). The action of one or another social elevator makes it possible for the subject to change his social status in relation to any organizational principle in the social hierarchy. Thus, the action of the social elevator can both create inversions in the social system and contribute to their resolution.Purpose setting. In this study, the university students' ideas about the future use of social elevators were studied. The study was of a pilot nature.Methodology and methods of the study. The study used a specially designed questionnaire. A total of 290 respondents (undergraduate students of various fields of study) were interviewed.Results. Data were obtained on which social elevators students consider to be the most important for themselves. The most significant are such social elevators as business, professional career in employment, marriage, as well as creative self-realization. Further education, as a social elevator, is reliably more often mentioned by girls than boys.Conclusions. The study of the social elevators preferred by students should be continued in the future; this information is necessary for the formation of educational and social policy.Введение. Общество является иерархической системой, в которой активные элементы, то есть отдельные люди, заинтересованы занять более высокую позицию. В особенности это касается молодежи, еще только определяющей свои жизненные перспективы. Общественные институты, которые позволяют перемещаться на более высокую социальную позицию, принято обозначать как «социальные лифты». Теоретической базой исследования является учение о системных инверсиях. Системная инверсия представляет собой форму отношений в иерархических системах, при которой некоторый низший элемент приобретает в этой системе главенствующее значение, но не покидает при этом своей исходно подчиненной позиции. Инверсия в иерархической системе возникает вследствие того, что в такой системе действует одновременно несколько организационных принципов, каждый из которых определяет иерархическую позицию соподчиненных элементов. Системная инверсия возникает тогда, когда действие одного организационного принципа противоречит действию другого такого принципа (или нескольких). Действие того или иного «социального лифта» дает возможность субъекту менять свой социальный статус применительно к какому‑либо организационному принципу в социальной иерархии. Таким образом, действие социального лифта может как создавать инверсии в социальной системе, так и способствовать их разрешению.Постановка задачи. В настоящем исследовании изучались представления студентов вузов о грядущем использовании социальных лифтов. Исследование носило пилотный характер.Методика и методология исследования. В ходе исследования использовалась специально разработанная анкета, опрошено в общей сложности 290 респондентов (студентов бакалавриата разных направлений подготовки).Результаты. Получены данные о том, какие именно социальные лифты студенты считают для себя важными. Наиболее значимы такие социальные лифты, как бизнес, профессиональная карьера при работе по найму, брак, а также творческая самореализация. Дальнейшее образование как социальный лифт достоверно чаще упоминают девушки, чем юноши.Выводы. Исследование предпочитаемых студентами социальных лифтов следует продолжать; эта информация необходима для формирования образовательной и социальной политики

    Self-assembling systems based on amphiphilic alkyltriphenylphosphonium bromides: Elucidation of the role of head group

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    A systematic study of the aggregation behavior of alkyltriphenylphosphonium bromides (TPPB-n; n=8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18; here n is the number of carbon atoms in alkyl groups) in aqueous solutions has been carried out and compared with trimethyl ammonium bromides (TMAB-n). Critical micelle concentrations (cmcs) of TPPB-n and TMAB-n decrease with the number of carbon atoms with the slope parameter of ca.0.3. The low cmcs and effective solubilization power toward Orange OT indicate high micellization capacity of phosphonium surfactants. The low counterion binding parameter β is revealed for TPPB-10 and TPPB-12, while high counterion binding of ≥80% is observed for high TPPB-n homologs. Values of the surface potential ψ calculated on the basis of pK a shifts of p-nitrophenols is similar for both series and monotonously increase with alkyl chain length. Several points indicate non-monotonic changes within TPPB-n series. There are peculiarities of the tensiometry and solubilization plots for high homologs and above mentioned increases in counterion binding on transiting from low to high molecular weight surfactants. Differences in aggregation behavior between TPPB and TMAB series and between low and high homologs can be due to the specific structural character of the TPP + cation, which is supported by X-ray data. © 2011 Elsevier Inc

    Goal-Setting of Modern Students: Inverse Analysis

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    The article presents the results of a study of the goal-setting of undergraduate students enrolled in the areas of training “Personnel management”, “State and municipal management”, “Psychology”, and “Construction”. The study jointly analyzed the goals stated by students for 1 year, 5 years and more than 5 years (that is, for the rest of their lives). The theoretical basis of the study was the analysis of inverse relations in hierarchical systems. It is assumed that the value preferences, goals and motives form hierarchical systems in which the lower, subordinate elements under certain circumstances are able to claim the dominant value (this is the phenomenon of inversion). The development of inversions in these hierarchies can lead to the escalation of social contradictions. The study identified gender-specific goal-setting; Fisher transformation was used to identify the significance of gender differences. In particular, it was found that female respondents are significantly more likely to point to goals related to building a family, giving birth to children, purchasing real estate, getting favorite work; male respondents pay more attention to high earnings. Particular importance was attached to the identification of inversions in the motivational hierarchy, the relationship between narrow and broad social motives. In particular, it was found that narrow social motives related to personal and / or family well-being strongly prevail in the goal-setting of students over broad social motives, as well as over cognitive and research motives. In this case, there is an inversion, as a result of which prosocial motives are inferior to selfish motives, and this inspires some anxiety. At the same time, we observe an evident desire of the vast majority of students to arrange their own family life, despite the crisis of family values identified by many researchers. The motivation to maintain family ties with the older generation is also important. All this can be viewed as a manifestation of prosocial tendencies


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    Higher education in Russia is going through a crisis. This crisis is connected with the lack of ideology in the sphere of education. As a result, the purpose and meaning of education are undergoing inversion. They are not directed at the development of society and its institutions, but at the satisfaction of the needs of discrete education institutions, and also at rendering private educational services. As a result, the society wastes huge resources assigned for education, but the education activities does not reach the effect. This situation requires urgent measures from the state

    Scientific communication and translation problems with synonyms, antonyms, homonyms in construction sphere

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The relevance of the studied problem is due to the activation of the processes of integration and globalization of business, scientific and educational relations, as well as the expansion of international cooperation, accompanied by an increase in the volume of communications in various professional fields. Scientific communication, both oral and written, has become an integral part of higher education and scientific activity. Analyzing and processing up-to-date international educational and scientific information to build new scientific ideas using the skills and abilities of correct translation has actualized the need for research. The study discusses the problems of translating construction terminology from English into Russian. The goal of the article is to analyze various ways of translating synonyms, antonyms, homonyms in construction. We used methods of analysis, processing, generalization and systematization of scientific works to get a broader view of the problem and consider it from different angles. Ways to overcome the problems discussed were proposed. The article may be of interest to teachers of English and students of non-linguistic universities

    Aggregation in a mixture of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and polyoxyethylene 600 monolaurate solutions

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    Micellization in the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-polyoxyethylene 600 monolaurate (PL)-chloroform system is studied with dielcometric titration, NMR self-diffusion (2D DOSY), 13C NMR spectroscopy, and light scattering methods. The formation of mixed aggregates of surfactants is established. It is shown that CTAB and PL polar moieties interact in the inverse micelle core in the vicinity of PL carbonyl group. © Pleiadas Publishing, Inc., 2006

    The role of composition and structure of vanadium-doped nanosized titanium(iv) oxides (anatase and η-phase) in the realization of photocatalytic, adsorption and bactericidal properties

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    Samples containing vanadium-doped nanosized titanium(iv) oxides with anatase and η-phase structures were prepared by a modified sulfate process, and samples with vanadium-doped η-phase were prepared for the first time. The bulk and the surface of the samples were characterized by a lot of methods, including X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS/XANES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photocatalytic activity (PCA) of the samples was studied in the reaction of photodegradation of the cationic dye rhodamine 6G (in the visible region) and the systemic triazole fungicide difenoconazole (in the UV and visible regions). The PCA was found to be influenced by the phase composition of the samples, the composition of their surface, and nanosized titanium(iv) oxide modifications. Vanadium-doped samples with η-phase containing different ions (Ti3+, Ti4+, V4+, and V5+) and reactive OH groups on the nanoparticle surface exhibited the highest PCA. The samples were shown to have a higher adsorption capacity (AC) for the extraction of As(v) (the highest AC in the presence of vanadium-doped anatase and η-phase) and P(v) (the highest AC in the presence of undoped anatase and η-phase) anions from aqueous systems. The adsorption capacity correlates with the amount of reactive OH groups on the nanoparticle surface and does not depend on the modification of the adsorbent. Only vanadium-doped anatase containing the largest fraction of an amorphous component and the largest amount of SO4 2- groups on its nanoparticle surface exhibits antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Bacillus anthracoides. Vanadium doped anatase and η-phase can be used to purify aquatic environments of harmful organic pollutants and a wide range of anions. © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique