17 research outputs found

    Development potential of rural tourism (the case of "Tešnjarske vešeri" festival)

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    Rural tourism is a very broad concept which includes not only holidays in the countryside a range of other tourist activities in rural areas, such as traditional festivals. Tourist festivals are devoted to different local products which are famous in rural parts of Serbia. Some of the most popular Serbian festivals are the Grape Festivals in Sremski Karlovci, Erdevik, Banoštor, Irig, Erdevik, Vršac, Župa, Palić, Aleksandrovac, Hajdukovo, Smederevo, Topola; Plum Days in Osečina and Koštunići; Cabbage Days in Futog, Barbeque in Leskovac; BaconDdays in Kačarevo; Ham Days in Mačkat; Golden Pot of Danube in Petrovaradin, Apatin; Mushroom Days in Fruška gora, Valjevo and Divčibare, Medical Herbs Days in Soko Banja; Bee Days in Zaječar. This paper deals with the development potential of rural areas associated with these festivals by analyzing the case of “Tešnjarske večeri”. This festival provides a diverse cultural and ethnographic entertaining program, combining visual and performing arts, and celebrates the vibrant life of the local community

    Lipid composition of liver in rats fed diets supplemented with egg yolks of modified composition

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of diets supplemented with egg yolks of modified composition on the fatty-acid composition and lipid content in rat’s liver. During four weeks of the experiment 64 Wistar rats were divided into four groups of 16 individuals each (eight individuals of both sexes) and fed a commercial feed mixture for rats (group C) or diet containing 70% commercial mixture for rats and 30% freshly cooked egg yolks from laying hens fed diets with 3% fish oil (group F), 3% palm olein (group P) or 3% lard (group L). Dietary supplementation with egg yolks significantly increased the hepatic cholesterol pool in rats, regardless of the type of fat in the diet of laying hens from which the eggs originated. The content of α-linolenic acid in the liver of male rats in group P was 4-6 times higher compared to males in the other groups. Liver lipids and their fatty-acid composition differ by both, sex and dietary modified egg yolk composition in rats

    The state of agriculture and rural development in Serbia

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    Serbia is a big chance of Europe for all its natural and resource predispositions. Primarily when it comes to soil quality, climatic conditions, and location. The entire economy of Serbia fell into a stagnation position, after all the turbulent events that hit the region in the late 1990s, and even Serbia itself. The developmental chance of Serbia is certainly primarily agriculture and rural development. With these values, Serbia will become a strong competitor to many countries in the region and Europe. The authors of the paper, using the statistical documentation, pointed to the current state of rural development and agricultural development in the country. The preconditions for a more dynamic restructuring of Serbian agriculture and rural development: active role of the state, as well as high private sector initiatives. However, the following aspects for the development of rural Serbia are of key importance: improving the quality of life of the rural population, a more equal share in the distribution of income and economic opportunities, and their more just social position. Balanced and socially sustainable development of rural areas requires synergy and good coordination of all policies that are in contact with rural areas and their resources. The particular responsibility lies in the agricultural policy, which, through the regulation of structural changes in the sector, should ensure the stability of agricultural production, food industry and forestry as the leading rural economy sectors, thus contributing to the economic development of rural areas and reducing the gap in relation to urban centers


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    U suvremenoj praksi peradarske proizvodnje pod pojmom sanitarni tretman rasplodnih jaja podrazumijeva se samo profilaktička dezinfekcija rasplodnih jaja koja prethodno moraju biti odabrana i tretirana po jasno utvrđenom redoslijedu tehnoloških tretmana. Širom svijeta se provode brojna istraživanja u cilju pronalaženja novih, alternativnih sredstava koja će, uz zadržavanje neospornih pozitivnih učinaka primjene formalina i formaldehida, biti bez navedenih negativnih svojstava i čija eventualna upotreba u sanitarnom tretmanu rasplodnih jaja neće biti štetna po zdravlje ljudi. Sanitarni tretman rasplodnih jaja u našim istraživanjima realiziran je na tri način: parama formaldehida, ultravioletnim zrakama i primjenom kombinacije ultravioletnih zraka s negativnim ionima. Najbolji rezultati valenja - 79,73% - utvrđeni su kod kombiniranog sanitarnog tretmana, slijedi prosječna valivost od 74,14% iz rasplodnih jaja tretiranih ultravioletnim zracima, a najniža - 70,52% - nakon fumigacije parama formaldehida. Posebno raduje činjenica da je kombinirana primjena ultravioletnih zraka i negativnih iona kao moguća zamjena za fumigaciju jaja parama formaldehida pokazala proizvodnu opravdanost i značajno manji rizik primjene po zdravlje ljudi te neosporne tehnološke prednosti.Sanitary treatment of the hatching eggs in the modern poultry production facilities has the meaning of the prophylactic disinfection of the eggs previously selected and treated according to the clearly established sequence of the technological treatments. Numerous researches are conducted worldwide aiming to discover new, alternative means, that would maintain indisputable positive effects of formalin and formaldehyde but which would be free of the above-mentioned negative characteristics and the use of which would not be detrimental to the humans’ health. In our research, three different sanitary treatments were used: the formaldehyde steam, the ultraviolet rays and the combination of the ultraviolet rays with the negative ions. The best hatching rate of 79,73%, was recorded in the combined treatment, average rate of 74,14% after the application of the U.V. rays and the worst rate of 70,52% after the formaldehyde fumigation. Combined treatment of the hatching eggs with the ultraviolet rays and the negative ions has the most favorable expenditure structure for the price forming for the hatching eggs and one-day broiler chicken. Especially encouraging is that the combined use of the ultraviolet rays and negative ions as a possible substitution for formaldehyde fumigation proved to be economically and otherwise justified. The most important aspect is the significant risk decrease for humans’ health and indisputable hygienic and technological advantages

    Simultaneous detection of factor V Leiden and factor II G20210A variants by a multiplex PCR on whole blood

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    Diagnosis of factor V G1691A (factor V Leiden) and of factor II G20210A mutations is important for patients with thrombophilia or thrombophilic conditions. A variety of methods based on polymerase chain reaction amplification of the corresponding gene fragments have been described to detect these mutations. We have developed a method based on polymerase chain reaction for simultaneous detection of factor V Leiden and factor II G20210A from whole blood, without modification of the primers previously described for separate detection of these mutations. This method is equally informative, more rapid and less expensive, than individual detection of these mutations

    Functional role of different habitat types at local and landscape scales for aphids and their natural enemies

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    The functional roles of different habitats may depend on the combined effect of local habitat management and the structure and composition of the surrounding landscape. However, this interaction is not well understood due to the common practice of pooling many different habitat types in one simple landscape metric (e.g., percentage crop area). In this study, we investigate the interactive effects of local and landscape factors on the abundance and species richness of aphids and their natural enemies, as well as primary parasitism and hyperparasitism rates. We selected 41 fields in Central Serbia with three disturbance levels at the local scale (wheat fields, alfalfa fields, and fallows) embedded in 15 landscapes that varied in percentage of annual crops, grasslands, and shrublands. We found ecosystem disservices to be promoted in wheat fields, where both aphid abundances and hyperparasitism rates were approximately threefold higher than in alfalfa fields and fallows. Concurrently, alfalfa fields supported at least twofold higher primary parasitism rates and predator (coccinellid) abundances than either wheat fields or fallows. The proportion of grasslands in the surrounding landscape had no effect on any organism group while shrublands appear to be important for both polyphagus predators and pests in some crops, a pattern not revealed when all semi-natural habitats in the landscape are pooled together. Our results imply that the roles of different habitat types at both local and landscape scales should be considered in a multifunctional agricultural management approach, which if adopted may provide better ecosystem services for multiple agroecosystem types

    Brain lipids in rats fed a diet supplemented with hen eggs of modified lipid content

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    The aim of this study was to research the impact of a diet supplemented with egg yolks of modified content, having in mind the type of fat added to the laying hens diet, on the brain lipids and their fatty acid composition in rats. During four weeks of the experiment, 64 Wistar rats, divided into four groups of 16 animals each (eight animals of both sexes), were fed the commercial rat feed (group C), or the feed that contained 70% of the commercial rat feed and 30% of freshly boiled yolks from the eggs originating from laying hens fed with 3% fish oil (group F), 3% palm olein (group P) or 3% lard (group L). Concentration and content of total lipids and total cholesterol, as well as the fatty-acid composition of the total brain lipids were determined in the lipid extracts of the rats brains. Under unfavourable conditions, which in our case could be high dietary intake of the total fat due to egg yolk addition, the amount of total fat in the brain tissue or the mass of the organ itself can be changed. Applied dietary treatments could also influence the level of de novo synthesis of total cholesterol in the rat brain. High dietary fat intake, as well as the fat quality regarding its fatty acid composition, appear to be able to significantly influence the fatty acid profile of the total brain lipids in adult rats, whereas the level and quality of the changes also depend on sex


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka komercijalnog (Probios®) i pokusnog (kultura L. acidophilus izolirana iz acidofilnog mlijeka, inaktivirani pekarski kvasac, vitamin C i laktoza) probiotičkog preparata putem vode za piće na relevantne proizvodne parametre kod brojlerskih pilića u tovu. Ukupno 105 jednodnevnih pilića provenijencije Cobb 500 podijeljeno je u tri skupine (dvije pokusne i jedna kontrolna). Probiotički tretman obje pokusne skupine pilića provođen je prva tri dana života i trodnevno pri vakcinacijama pilića (dan prije, na dan i dan nakon vakcinacije). Tijekom cijelog pokusnog perioda pilići su hranu i vodu dobivali ad libitum, pri čemu su hranjeni s tri vrste krmnih smjesa (starter, grover i finišer). Korištenje eksperimentalnog i komercijalnog probiotika rezultiralo je na kraju tova od 42 dana povećanjem prosječne tjelesne mase i prirasta te boljom konverzijom hrane. Iskazano kroz vrijednosti proizvodnog indeksa (EPI), najbolje proizvodne rezultate tova ostvarili su pilići tretirani eksperimentalnim probiotikom. Pilići pokusnih skupina ostvarili su veću prosječnu masu obrađenog trupa i bolji randman u odnosu na piliće kontrolne skupine.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on relevant production results when commercial (Probios®) and experimental (culture L. acidophilus, inactivate bakery yeast, vitamin C and lactose) probiotic preparation were added to drinking water of broiler chicks during fattening. The experiment was conducted on 105 chicks of the Cobb 500 strain which were divided into three groups (two experimental and one control group) through a 42 days fattening period. Feed and water were offered ad libitum throughout the whole experimental period. The chicks were fed by three kinds of feed mixture (starter, grower and finisher). At the end of the 42 days fattening period it was shown that addition of experimental and commercial probiotics improved the mean body weight, gain of body weight and FCR. The best production index (EPI) was obtained in chicks treated by experimental probiotics. Treatment with experimental and commercial probiotic preparation resulted in increasing of the mean carcass weight and better carcass yield compared to the control group, too