28 research outputs found

    Thermal protection insulation in the lining of the rotary kilns

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    У роботі розглянуто, що основна частина цементного клінкеру в Україні випалюється в печах, теплова ефективність яких не перевищує 55-60%, тому завдання підвищення ефективності використання таких агрегатів є надзвичайно актуальною, оскільки збільшення цих показників навіть на кілька відсотків дає великий економічний ефект. Фрагмент футерівки складається зі сталевого листа, що моделює кожух та формує вогнетриви з периклазу-хроміту з осередками, заповненими мулітно-кремнеземовою ватою. Підставка призначена для імітації режимів роботи футерівки корпусу обертової печі під час роботи.The work considers the main part of cement clinker in Ukraine is fired in furnaces, the thermal efficiency of which does not exceed 55-60%, therefore the task of increasing the efficiency of using such units is extremely urgent, since an increase in these indicators even by several percent gives a great economic effect. A fragment of the lining consists of a steel sheet modeling the casing and shaped periclase-chromite refractories with cells filled with mullite-silica wool. The stand is designed to simulate the operating modes of the lining of the rotary kiln body during operation

    Genetic bases of compact forms among cucurbit crops

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    The genetic base of compactness has been an area of active research in recent years, with several genes and mutations identified to be associated with the appearance of dwarf phenotypes. Understanding the functions of these genes and the underlying mechanisms of dwarfism in cucurbit crops is essential for developing new cultivars with improved yield and fruit quality. This study presents current data on genes and mutations associated with the evolvement of compact phenotypes in cucurbit crops. The review includes examples of mutant compact phenotypes and their associated genes in representatives of the Cucurbitaceae family, such as Cucurbita maxima Duch., Cucurbita pepo L., Cucurbita moschata Duch., Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai, and Cucumis melo L. The review provides up-to-date information on the genetic and molecular bases of compact phenotype formation, as well as molecular markers for detecting known genes associated with reduced plant size

    Influence of alternating temperature preculture on cryopreservation results for potato shoot tips

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    Cryopreservation is the most suitable long-term storage method for genetic resources of vegetatively maintained crops like potato. In the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) the DMSO droplet method is applied, and so far more than 1000 accessions are cryopreserved with an average regeneration rate of 58%. New experiments with four potato accessions using alternating temperatures (22/8°C day/night temperature, 8 h photoperiod, 7 d) prior to cryopreservation showed improved regeneration. The influence of this preculture on the shoot tips was studied for two wild, frost resistant species Solanum acaule and S. demissum and for two cultivated, frost sensitive potatoes S. tuberosum ‘Désirée’ and ‘King Edward’. Comparison of liquid and solid media after cryopreservation showed improved regeneration on solid media with higher regeneration percentages, less callus formation and better plantlet structure. In comparative analyses biochemical factors like soluble sugars, starch, and amino acid concentrations were measured. Shoot tips after constant and after alternating temperature preculture were analyzed. Total concentrations of soluble sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose) were higher for all accessions after the alternating temperature preculture, which could be the reason for improved cryopreservation results

    Characteristics and management of patients with chronic hepatitis B in an integrated care setting.

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    BackgroundFew population-based studies have described characteristics and management of patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in the USA.MethodsWe retrospectively studied adults with CHB in the Northern California Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (KPNC) from July 2009 to December 2010 (n = 12,016). Laboratory tests, treatment patterns, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) surveillance were ascertained during a "recent" 18-month study window (July 2009-December 2010), or as "ever" based on records dating to 1995.ResultsThe mean age was 49 years; 51 % were men, 83 % Asian, and 87 % KPNC members >5 years. Overall, 51 % had ≥ 1 liver-related visit, 14 % with gastroenterology or infectious disease specialists, and 37 % with primary care providers (PCP) only. Less than 40 % of patients had both hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and ALT testing conducted recently, while 56 % of eligible patients had received HCC surveillance. Recent laboratory testing and HCC surveillance were more frequent in patients seen by a specialist versus PCP only (90 vs. 47 % and 92 vs. 73 %, respectively, p values <0.001). During the study period, 1,649 (14 %) received HBV treatment, while 5 % of untreated patients had evidence of treatment eligibility. Among 599 patients newly initiated on HBV therapy, 76 % had guideline-based indications for treatment.ConclusionsMost patients initiated on HBV treatment met eligibility, and very few patients with evidence of needing treatment were left untreated. However, monitoring of ALT and HBV DNA levels, as well as HCC surveillance, were not frequent, underestimating the proportion of patients that warranted HBV therapy. Viral monitoring and cancer surveillance are therefore important targets for improving the scope of CHB care in the community setting

    Evolution of Spin-Crossover Transition in Hybrid Crystals Involving Cationic Iron Complexes [Fe(III)(3-OMesal2-trien)]+ and Anionic Gold Bis(dithiolene) Complexes Au(dmit)2 and Au(dddt)2

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    Hybrid ion-pair crystals involving hexadentate [Fe(III)(3-OMesal2-trien)]+ spin-crossover (SCO) cationic complexes and anionic gold complexes [Au(dmit)2]− (1) (dmit = 4,5-dithiolato-1,3-dithiole-2-thione) and [Au(dddt)2]− (2) (dddt = 5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin-2,3-dithiolate) were synthesized and studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, P-XRD, and SQUID magnetometry. Our study shows that both complexes have similar 1:1 stoichiometry but different symmetry and crystal packing. Complex 1 has a rigid structure in which the SCO cations are engaged in strong π-interplay with molecular surrounding and does not show SCO transition while 2 demonstrates a reversible transition at Tsco = 118 K in a much “softer”, hydrogen-bonded structure. A new structural indicator of spin state in [Fe(sal2-trien)]+ complexes based on conformational analysis has been proposed. Aging and thermocycling ruined the SCO transition increasing the residual HS fraction from 14 to 41%. Magnetic response of 1 is explained by the AFM coupled dimers S = 5/2 with J1 = −0.18 cm−1. Residual high-spin fraction of 2, apart from a contribution of the weak dimers with J12 = J34 = −0.29 cm−1, is characterized by a stronger interdimer coupling of J23 = −1.69 cm−1, which is discussed in terms of possible involvement of neutral radicals [Au(dddt)2]

    Magnetism, Conductivity and Spin-Spin Interactions in Layered Hybrid Structure of Anionic Radicals [Ni(dmit)2] Alternated by Iron(III) Spin-Crossover Complex [Fe(III)(3-OMe-Sal2trien)] and Ferric Moiety Precursors

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    In this study, crystals of the hybrid layered structure, combined with Fe(III) Spin-Crossover (SCO) complexes with metal-dithiolate anionic radicals, and the precursors with nitrate and iodine counterions, are obtained and characterized. [Fe(III)(3-OMe-Sal2trien)][Ni(dmit)2] (1), [Fe(III)(3-OMe-Sal2trien)]NO3·H2O (2), [Fe(III)(3-OMe-Sal2trien)]I (3) (3-OMe-Sal2trien = hexadentate N4O2 Schiff base is the product of the condensation of triethylenetetramine with 3-methoxysalicylaldehyde; H2dmit = 2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiol). Bulk SCO transition was not achieved in the range 2.0–350 K for all three compounds. Alternatively, the hybrid system (1) exhibited irreversible segregation into the spatial fractions of Low-Spin (LS) and High-Spin (HS) phases of the ferric moiety, induced by thermal cycling. Fractioning was studied using both SQUID and EPR methods. Magnetic properties of the LS and HS phases were analyzed in the framework of cooperative interactions with anionic sublattice: Anion radical layers Ni(dmit)2 (1), and H-bonded chains with NO3 and I (2,3). LS phase of (1) exhibited unusual quasi-two-dimensional conductivity related to the Arrhenius mechanism in the anion radical layers, ρ||c = 2 × 105 Ohm·cm and ρ⊥c = 7 × 102 Ohm·cm at 293 K. Ground spin state of the insulating HS phase was distinctive by ferromagnetically coupled spin pairs of HS Fe3+, S = 5/2, and metal-dithiolate radicals, S = 1/2