27,227 research outputs found

    Isolation of Nuclei from Physarum flavicomum: Demonstration of Nuclear Cyclic Acid AMP Phosphodiesterase

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    Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity in the nucleus of the myxomycete Physarum flavicomum was demonstrated by cytochemical staining utilizing electron microscopy and by enzymatic assays with tritiated cyclic AMP as the substrate. Cytochemical staining showed Physarum\u27s plasmodial phosphodiesterase activity to be located in the nucleus, along the plasma membrane, in vesicles, and free in the cytoplasm. Nuclear phosphodiesterase, which may be cell cycle dependent, was primarily located in the nucleolus. Nuclei from three to five day old microplasmodial cultures were isolated by the method of Henney and Yee. Whole cells were collected through centrifugation and washed. Pellets were homogenized in a medium composed of 0.01 MTris-HC1 (pH 7.2 at 4 °C), 0.25 M sucrose, 0.01% Triton X-100, and 5mM CaC1₂. Nuclei were collected through double filtration and two 1.0 M sucrose density gradient centrifugations. After the nuclei were washed, microscopic examination revealed a purity of over 90%. Radioactive assays of the nuclear preparations demonstrated phosphodiesterase activity consistant with that indicated by cytochemical localization. The specific activity of the nuclear enzyme was 15 nMole of cyclic AMP hydrolyzed /min/mg. of protein

    10-30-eV optical properties of GaN

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    The reflectance of basal-plane epitaxial layers of GaN has been measured between 5 and 30 eV, and Kramers-Kronig analyzed to get the dielectric function and the electron-energy-loss function. The second derivative of the reflectance with respect to energy was obtained in the region of Ga 3d→ conduction-band excitations. The latter show weak structure from transitions to Γ final states and stronger structures to final states along U, both split by the 0.40-eV Ga 3d spin-orbit splitting. The loss function exhibits two peaks, the stronger one at 19.0 eV, below the expected 23.3 eV, while the weaker one is at 23.2 eV

    Submicrosecond comparisons of time standards via the Navigation Technology Satellites (NTS)

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    An interim demonstration was performed of the time transfer capability of the NAVSTAR GPS system using a single NTS satellite. Measurements of time difference (pseudo-range) are made from the NTS tracking network and at the participating observatories. The NTS network measurements are used to compute the NTS orbit trajectory. The central NTS tracking station has a time link to the Naval Observatory UTC (USNO,MC1) master clock. Measurements are used with the NTS receiver at the remote observatory, the time transfer value UTC (USNO,MC1)-UTC (REMOTE, VIA NTS) is calculated. Intercomparisons were computed using predicted values of satellite clock offset and ephemeus

    Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion

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    In this work, we demonstrate a self-standing bulk three-dimensional metamaterial based on the network of silver nanowires in an alumina membrane. This constitutes an anisotropic effective medium with hyperbolic dispersion, which can be used in sub-diffraction imaging or optical cloaks. Highly anisotropic dielectric constants of the material range from positive to negative, and the transmitted laser beam shifts both toward the normal to the surface, as in regular dielectrics, and off the normal, as in anisotropic dielectrics with the refraction index smaller than one. The designed photonic metamaterial is the thickest reported in the literature, both in terms of its physical size 1cm x 1cm x 51 mm, and the number of vacuum wavelengths, N=61 at l=0.84 mm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figur

    Studies on growth rates in pigs and the effect of birth weight

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    End of project reportThe purpose of this study was to assess some environmental and management factors that affect growth performance on commercial pig units. In experiment 1, a survey was carried out on 22 pig units of known growth performance in south-west Ireland to compare management factors between those showing poor and good growth rates. Low growth rate appears to be due to the cumulative effect of a combination of factors. Experiment 2 was conducted to determine the effects of providing an additional feeder on performance of weaned piglets. No benefits were recorded. Feed consumed from the additional feeder was a replacement for feed that otherwise would have been consumed from the control hopper feeder. Experiment 3 was designed to determine if pig performance and efficiency of growth were affected by weight at birth and at weaning. Lightweight pigs showed inferior growth performance up to the finisher period. Although they compensated some of the inferior growth towards the time of slaughter, they never reached the weights of the heavy birth-weight animals. Males were either significantly heavier or tended to be heavier than females throughout. There was no significant difference between the sexes in the number of days to slaughter. Light and heavy pigs did not differ in the levels of IGF-1 in their blood plasma; however lightweight pigs had significantly lower IgG preweaning. Experiment 4 aimed to determine whether piglet birth weight influenced growth performance, plasma IGF-1 concentrations and muscle fibre characteristics at day 42 of life. At slaughter (Day 42) light birth weight pigs were significantly (P < 0.001) lighter. Plasma IGF-1 concentration was lower by 28% (P=0.06) in light pigs. Muscle fibre cross sectional area and total fibre number were not significantly different between groups. This study should be repeated with bigger numbers
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