838 research outputs found

    HerdChek Salmonella antibody ELISA for the serological monitoring of Salmonella infection in swine

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    In this paper we first speculated and later on have proved that the increased number of Salmonella positive results, using the Salmonella Tek-Elisa method as compared to the standard technique, was due to false positive results of the former method. We found out that the higher sensitivity of the former method was due to P.stuartii E. cloacae and E.coli bacteria (CRBs), which cross-reacted with the monoclonal antibodies of the method, giving rise to a higher number of Salmonella false positive results. The purpose of the present study was to identify the source of the higher sensitivity of the Elisa Tek technique and propose corrective steps

    Dose-dependent effects of Allopurinol on human foreskin fibroblast cell and human umbilical vein endothelial cell under hypoxia

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    Allopurinol, an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, has been used in clinical trials of patients with cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease. These are two pathologies with extensive links to hypoxia and activation of the transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) family. Here we analysed the effects of allopurinol treatment in two different cellular models, and their response to hypoxia. We explored the dose-dependent effect of allopurinol on Human Foreskin Fibroblasts (HFF) and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) under hypoxia and normoxia. Under normoxia and hypoxia, high dose allopurinol reduced the accumulation of HIF-1α protein in HFF and HUVEC cells. Allopurinol had only marginal effects on HIF-1α mRNA level in both cellular systems. Interestingly, allopurinol effects over the HIF system were independent of prolyl-hydroxylase activity. Finally, allopurinol treatment reduced angiogenesis traits in HUVEC cells in an in vitro model. Taken together these results indicate that high doses of allopurinol inhibits the HIF system and pro-angiogenic traits in cells

    Comparative chromosome painting discloses homologous Segments in distantly related mammals

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    Comparative chromosome painting, termed ZOO-FISH, using DNA libraries from flow sorted human chromosomes 1,16,17 and X, and mouse chromosome 11 discloses the presence of syntenic groups in distantly related mammalian Orders ranging from primates (Homo sapiens), rodents (Mus musculus), even-toed ungulates (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis and Muntiacus reevesi) and whales (Balaenoptera physalus). These mammalian Orders have evolved separately for 55-80 million years (Myr). We conclude that ZOO-FISH can be used to generate comparative chromosome maps of a large number of mammalian species

    Inter-observer agreement in the assessment of endoscopic findings in ulcerative colitis

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    BACKGROUND: Endoscopic findings are essential in evaluating the disease activity in ulcerative colitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate how endoscopists assess individual endoscopic features of mucosal inflammation in ulcerative colitis, the inter-observer agreement, and the importance of the observers' experience. METHODS: Five video clips of ulcerative colitis were shown to a group of experienced and a group of inexperienced endoscopists. Both groups were asked to assess eight endoscopic features and the overall mucosal inflammation on a visual analogue scale. The following statistical analyses were used; Contingency tables analysis, kappa analysis, analysis of variance, Pearson linear correlation analysis, general linear models, and agreement analysis. All tests were carried out two-tailed, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: The inter-observer agreement ranged from very good to moderate in the experienced group and from very good to fair in the inexperienced group. There was a significantly better inter-observer agreement in the experienced group in the rating of 6 out of 9 features (p < 0.05). The experienced and inexperienced endoscopists scored the "ulcerations" significantly different. (p = 0.05). The inter-observer variation of the mean score of "erosions", "ulcerations" and endoscopic activity index in mild disease, and the scoring of "erythema" and "oedema" in moderate-severe disease was significantly higher in the inexperienced group. A correlation was seen between all the observed endoscopic features in both groups of endoscopists. Among experienced endoscopists, a set of four endoscopic variables ("Vascular pattern", "Erosions", "Ulcerations" and Friability") explained 92% of the variation in EAI. By including "Granularity" in these set 91% of the variation in EAI was explained in the group of inexperienced endoscopists. CONCLUSION: The inter-observer agreement in the rating of endoscopic features characterising ulcerative colitis is satisfactory in both groups of endoscopists but significantly higher in the experienced group. The difference in the mean score between the two groups is only significant for "ulcerations". The endoscopic variables "Vascular pattern", "Erosions", "Ulcerations" and Friability" explained the overall endoscopic activity index. Even though the present result is quite satisfactory, there is a potential of improvement. Improved grading systems might contribute to improve the consistency of endoscopic descriptions

    Chromosome studies on the silky anteater Cyclopes Didactylus L. (Myrmecophagidae: Xenarthra, Edentata)

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    The karyotype of the silky anteater Cyclopes didactylus, the smallest of the anteaters is described. A notable difference in karyotypes exists between C. didactylus (2n = 64) and the other species of the family Myrmecophagidae. Both fusion/fission as well as other mechanisms are probably involved in the reduction of the chromosome number of 64 chromosome in Cyclopes to 60 and 54 in Tamandua and Myrmecophaga, respectively. © 1985 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    HIF2α reduces growth rate but promotes angiogenesis in a mouse model of neuroblastoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIF2α/EPAS1 is a hypoxia-inducible transcription factor involved in catecholamine homeostasis, vascular remodelling, physiological angiogenesis and adipogenesis. It is overexpressed in many cancerous tissues, but its exact role in tumour progression remains to be clarified.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to better establish its function in tumourigenesis and tumour angiogenesis, we have stably transfected mouse neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells with the native form of HIF2α or with its dominant negative mutant, HIF2α (1–485) and studied their phenotype <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>In vitro </it>studies reveal that HIF2α induces neuroblastoma cells hypertrophy and decreases their proliferation rate, while its inactivation by the HIF2α (1–485) mutant leads to a reduced cell size, associated with an accelerated proliferation. However, our <it>in vivo </it>experiments show that subcutaneous injection of cells overexpressing HIF2α into syngenic mice, leads to the formation of tumour nodules that grow slower than controls, but that are well structured and highly vascularized. In contrast, HIF2α (1–485)-expressing neuroblastomas grow fast, but are poorly vascularized and quickly tend to extended necrosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Together, our data reveal an unexpected combination between an antiproliferative and a pro-angiogenic function of HIF2α that actually seems to be favourable to the establishment of neuroblastomas <it>in vivo</it>.</p