186 research outputs found

    Optimization of protein-lipid comlex by its fatty acid and vitamin composition

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    The polycomponent protein-lipid compositions are traditionally used in minced meat products to regulate nutritional value, functional, technological and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. The present article presents the results of research aimed to creation of antioxidant-enriched protein-lipid complex (PLC) with the optimal ratio ω3: ω6 of PUFA. The ratio of lipid component was optimized by linear programming method, where the recommended ratio of ω-6: ω-3 of PUFA as 10: 1 was used as term of limitation. In result of calculations the fatty component was obtained by blending of rendered beef fat with soybean oil and sunflower oil in the following ratio: rendered beef fat — 73%, sunflower oil — 15%, soybean oil — 12%. After that the PLC formulation was optimized by research of influence of the introduced protein complex in amount from 4% to 10% and the fatty component in amount from 40% to 43% on index of shear stress of the PLC. The introduced amount of protein, fat and water is taken in ratio 1:(4–7):(4–7) commonly used in the meat processing industry to form the functional and technological characteristics of the minced meat. In result of experiments the following PLC formulation was adopted, which provides the necessary stable consistency of the mixture: protein complex — 9%, fatty component — 42%, water — 49%. To enrich meat products with vitamins and antioxidants it is proposed to include into PLC an extract obtained with microwave field 800 W from the Daurian rosehips which grows in the Far East region. The obtained PLC has a high water-retaining capacity; it remains stable while heating and it can be stored for five days without any visible signs of deterioration, as the peroxide value remains within the permissible limits. PLC features optimal ratio of ω-6: ω-3 of PUFA, equal to 10:1, and a high value of the total antioxidants equal to 5.4 mg/g.

    Interactive Map of Cultural, Natural and Historical Objects of the City of Gorno-Altaisk

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    Тематические интерактивные карты являются сегодня одним из актуальных направлений развития современной картографии. Возможность визуализации атрибутивных данных географических объектов с помощью ГИС технологий широко используется в разных сферах человеческой деятельности. Сегодня в научных исследованиях идёт активный поиск, связанный с общими базовыми принципами функционирования тематических интерактивных карт и дальнейших возможностей использования ГИС технологий в данной сфере. Данная статья связана с теоретическим анализом развития тематической картографии. В работе рассмотрены все классификации тематических интерактивных карт. Проведён анализ функций нового вида карт в сети Интернет. Также обобщена вся необходимая информация о существующих способах использования интерактивных карт. Сделан вывод об эффективности данных карт в различных сферах их использования.Thematic interactive maps are today one of the topical directions in the development of modern cartography. The ability to visualize the attributive data of geographical objects using GIS technologies is widely used in various fields of human activity. Today, there is an active search in scientific research related to the general basic principles of the functioning of thematic interactive maps and further possibilities for using GIS technologies in this area. This article is related to the theoretical analysis of the development of thematic cartography. The paper considers all classifications of thematic interactive maps. An analysis of the functions of a new type of maps on the Internet was carried out. It also summarizes all the necessary information about the existing ways of using interactive maps. The conclusion is made about the effectiveness of these maps in various areas of their use

    Позднеплейстоценовое оледенение и отступание ледникового покрова на шельфе Южно-Оркнейского плато, Западная Антарктика

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    The research aims to provide insight into reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene glaciations and ice retreat that followed the Last Glacial Maximum. The study is based on multi-channel seismic profiling and multibeam survey conducted on the shelf during the 63-rd Russian Antarctic Expedition (2018) on RV «Akademik Alexander Karpinsky». The 560-channel, 7000-m-long streamer and the Atlas Hydrosweep MD-3/30 multibeam echo-sounder were used for seismic and multibeam survey, respectively. In addition, previously collected seismic data available from the Antarctic Seismic Data Library System and bathymetry data from the «International Bathymetry Chart of the Southern Ocean» (IBCSO) Project were involved for interpretation. The multibeam survey was carried out within the Signy Trough and its flanks with depths ranging from 180 to 400 m, and covered the area of about 1500 km2. The data were collected along 43 profiles spaced at 750 m to ensure enough overlap between swaths. Variety of submarine glacial landforms formed by grounded ice was identified on shelf of the South Orkney Plateau with use of seismic and multibeam data. The most prominent of these features is the large terminal moraine at the middle shelf (previously described as the mid-shelf break) marking the greatest ice extent at the LGM. Oceanward of the large terminal moraine, the plateau-like feature (delineated by 350 and 425 m isobaths) with relatively steep outer slope is recognized from seismic data and interpreted as the distal terminal moraine formed during the pre-LGM Pleistocene glaciation. Within the Signy Trough, submarine glacial landforms mapped by multibeam survey, reflect ice retreat after the LGM; these landforms include: subglacial lineation at the western flank of the northern Signy Trough indicating fast flowing grounded ice, transverse recessional moraine ridges, lateral shear moraine on the western flank and lateral marginal moraine on the eastern flank of the Trough, two grounding zone wedges, streamlined features (drumlins) and an ice-proximal fan (presumably). The end moraine was also identified in the eastern flank of Signy Trough. It is thought to be formed due to ice (outlet glacier) re-advance during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Numerous iceberg plough-marks were observed at least down to 370 m water depths.По данным сейсмического профилирования и детальной съёмки с помощью многолучевого эхолота на шельфе Южно-Оркнейского плато идентифицированы подводные ледниковые формы рельефа, которые маркируют распространение ледникового покрова в периоды четвертичных оледенений и этапы его отступания в позднем плейстоцене. Предполагается, что максимальное распространение ледника с его налеганием на дно произошло в один из периодов похолодания плейстоцена. Во время последнего ледникового максимума ледник достигал среднего шельфа и сформировал крупную конечную морену. После этого началось его отступание, которое происходило неравномерно. В период Антарктического холодного реверса в районе долины Сигню установлено повторное наступание ледника

    Optimized properties of live vaccine influenza reassortant strains obtained by reverse genetics

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    Classical reassortment in developing chicken eggs is a well-established technique for obtaining LAIV strains. Naturally generated reassortant vaccine strains are characterized by high reproductive capacity, genetically stable characteristics of temperature sensitivity and cold resistance, which correspond to the characteristics of the MDV involved in crossing with the epidemic virus. Along with antigenic relevance, natural reassortment ensures attenuation of vaccine strains, good reproduction capacity in upper respiratory tract cells and inability to reproduction in the lower respiratory tract. With classical reassortment, the speed and efficiency of obtaining vaccine reassortants largely depend on the properties of epidemic virus, and therefore cannot be stable. The potential of reverse genetics is attractive because it allows to obtain vaccine reassortants quickly and efficiently, reduce the likelihood of spontaneous mutations; however, the vaccine strain is deprived of the advantages of natural selection, in which the most viable clones are selected. This study presents the results of comparatively assessed A(H3N2) LAIVs obtained in parallel by classical reassortment and reverse genetics according to criteria confirming that vaccine strains inherit the necessary properties that guarantee their harmlessness and high reproduction in chicken embryos. Strains for LAIV obtained by both methods retained all attenuating mutations inherited from the MDV, were highly reproductive at the optimal temperature, with temperature sensitivity corresponded to the MDV. However, strains obtained by reverse genetics, was observed to have partial loss of cold resistance in comparison with that of the MDV and classical reassortants. Reduced cold adaptation may negatively affect vaccine effectiveness. It is important that after several additional passages in chicken embryos at low temperature, the cold resistance of the vaccine strain, assembled by reverse genetics, was increased. Credibly that cold resistance is a phenotypic trait, the degree of manifestation of which depends on the temperature conditions of virus multiplication. The selective factor of reduced incubation temperature is missing in reverse genetics. In order for the cold-adapted phenotype to be fully realized, additional passages at low temperature of RG-reassortants are necessary. Thus, the reverse genetics method using plasmid technology allows to effectively prepare reassortant strains for LAIV. An important stage in obtaining vaccine strains using genetic engineering techniques should be the control of their cold-adapted phenotype and its optimization by additional passages at low temperature


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    It has been shown that the influence of hormonal and non-hormonal therapy of menopausal syndrome upon immune profile may be variable, and the results of appropriate studies may be often contradictory. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of hormonal and non-hormonal therapy in menopausal syndrome upon serum levels of some immunoregulatory proteins, i.e., alpha2-macroglobulin (a2-MG), pregnancy-associated alpha 2-glycoprotein (PAG), contents of some related cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNFα, IFNγ, IL-2) as well as VEGF amounts. Administration of menopausal hormone treatment and nonhormonal therapy was associated with reduced IL-6 levels in serum, regardless of treatment duration, or type of drug applied. We have found a statistically significant decrease of IL-8 serum levels in the course of dynamic monitoring in the women taking a menopausal hormone preparation containing 1 mg of 17β-estradiol and 5 mg dydrogesterone, and a non-hormonal drug containing genistein (60 mg) for 3-6 months. The levels of VEGF demonstrated high individual variability during therapy of menopausal syndrome. Serum concentrations of immunoregulatory a2-MG were stable in climacteric syndrome, and did not differ from normal values. However, the content of PAG, a known immunosuppressive protein, was increased 3-4 times in serum of 33-50% of the women receiving menopausal hormonal therapy, regardless of progestogen dose (5 or 10 mg dydrogesterone), and duration of its use. These findings suggest a need for individualized drug selection in order to minimize a risk of immunodeficiency conditions in the patients receiving hormone therapy of menopausal syndrome

    Stress-induced aggression in heterozygous TPH2 mutant mice is associated with alterations in serotonin turnover and expression of 5-HT6 and AMPA subunit 2A receptors

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    Background: The contribution of gene-environment interactions that lead to excessive aggression is poorly understood. Environmental stressors and mutations of the gene encoding tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) are known to influence aggression. For example, TPH2 null mutant mice (Tph2−/−) are naturally highly aggressive, while heterozygous mice (Tph2+/−) lack a behavioral phenotype and are considered endophenotypically normal. Here we sought to discover whether an environmental stressor would affect the phenotype of the genetically ‘susceptible’ heterozygous mice (Tph2+/−). Methods: Tph2+/− male mice or Tph2+/+ controls were subjected to a five-day long rat exposure stress paradigm. Brain serotonin metabolism and the expression of selected genes encoding serotonin receptors, AMPA receptors, and stress markers were studied. Results: Stressed Tph2+/− mice displayed increased levels of aggression and social dominance, whereas Tph2+/+ animals became less aggressive and less dominant. Brain tissue concentrations of serotonin, its precursor hydroxytryptophan and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were significantly altered in all groups in the prefrontal cortex, striatum, amygdala, hippocampus and dorsal raphe after stress. Compared to non-stressed animals, the concentration of 5-hydroxytryptophan was elevated in the amygdala though decreased in the other brain structures. The overexpression of the AMPA receptor subunit, GluA2, and downregulation of 5-HT6 receptor, as well as overexpression of c-fos and glycogen-synthase-kinase-3β (GSK3-β), were found in most structures of the stressed Tph2+/− mice. Limitations: Rescue experiments would help to verify causal relationships of reported changes. Conclusions: The interaction of a partial TPH2 gene deficit with stress results in pathological aggression and molecular changes, and suggests that the presence of genetic susceptibility can augment aggression in seemingly resistant phenotypes. © 2020 The Authors602805Seventh Framework Programme, FP7Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: CRC TRR 58 A1/A5Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020: 728018Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 15-04-03602Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFGRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBRThe authors’ work reported here was supported Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG: CRC TRR 58 A1/A5), the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under Grant No. 602805 (Aggressotype) and the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant No. 728018 (Eat2beNICE) (to KPL and TS), the “5-100” Russian Academic Excellence Project (to KPL and TS) and the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR Grant No. 15-04-03602 to TS). We appreciate the valuable technical help of Dr. Joao Costa-Nunes and Dolores Bonopartos with this project

    Оценка влияния клинических факторов на результативность программ экстракорпорального оплодотворения

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    Purpose of the study. To assess the influence of main clinical risk factors on the effectiveness of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) program.Materials and methods. The study included 3,969 IVF programs conducted in the “Medica” clinic of the “Mother and Child” group of companies in Novokuznetsk for 2010–2015. The inclusion criterion was the availability of information on the results of the procedure conducted.Results. The structure of the considered risk factors was identified, their key features were identified: the majority of women who underwent IVF procedure were under the age of 34, inclusive, more than half of all procedures were performed at the first attempt. The main causes of female infertility were: tubal factor, including those associated with chronic endometritis, polycystic ovary syndrome, external genital endometriosis and adenomyosis. In a number of cases, as a concomitant gynecological disease, uterine fibroids have been extirpated, which is not the main cause of infertility, but the presence of which can influence the effectiveness of IVF programs. Statistically significantly more often, fibroids were found in adenomyosis and tubal factors associated with chronic endometritis. A quantitative assessment of the degree of influence of the considered risk factors on the effectiveness of IVF programs was considered, and the influence of both individual factors and their combination was considered.Conclusion. The main factors statistically significantly increasing the risk of a negative outcome of the program are: the age of a woman over 30; repeated attempt at the age of up to 30 years inclusive (in comparison with the first attempt); tubular factor associated with chronic endometritis; presence of uterine fibroids in the tubular factor associated with chronic endometritis; The presence of fibroids in the tubular factor, complicated by adenomyosis. Цель исследования – изучить и оценить влияние основных клинических факторов на результативность программ экстракорпорального оплодотворения (ЭКО).Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 3 969 пациенток, проходивших лечение бесплодия методом ЭКО в клинике женского здоровья и репродукции человека «Медика» группы компаний «Мать и дитя» (г. Новокузнецк) в 2010–2015 гг. Критерием включения являлось наличие информации о результатах проведенной процедуры. Большинство женщин, которым проводилась процедура ЭКО, находились в возрасте до 34 лет включительно, больше половины всех проведенных процедур приходились на первую попытку.Результаты. Основными причинами женского бесплодия являлись: трубный фактор, в ряде случаев ассоциированный с хроническим эндометритом, эндокринный фактор, наружный генитальный эндометриоз и аденомиоз. У части пациенток в качестве сопутствующего гинекологического заболевания была выявлена миома матки, которая не считается основной причиной бесплодия, но ее наличие может оказывать влияние на результативность программ ЭКО. Статистически значимо чаще миома встречалась при аденомиозе и трубном факторе, ассоциированном с хроническим эндометритом. Дана количественная оценка степени влияния рассматриваемых факторов риска на результативность программ ЭКО, рассматривалось влияние как отдельных факторов, так и их сочетания.Выводы. Основными факторами риска отрицательного исхода программы ЭКО являются: возраст женщины более 30 лет; повторная попытка в возрасте до 30 лет включительно (по сравнению с первой попыткой); трубное бесплодие в ассоциации с хроническим эндометритом; наличие миомы матки при трубном факторе, ассоциированном с хроническим эндометритом или аденомиозом.

    Sleep disorders interactions with obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    Obesity and type II diabetes are 21st century pandemia. These metаbolic disorders are in the focus of attention of various specialties: cardiologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, therapists, and others. The high incidence of obesity and type II diabetes cardiovascular complications, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, chronic heart failure, dementia, determine the call of risk factors search. Modifiable factors may include sleep disturbances. Recent studies have revealed a connection between changes in sleep duration and metabolic disorders. However, to date, the mechanisms underlying this association have not been established. The aim of the review is to summarize existing epidemiological and experimental observations, as well as an analysis of possible pathophysiological mechanisms linking sleep duration with obesity and type II diabetes. The article considers current data suggesting a bi-directional association of sleep disorders with obesity and diabetes. Sleep disturbances are significant determinant of developing metabolic disorders. Sleep duration correction as one of therapeutic targets for cardiovascular complications of obesity and type II diabetes prevention