70 research outputs found

    Active laser frequency stabilization using neutral praseodymium (Pr)

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    We present a new possibility for the active frequency stabilization of a laser using transitions in neutral praseodymium. Because of its five outer electrons, this element shows a high density of energy levels leading to an extremely line-rich excitation spectrum with more than 25000 known spectral lines ranging from the UV to the infrared. We demonstrate the active frequency stabilization of a diode laser on several praseodymium lines between 1105 and 1123 nm. The excitation signals were recorded in a hollow cathode lamp and observed via laser-induced fluorescence. These signals are strong enough to lock the diode laser onto most of the lines by using standard laser locking techniques. In this way, the frequency drifts of the unlocked laser of more than 30 MHz/h were eliminated and the laser frequency stabilized to within 1.4(1) MHz for averaging times >0.2 s. Frequency quadrupling the stabilized diode laser can produce frequency-stable UV-light in the range from 276 to 281 nm. In particular, using a strong hyperfine component of the praseodymium excitation line E = 16 502.616_7/2 cm^-1 -> E' = 25 442.742_9/2 cm^-1 at lambda = 1118.5397(4) nm makes it possible - after frequency quadruplication - to produce laser radiation at lambda/4 = 279.6349(1) nm, which can be used to excite the D2 line in Mg^+.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Analogue of cosmological particle creation in an ion trap

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    We study phonons in a dynamical chain of ions confined by a trap with a time-dependent (axial) potential strength and demonstrate that they behave in the same way as quantum fields in an expanding/contracting universe. Based on this analogy, we present a scheme for the detection of the analogue of cosmological particle creation which should be feasible with present-day technology. In order to test the quantum nature of the particle creation mechanism and to distinguish it from classical effects such as heating, we propose to measure the two-phonon amplitude via the 2nd2^{\rm nd} red side-band and to compare it with the one-phonon amplitude (1st1^{\rm st} red side-band). PACS: 04.62.+v, 98.80.-k, 42.50.Vk, 32.80.Pj.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Optical Trapping of an Ion

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    For several decades, ions have been trapped by radio frequency (RF) and neutral particles by optical fields. We implement the experimental proof-of-principle for trapping an ion in an optical dipole trap. While loading, initialization and final detection are performed in a RF trap, in between, this RF trap is completely disabled and substituted by the optical trap. The measured lifetime of milliseconds allows for hundreds of oscillations within the optical potential. It is mainly limited by heating due to photon scattering. In future experiments the lifetime may be increased by further detuning the laser and cooling the ion. We demonstrate the prerequisite to merge both trapping techniques in hybrid setups to the point of trapping ions and atoms in the same optical potential.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A Single Laser System for Ground-State Cooling of 25-Mg+

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    We present a single solid-state laser system to cool, coherently manipulate and detect 25^{25}Mg+^+ ions. Coherent manipulation is accomplished by coupling two hyperfine ground state levels using a pair of far-detuned Raman laser beams. Resonant light for Doppler cooling and detection is derived from the same laser source by means of an electro-optic modulator, generating a sideband which is resonant with the atomic transition. We demonstrate ground-state cooling of one of the vibrational modes of the ion in the trap using resolved-sideband cooling. The cooling performance is studied and discussed by observing the temporal evolution of Raman-stimulated sideband transitions. The setup is a major simplification over existing state-of-the-art systems, typically involving up to three separate laser sources

    Efficient photoionization for barium ion trapping using a dipole-allowed resonant two-photon transition

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    Two efficient and isotope-selective resonant two-photon ionization techniques for loading barium ions into radio-frequency (RF)-traps are demonstrated. The scheme of using a strong dipole-allowed transition at \lambda=553 nm as a first step towards ionization is compared to the established technique of using a weak intercombination line (\lambda=413 nm). An increase of two orders of magnitude in the ionization efficiency is found favoring the transition at 553 nm. This technique can be implemented using commercial all-solid-state laser systems and is expected to be advantageous compared to other narrowband photoionization schemes of barium in cases where highest efficiency and isotope-selectivity are required.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Mesoscopic mean-field theory for spin-boson chains in quantum optical systems

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    We present a theoretical description of a system of many spins strongly coupled to a bosonic chain. We rely on the use of a spin-wave theory describing the Gaussian fluctuations around the mean-field solution, and focus on spin-boson chains arising as a generalization of the Dicke Hamiltonian. Our model is motivated by experimental setups such as trapped ions, or atoms/qubits coupled to cavity arrays. This situation corresponds to the cooperative (E⊗β) Jahn-Teller distortion studied in solid-state physics. However, the ability to tune the parameters of the model in quantum optical setups opens up a variety of novel intriguing situations. The main focus of this paper is to review the spin-wave theoretical description of this problem as well as to test the validity of mean-field theory. Our main result is that deviations from mean-field effects are determined by the interplay between magnetic order and mesoscopic cooperativity effects, being the latter strongly size-dependent

    Topological Schr\"odinger cats: Non-local quantum superpositions of topological defects

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    Topological defects (such as monopoles, vortex lines, or domain walls) mark locations where disparate choices of a broken symmetry vacuum elsewhere in the system lead to irreconcilable differences. They are energetically costly (the energy density in their core reaches that of the prior symmetric vacuum) but topologically stable (the whole manifold would have to be rearranged to get rid of the defect). We show how, in a paradigmatic model of a quantum phase transition, a topological defect can be put in a non-local superposition, so that - in a region large compared to the size of its core - the order parameter of the system is "undecided" by being in a quantum superposition of conflicting choices of the broken symmetry. We demonstrate how to exhibit such a "Schr\"odinger kink" by devising a version of a double-slit experiment suitable for topological defects. Coherence detectable in such experiments will be suppressed as a consequence of interaction with the environment. We analyze environment-induced decoherence and discuss its role in symmetry breaking.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    A 750 mW, continuous-wave, solid-state laser source at 313 nm for cooling and manipulating trapped 9Be+ ions

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    We present a solid-state laser system that generates 750 mW of continuous-wave single-frequency output at 313 nm. Sum-frequency generation with fiber lasers at 1550 nm and 1051 nm produces up to 2 W at 626 nm. This visible light is then converted to UV by cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation. The laser output can be tuned over a 495 GHz range, which includes the 9Be+ laser cooling and repumping transitions. This is the first report of a narrow-linewidth laser system with sufficient power to perform fault-tolerant quantum-gate operations with trapped 9Be+ ions by use of stimulated Raman transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Gates and Memory using Microwave Dressed States

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    Trapped atomic ions have been successfully used for demonstrating basic elements of universal quantum information processing (QIP). Nevertheless, scaling up of these methods and techniques to achieve large scale universal QIP, or more specialized quantum simulations remains challenging. The use of easily controllable and stable microwave sources instead of complex laser systems on the other hand promises to remove obstacles to scalability. Important remaining drawbacks in this approach are the use of magnetic field sensitive states, which shorten coherence times considerably, and the requirement to create large stable magnetic field gradients. Here, we present theoretically a novel approach based on dressing magnetic field sensitive states with microwave fields which addresses both issues and permits fast quantum logic. We experimentally demonstrate basic building blocks of this scheme to show that these dressed states are long-lived and coherence times are increased by more than two orders of magnitude compared to bare magnetic field sensitive states. This changes decisively the prospect of microwave-driven ion trap QIP and offers a new route to extend coherence times for all systems that suffer from magnetic noise such as neutral atoms, NV-centres, quantum dots, or circuit-QED systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Deterministic delivery of externally cold and precisely positioned single molecular ions

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    We present the preparation and deterministic delivery of a selectable number of externally cold molecular ions. A laser cooled ensemble of Mg^+ ions subsequently confined in several linear Paul traps inter-connected via a quadrupole guide serves as a cold bath for a single or up to a few hundred molecular ions. Sympathetic cooling embeds the molecular ions in the crystalline structure. MgH^+ ions, that serve as a model system for a large variety of other possible molecular ions, are cooled down close to the Doppler limit and are positioned with an accuracy of one micrometer. After the production process, severely compromising the vacuum conditions, the molecular ion is efficiently transfered into nearly background-free environment. The transfer of a molecular ion between different traps as well as the control of the molecular ions in the traps is demonstrated. Schemes, optimized for the transfer of a specific number of ions, are realized and their efficiencies are evaluated. This versatile source applicable for broad charge-to-mass ratios of externally cold and precisely positioned molecular ions can serve as a container-free target preparation device well suited for diffraction or spectroscopic measurements on individual molecular ions at high repetition rates (kHz).Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
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