33 research outputs found

    Establishment and interspecific associations in two species of Ichthyocotylurus (Trematoda) parasites in perch (Perca fluviatilis)

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    Background: Co-infections of multiple parasite species in hosts may lead to interspecific associations and subsequently shape the structure of a parasite community. However, few studies have focused on these associations in highly abundant parasite species or, in particular, investigated how the associations develop with time in hosts exposed to co-infecting parasite species for the first time. We investigated metacercarial establishment and interspecific associations in the trematodes Ichthyocotylurus variegatus and I. pileatus co-infecting three age cohorts of young perch (Perca fluviatilis). Results: We found that the timing of transmission of the two Ichthyocotylurus species was very similar, but they showed differences in metacercarial development essentially so that the metacercariae of I. pileatus became encapsulated faster. Correlations between the abundances of the species were significantly positive after the first summer of host life and also within the main site of infection, the swim bladder. High or low abundances of both parasite species were also more frequent in the same host individuals than expected by chance, independently of host age or size. However, the highest abundances of the species were nevertheless observed in different host individuals and this pattern was consistent in all age cohorts. Conclusions: The results suggest similar temporal patterns of transmission, non-random establishment, and facilitative rather than competitive associations between the parasite species independently of the age of the infracommunities. However, we suggest that spatial differences in exposure are most likely responsible for the segregation of the parasite species observed in the few most heavily infected hosts. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, the result suggests that between-species associations should be interpreted with caution along with detailed examination of the parasite distribution among host individuals.peerReviewe

    Molecular approaches to trematode systematics: 'best practice' and implications for future study

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    To date, morphological analysis has been the cornerstone to trematode systematics. However, since the late-1980s we have seen an increased integration of genetic data to overcome problems encountered when morphological data are considered in isolation. Here, we provide advice regarding the ‘best molecular practice’ for trematode taxonomy and systematic studies, in an attempt to help unify the field and provide a solid foundation to underpin future work. Emphasis is placed on defining the study goals and recommendations are made regarding sample preservation, extraction methods, and the submission of molecular vouchers. We advocate generating sequence data from all parasite species/host species/geographic location combinations and stress the importance of selecting two independently evolving loci (one ribosomal and one mitochondrial marker). We recommend that loci should be chosen to provide genetic variation suitable to address the question at hand and for which sufficient ‘useful’ comparative sequence data already exist. Quality control of the molecular data via using proof-reading Taq polymerase, sequencing PCR amplicons using both forward and reverse primers, ensuring that a minimum of 85% overlap exists when constructing consensus sequences, and checking electropherograms by eye is stressed. We advise that all genetic results are best interpreted using a holistic biological approach, which considers morphology, host identity, collection locality, and ecology. Finally, we consider what advances next-generation sequencing holds for trematode taxonomy and systematics

    Divergent Macroparasite Infections in Parapatric Swiss Lake-Stream Pairs of Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).

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    Spatial heterogeneity in diversity and intensity of parasitism is a typical feature of most host-parasite interactions, but understanding of the evolutionary implications of such variation is limited. One possible outcome of infection heterogeneities is parasite-mediated divergent selection between host populations, ecotypes or species which may facilitate the process of ecological speciation. However, very few studies have described infections in population-pairs along the speciation continuum from low to moderate or high degree of genetic differentiation that would address the possibility of parasite-mediated divergent selection in the early stages of the speciation process. Here we provide an example of divergent parasitism in freshwater fish ecotypes by examining macroparasite infections in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) of four Swiss lake systems each harbouring parapatric lake-stream ecotype pairs. We demonstrate significant differences in infections within and between the pairs that are driven particularly by the parasite taxa transmitted to fish from benthic invertebrates. The magnitude of the differences tended to correlate positively with the extent of neutral genetic differentiation between the parapatric lake and stream populations of stickleback, whereas no such correlation was found among allopatric populations from similar or contrasting habitats. This suggests that genetic differentiation is unrelated to the magnitude of parasite infection contrasts when gene flow is constrained by geographical barriers while in the absence of physical barriers, genetic differentiation and the magnitude of differences in infections tend to be positively correlated

    Larval trematodes (Digenea) of the great pond snail,

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    A survey of cercariae and metacercariae (Trematoda, Digenea) from the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) in Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, South-East Germany, Poland and Slovak Republic) is presented, based on a study of 3,628 snails examined from 1998 to 2005. A total of 953 (26.3%) L. stagnalis were infected with 24 trematode species comprising 19 species of cercariae and 11 species of metacercariae (six species occurred both as cercarie and metacercarie) of eight families. The dominant cercariae were those of Opisthioglyphe ranae (159 hosts infected), Plagiorchis elegans (141) (both family Plagiorchiidae) and Echinoparyphium aconiatum (153) (Echinostomatidae); 14 double infections were found. The most frequent metacercariae were those of Neoglyphe locellus (71) (Omphalometridae), E. aconiatum (66), Echinostoma sp. (59) and Moliniella anceps (48) (Echinostomatidae). In the previous studies carried out in Central Europe, a very similar spectrum of nine trematode families of 22 cercariae determined to species level and 43 types of cercariae reported under generic or provisional names, which can be in many cases conspecific with the previous taxa, were found. A simple key to identification of cercariae and metacercariae, together with their illustrations, is provided

    Trematodes from Antarctic teleost fishes off Argentine Islands, West Antarctica: molecular and morphological data

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    In 2014–2015 and 2019–2021, teleost fishes off Galindez Island (Antarctic Peninsula) were examined for trematodes. Combined morphological and molecular analyses revealed the presence of eight trematode species of four families (Hemiuridae, Lecithasteridae, Opecoelidae, Lepidapedidae) from five fish species. Only adult trematodes were found and all of them are Antarctic endemics with their congeners occurring on other continents. The hemiuroids, Elytrophalloides oatesi (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914), Genolinea bowersi (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914), and Lecithaster macrocotyle Szidat & Graefe, 1967 belong to the most common Antarctic species and together with Lepidapedon garrardi (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914) and Neolebouria georgiensis Gibson, 1976 they were recorded as the least host-specific parasites. The originally sub-Antarctic Neolepidapedon macquariensis Zdzitowiecki, 1993 is a new record for the Antarctic Peninsula and Parachaenichthys charcoti (Vaillant), is a new host record. Neolebouria terranovaensis Zdzitowiecki, Pisano & Vacchi, 1993 is considered a synonym of N. georgiensis because of identical morphology and dimensions. The currently known phylogenetic relationships within the studied families are supported, including the polyphyly of Macvicaria Gibson & Bray, 1982 with the future need to accommodate its Antarctic species in a new genus. The validity of M. georgiana (Kovaleva & Gaevskaja, 1974) and M. magellanica Laskowski, Jezewski & Zdzitowiecki, 2013 needs to be confirmed by further analyses. Genetic sequence data are still scarce from Antarctica, and more studies applying integrative taxonomic approaches and large-scale parasitological examinations of benthic invertebrates are needed to match sequences of larval stages to those of well-characterised adults and to elucidate trematode life-cycles