1,121 research outputs found

    Quantum Hall Transition in the Classical Limit

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    We study the quantum Hall transition using the density-density correlation function. We show that in the limit h->0 the electron density moves along the percolating trajectories, undergoing normal diffusion. The localization exponent coincides with its percolation value \nu=4/3. The framework provides a natural way to study the renormalization group flow from percolation to quantum Hall transition. We also confirm numerically that the critical conductivity of a classical limit of quantum Hall transition is \sigma_{xx} = \sqrt{3}/4.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; substantial changes include the critical conductivity calculatio

    Phase transitions in spinor quantum gravity on a lattice

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    We construct a well-defined lattice-regularized quantum theory formulated in terms of fundamental fermion and gauge fields, the same type of degrees of freedom as in the Standard Model. The theory is explicitly invariant under local Lorentz transformations and, in the continuum limit, under diffeomorphisms. It is suitable for describing large nonperturbative and fast-varying fluctuations of metrics. Although the quantum curved space turns out to be on the average flat and smooth owing to the non-compressibility of the fundamental fermions, the low-energy Einstein limit is not automatic: one needs to ensure that composite metrics fluctuations propagate to long distances as compared to the lattice spacing. One way to guarantee this is to stay at a phase transition. We develop a lattice mean field method and find that the theory typically has several phases in the space of the dimensionless coupling constants, separated by the second order phase transition surface. For example, there is a phase with a spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry. The effective low-energy Lagrangian for the ensuing Goldstone field is explicitly diffeomorphism-invariant. We expect that the Einstein gravitation is achieved at the phase transition. A bonus is that the cosmological constant is probably automatically zero.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures Discussion of dimensions and of the Berezinsky--Kosterlitz--Thouless phase adde

    The Oldest Stars of the Extremely Metal-Poor Local Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Leo A

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    We present deep Hubble Space Telescope single-star photometry of Leo A in B, V, and I. Our new field of view is offset from the centrally located field observed by Tolstoy et al. (1998) in order to expose the halo population of this galaxy. We report the detection of metal-poor red horizontal branch stars, which demonstrate that Leo A is not a young galaxy. In fact, Leo A is as least as old as metal-poor Galactic Globular Clusters which exhibit red horizontal branches, and are considered to have a minimum age of about 9 Gyr. We discuss the distance to Leo A, and perform an extensive comparison of the data with stellar isochrones. For a distance modulus of 24.5, the data are better than 50% complete down to absolute magnitudes of 2 or more. We can easily identify stars with metallicities between 0.0001 and 0.0004, and ages between about 5 and 10 Gyr, in their post-main-sequence phases, but lack the detection of main-sequence turnoffs which would provide unambiguous proof of ancient (>10 Gyr) stellar generations. Blue horizontal branch stars are above the detection limits, but difficult to distinguish from young stars with similar colors and magnitudes. Synthetic color-magnitude diagrams show it is possible to populate the blue horizontal branch in the halo of Leo A. The models also suggest ~50% of the total astrated mass in our pointing to be attributed to an ancient (>10 Gyr) stellar population. We conclude that Leo A started to form stars at least about 9 Gyr ago. Leo A exhibits an extremely low oxygen abundance, of only 3% of Solar, in its ionized interstellar medium. The existence of old stars in this very oxygen-deficient galaxy illustrates that a low oxygen abundance does not preclude a history of early star formation.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the August 2002 issue of AJ. High resolution figures is available at http://www.astro.spbu.ru/staff/dio/preprints.htm

    New Cosmic Accelerating Scenario without Dark Energy

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    We propose an alternative, nonsingular, cosmic scenario based on gravitationally induced particle production. The model is an attempt to evade the coincidence and cosmological constant problems of the standard model (Λ\LambdaCDM) and also to connect the early and late time accelerating stages of the Universe. Our space-time emerges from a pure initial de Sitter stage thereby providing a natural solution to the horizon problem. Subsequently, due to an instability provoked by the production of massless particles, the Universe evolves smoothly to the standard radiation dominated era thereby ending the production of radiation as required by the conformal invariance. Next, the radiation becomes sub-dominant with the Universe entering in the cold dark matter dominated era. Finally, the negative pressure associated with the creation of cold dark matter (CCDM model) particles accelerates the expansion and drives the Universe to a final de Sitter stage. The late time cosmic expansion history of the CCDM model is exactly like in the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model, however, there is no dark energy. This complete scenario is fully determined by two extreme energy densities, or equivalently, the associated de Sitter Hubble scales connected by ρI/ρf=(HI/Hf)210122\rho_I/\rho_f=(H_I/H_f)^{2} \sim 10^{122}, a result that has no correlation with the cosmological constant problem. We also study the linear growth of matter perturbations at the final accelerating stage. It is found that the CCDM growth index can be written as a function of the Λ\Lambda growth index, γΛ6/11\gamma_{\Lambda} \simeq 6/11. In this framework, we also compare the observed growth rate of clustering with that predicted by the current CCDM model. Performing a χ2\chi^{2} statistical test we show that the CCDM model provides growth rates that match sufficiently well with the observed growth rate of structure.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. D. (final version, some references have corrected). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1106.193

    Constraints On Radiative Neutrino Mass Models From Oscillation Data

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    The three neutrino Zee model and its extension including three active and one sterile species are studied in the light of new neutrino oscillation data. We obtain analytical relations for the mixing angle in solar oscillations in terms of neutrino mass squared differences. For the four neutrino case, we obtain the result sin22θ1[(ΔmAtm2)2/(4ΔmLSND2Δm2)]2\mathsf{sin^2 2 \theta_\odot \approx 1 - [ (\Delta m^2_{Atm})^2/(4 \Delta m^2_{LSND} \Delta m^2_\odot) ]^2}, which can accommodate both the large and small mixing scenarios. We show that within this framework, while both the SMA-MSW and the LMA-MSW solutions can easily be accommodated, it would be difficult to reconcile the LOW-QVO solutions. We also comment on the active-sterile admixture within phenomenologically viable textures.Comment: The paper has been substantially rewritten, especially in Section IV, though the basic results are unchanged. Some new references and an appendix have been adde

    Complete diagrammatics of the single ring theorem

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    Using diagrammatic techniques, we provide explicit functional relations between the cumulant generating functions for the biunitarily invariant ensembles in the limit of large size of matrices. The formalism allows to map two distinct areas of free random variables: Hermitian positive definite operators and non-normal R-diagonal operators. We also rederive the Haagerup-Larsen theorem and show how its recent extension to the eigenvector correlation function appears naturally within this approach.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    The Origin of Structures in Generalized Gravity

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    In a class of generalized gravity theories with general couplings between the scalar field and the scalar curvature in the Lagrangian, we can describe the quantum generation and the classical evolution of both the scalar and tensor structures in a simple and unified manner. An accelerated expansion phase based on the generalized gravity in the early universe drives microscopic quantum fluctuations inside a causal domain to expand into macroscopic ripples in the spacetime metric on scales larger than the local horizon. Following their generation from quantum fluctuations, the ripples in the metric spend a long period outside the causal domain. During this phase their evolution is characterized by their conserved amplitudes. The evolution of these fluctuations may lead to the observed large scale structures of the universe and anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 5 pages, latex, no figur

    Initial correlations effects on decoherence at zero temperature

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    We consider a free charged particle interacting with an electromagnetic bath at zero temperature. The dipole approximation is used to treat the bath wavelengths larger than the width of the particle wave packet. The effect of these wavelengths is described then by a linear Hamiltonian whose form is analogous to phenomenological Hamiltonians previously adopted to describe the free particle-bath interaction. We study how the time dependence of decoherence evolution is related with initial particle-bath correlations. We show that decoherence is related to the time dependent dressing of the particle. Moreover because decoherence induced by the T=0 bath is very rapid, we make some considerations on the conditions under which interference may be experimentally observed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    The Gas Content in Galactic Disks: Correlation with Kinematics

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    We consider the relationship between the total HI mass in late-type galaxies and the kinematic properties of their disks. The mass MHIM_HI for galaxies with a wide variety of properties, from dwarf dIrr galaxies with active star formation to giant low-brightness galaxies, is shown to correlate with the product VcR0V_c R_0 (VcV_c is the rotational velocity, and R0R_0 is the radial photometric disks scale length), which characterizes the specific angular momentum of the disk. This relationship, along with the anticorrelation between the relative mass of HI in a galaxy and VcV_c, can be explained in terms of the previously made assumption that the gas density in the disks of most galaxies is maintained at a level close to the threshold (marginal) stability of a gaseous layer to local gravitational perturbations. In this case, the regulation mechanism of the star formation rate associated with the growth of local gravitational instability in the gaseous layer must play a crucial role in the evolution of the gas content in the galactic disk.Comment: revised version to appear in Astronomy Letters, 8 pages, 5 EPS figure

    Single Superfield Representation for Mixed Retarded and Advanced Correlators in Disordered Systems

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    We propose a new single superfield representation for mixed retarded and advanced correlators for noninteracting disordered systems. The method is tested in the simpler context of Random Matrix theory, by comparing with well known universal behavior for level spacing correlations. Our method is general and could be especially interesting to study localization properties encoded in the mixed correlators of Quantum Hall systems.Comment: 13 pages including two figures, RevTex4. Improved version. Figures changed. To appear in Journal of Physics