22 research outputs found

    Undamped electrostatic plasma waves

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    Electrostatic waves in a collision-free unmagnetized plasma of electrons with fixed ions are investigated for electron equilibrium velocity distribution functions that deviate slightly from Maxwellian. Of interest are undamped waves that are the small amplitude limit of nonlinear excitations, such as electron acoustic waves (EAWs). A deviation consisting of a small plateau, a region with zero velocity derivative over a width that is a very small fraction of the electron thermal speed, is shown to give rise to new undamped modes, which here are named {\it corner modes}. The presence of the plateau turns off Landau damping and allows oscillations with phase speeds within the plateau. These undamped waves are obtained in a wide region of the (k,ωR)(k,\omega_{_R}) plane (ωR\omega_{_R} being the real part of the wave frequency and kk the wavenumber), away from the well-known `thumb curve' for Langmuir waves and EAWs based on the Maxwellian. Results of nonlinear Vlasov-Poisson simulations that corroborate the existence of these modes are described. It is also shown that deviations caused by fattening the tail of the distribution shift roots off of the thumb curve toward lower kk-values and chopping the tail shifts them toward higher kk-values. In addition, a rule of thumb is obtained for assessing how the existence of a plateau shifts roots off of the thumb curve. Suggestions are made for interpreting experimental observations of electrostatic waves, such as recent ones in nonneutral plasmas.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure


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    The article presents the results of bariatric surgeries carried out in the clinic in patients with morbid obesity. We traced both the nearest and remote results after treatment, the loss of body weight in dynamics, relief of the manifestations of "metabolic syndrome" as well as we estimated the quality of life of patients in pre-and postoperative period


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    The group of scientists in Russian Academy of Sciences system has finished the next stage of creation, test and widespread introduction of import-substituting competitive machinery for antidroughty technology. They created the complex of technologically functional completely closed upgraded soil-cultivating and sowing machines for all soil climatic conditions in Russia. The offered technology with a complex of the domestic technics is more profitable than foreign one. Crops cultivation on this technology under drought conditions promotes reduction of import of main types of agricultural production. The foreign machines can not always operate on stubble fields in Russia. They are adapted only for prior soil tillage minimum technology. Domestic agrotechnologies with the machines complex adapted to local conditions, in comparison with the best foreign analogs, allow to increase twice productivity and yield, by 3 times to lower expenses of fuel and capacity requirement, by 4 times - metal consumption and by 5 times - resources. The developed technics complexes can be used for moisture-power-resource-saving environmentally friendly production technologies. The cumulative economic effect of use of the upgraded equipment on 1 million hectares of wheat makes 8-45 billion rubles.Коллектив ученых в системе РАН завершил очередной этап создания, испытания и широкого внедрения импортозамещающей высококонкурентоспособной техники для противозасушливой технологии. Создан комплекс технологически функциональной цельнозамкнутой модернизированной почвообрабатывающей и посевной техники для всех почвенных климатических условий России. Показано, что предложенная технология с комплексом отечественной техники рентабельнее зарубежной. Доказано, что выращивание сельхозкультур по данной технологии в условиях засухи способствует сокращению импорта основных видов сельскохозяйственной продукции. Установлено, что зарубежная техника не всегда может работать по стерне в полевых условиях агропредприятий России. Она приспособлена только для предварительной минимальной технологии обработки почвы. Отмечено, что отечественные агротехнологии с адаптированным к местным условиям комплексом техники, по сравнению с лучшими зарубежными аналогами, позволяют в 2 раза повысить производительность и урожайность сельхозкультур, в 3 раза снизить затраты топлива и потребность в мощности, в 4 раза - металлоемкость и в 5 раз - ресурсы. Разработанные комплексы техники могут быть использованы для влаго-, энерго-, ресурсосберегающих экологически чистых технологий производства продукции растениеводства. Показано, что общий экономический эффект от использования модернизированной техники на 1 млн га посева пшеницы составляет 8-45 млрд руб


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    The group of scientists in Russian Academy of Sciences system has finished the next stage of creation, test and widespread introduction of import-substituting competitive machinery for antidroughty technology. They created the complex of technologically functional completely closed upgraded soil-cultivating and sowing machines for all soil climatic conditions in Russia. The offered technology with a complex of the domestic technics is more profitable than foreign one. Crops cultivation on this technology under drought conditions promotes reduction of import of main types of agricultural production. The foreign machines can not always operate on stubble fields in Russia. They are adapted only for prior soil tillage minimum technology. Domestic agrotechnologies with the machines complex adapted to local conditions, in comparison with the best foreign analogs, allow to increase twice productivity and yield, by 3 times to lower expenses of fuel and capacity requirement, by 4 times - metal consumption and by 5 times - resources. The developed technics complexes can be used for moisture-power-resource-saving environmentally friendly production technologies. The cumulative economic effect of use of the upgraded equipment on 1 million hectares of wheat makes 8-45 billion rubles

    Integration of alcohol use disorders identification and management in the tuberculosis programme in Tomsk Oblast, Russia

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    Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) among tuberculosis (TB) patients are associated with nonadherence and poor treatment outcomes. We developed a multidisciplinary model to manage AUDs among TB patients in Tomsk, Russia. First, we assessed current standards of care through stakeholder meetings and ethnographic work. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was incorporated into routine assessment of all patients starting TB treatment. We established treatment algorithms based on AUDIT scores. We then hired specialists and addressed licensing requirements to provide on-site addictions care. Our experience offers a successful model in the management of co-occurring AUDs among patients with chronic medical problems