442 research outputs found

    Breeding Yellow-flowered Alfalfa for Combined Wildlife Habitat and Forage Purposes

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    The objectives of our research were to: • evaluate a wide array of alfalfa germplasm containing varied levels of M. sativa ssp. falcata for traits related to suitability for stockpiling and nesting cover for game birds, •compare yellow-flowered cultivars and germplasms to conventional hay- and pasture-type cultivars for forage yield and quality in a delayed single-harvest / production system, and • develop, by phenotypic selection, one or more synthetic cultivars of yellow-flowered alfalfa that would have high forage yield, tolerance to potato leafhopper yellowing, prolonged flowering, and good leaf retention under a stockpiling management system until mid-July

    Travois: An Alfalfa for Grazing

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    In 1948, M. W. Adams and G. Semeniuk recognized the economic potential of introducing alfalfa into ranges and pastures of the more arid parts of South Dakota. They initiated a breeding program directed toward developing very hardy, disease resistant alfalfas which would persist indefinitely when grazed by livestock. Travois is an outgrowth of that program and is believed to meet these requirements

    The abrogation of the HOXB7/PBX2 complex induces apoptosis in melanoma through the miR-221&222-c-FOS pathway.

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    Cutaneous melanoma is the fastest increasing cancer worldwide. Although several molecular abnormalities have been associated with melanoma progression, the underlying mechanisms are still largely unknown and few targeted therapies are under evaluation. Here we show that the HOXB7/PBX2 dimer acts as a positive transcriptional regulator of the oncogenic microRNA-221 and -222. In addition, demonstrating c-FOS as a direct target of miR-221&222, we identify a HOXB7/PBX2→miR-221&222 →c-FOS regulatory link, whereby the abrogation of functional HOXB7/PBX2 dimers leads to reduced miR-221&222 transcription and elevated c-FOS expression with consequent cell death. Taking advantage of the treatment with the peptide HXR9, an antagonist of HOX/PBX dimerization, we recognize miR-221&222 as effectors of its action, in turn confirming the HXR9 efficacy in the treatment of human melanoma malignancy, whilst sparing normal human melanocytes. Our findings, besides suggesting the potential therapeutic of HXR9 or its derivatives in malignant melanoma, suggest the disruption of the HOXB7/PBX2 complexes, miR-221&222 inhibition or even better their combination, as innovative therapeutic approaches

    Complex Dynamics and Multistability in a Damped Harmonic Oscillator with Delayed Negative Feedback

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    A center manifold reduction and numerical calculations are used to demonstrate the presence of limit cycles, two-tori, and multistability in the damped harmonic oscillator with delayed negative feedback. This model is the prototype of a mechanical system operating with delayed feedback. Complex dynamics are thus seen to arise in very plausible and commonly occurring mechanical and neuromechanical feedback systems
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