184 research outputs found

    В пошуках нових пояснювальних моделей поведінки споживача

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    Explanatory possibilities of theoretical economics for the behavior of the modern consumer and its changes during the COVID-19 pandemic are used. Transformations of needs and priorities of consumers are revealed on the basis of statistical observations of structural changes in expenses of domestic households. Systemic changes in consumer behavior under the introduction of quarantine restrictions have been identified and assumptions have been made about changing the consumption model.Key words: consumer behavior, quarantine restrictions, consumption model, expenditure structure of Ukrainian households.Использованы объяснительные возможности теоретической экономики для поведения современного потребителя и его изменений в течение пандемии COVID-19. Обнаруженные трансформации потребностей и приоритетов потребителей на основе статистических наблюдений структурных изменений в расходах отечественных домохозяйств. Идентифицированы системные изменения в поведении потребителей при условии введения карантина и сформированы предположение об изменении модели потребления.Ключевые слова: поведение потребителя, карантин, модель потребления, структура расходов домохозяйств Украины.Використані пояснювальні можливості теоретичної економіки для поведінки сучасного споживача та її змін впродовж пандемії COVID-19. Виявлені трансформації потреб та пріоритетів споживачів на основі статистичних спостережень структурних змін у витратах вітчизняних домогосподарств. Ідентифіковані системні зміни у поведінці споживачів за умови введення карантинних обмежень та сформовані припущення про зміну моделі споживання.Ключові слова: поведінка споживача, карантинні обмеження, модель споживання, структура витрат домогосподарств України

    Associations of changes in lipid metabolism parameters and the severity of COVID-19 infection in Novosibirsk residents

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    Aim. To study the associations of changes in lipid metabolism parameters and the severity of a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Material and methods. This cross-sectional study included 270 patients aged 26-84 years (mean age, 53,09±13,22 years) who had COVID-19 within prior two months, which were divided into 3 groups: mild (1, n=128), moderate (2, n=128) and severe (3, n=14) COVID-19. Patients were assessed for body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). In addition, atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was calculated. Statistical processing was performed using the SPSS software package (version 13.0).Results. Patients with severe COVID-19 had significantly higher levels of TG and AIP compared with patients with moderate and mild course. BMI and WC were significantly higher in patients in groups 2 and 3 compared with patients in group 1. In women, BMI and AIP levels were significantly higher in the severe COVID-19 group compared to groups 1 and 2. HDL-C levels were lower in patients with severe COVID-19 compared to those with moderate disease. WHR was higher among men in group 3 compared with group 1.Conclusion. Patients with severe COVID-19 have higher BMI, WC, AIP, TG levels, and lower HD-C levels. The relative odds for severe COVID-19 are associated with increased WC, AIP, TG, and lower HDL-C


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    In the conditions of contemporary world market, the maintenance process to keep the required level of aircraft serviceability in airlines should be economically efficient in relation to labour, time and material expenses. The solution of the problem can be achieved by planning and managing the activity of airlines with the aim to improve the efficiency of civil aircraft maintenance process. Planning and implementation of activities for process improvement of aircraft maintenance efficiency in particular such factors as aircraft (A/C) reliability and safety, flight regularity and A/C timewise operation efficiency, A/C intensities and economy require collaboration and interaction of developer, manufacturer and operator. This work proves the need to develop the planning and performance technology of actions related to the airlines activity allowing step by step according to developer, manufacturer and operator activities to establish the cooperation and influence on aircraft serviceability, thereby increasing the maintenance process by all possible managing actions. The complex technology to improve the efficiency of aircraft maintenance process including activities on “A/C Reliability”, “Technology”, “Personnel”, “Equipment”, “Materials” has been developed with the aim to increase the A/C fleet serviceability level. The complex technology is represented as a route technology with brief description of destinations in the route chart with input/output indications at each stage.The advantages of complex technology application are shown in the example of improving one of the efficiency measures in aircraft maintenance process.В условиях современного мирового рынка процесс технической эксплуатации для поддержания требуемого уровня исправности парка воздушных судов в авиакомпаниях должен быть экономически выгодным в отношении трудовых, временных и материальных затрат. Решение данной задачи может быть достигнуто путем планирования и управления деятельностью авиапредприятий с целью повышения эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов гражданской авиации. Планирование и осуществление мероприятий, связанных с деятельностью авиапредприятий по улучшению показателей безотказности авиационной техники, безопасности и регулярности полетов, интенсивности использования воздушных судов и экономичности их процесса технической эксплуатации, требует организации совместной работы и взаимодействия разработчика, изготовителя и эксплуатанта воздушных судов. В данной статье обоснована необходимость в разработке технологии планирования и осуществления мероприятий, связанных с деятельностью авиапредприятий, позволяю- щей поэтапно по направлениям деятельности разработчика, изготовителя и эксплуатанта воздушных судов установить взаимосвязь и влияние на уровень исправности парка, тем самым повышая эффективность процесса технической эксплуатации путем всех возможных управляющих воздействий. Разработана комплексная технология повышения эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов, включающая мероприятия по направлениям «Надёжность воздушного судна», «Технология», «Персонал», «Оборудование», «Материалы», с целью повышения уровня исправности парка ВС. Комплексная технология представлена в виде маршрутной технологии с сокращенным описанием комплекса мероприятий по направлениям в маршрутной карте, с указанием входов и выходов на каждом этапе. Показаны преимущества применения комплексной технологии на примере улучшения одного из целевых показателей эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов.

    Модели-полиады и их применение в обучении математике

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    Considered systems of models, called models-polyads. Components of the model-polyads are various models of a prototype object, describing the same its properties, and the exchange of information between the components of the modelpolyads occurring without distorting the information. The examples of modelspolyads, in particular, shows that in the form of models-polyads are the algebra of geometric vectors, algebra of complex numbers, etc. There are highlights the benefits of studying the objects in the form of models-polyads, and especially in the case of training, when the objects under study are presented in a models-polyads.Рассматриваются системы моделей, называемые моделями-полиадами. Компонентами модели-полиады (в частности, модели-диады, модели-триады) являются различные модели некоторого объекта- прототипа, описывающие одни и те же его особенности, причем обмен информацией между компонентами модели-полиады, происходящий без искажения этой информации. Приведены примеры моделей-полиад, в частности, показано, что в виде моделей-полиад представлены векторная алгебра, алгебра комплексных чисел и др. Выделены преимущества изучения объектов, представленных в виде моделей-полиад, и особенности обучения в случае, когда изучаемые объекты представлены в виде моделей-полиад


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    Dispatch reliability – is one of the key criteria of aircraft technical operation process efficiency which reflects economic efficiency of airline activity. The higher the operational reliability, the better the level of aircraft operation in airline, the higher maintenance quality and safety policy is more effective. Due to the lack of unified procedure of dispatch reliability control both for aircraft manufacturers and Russian Federation aircraft operators and based on international experience it was concluded that there is a need for dispatch reliability specification by introducing a number of parameters, definitions and development, thereby the unified updated methodic of calculation. In this work six basic and three auxiliary parameters are introduced, the following terms and definitions are established: dispatch reliability, operational reliability, ground operational interruptions, operational interruptions, in-flight  interruptions. A unified actualized methodic of dispatch reliability and operational reliability calculation is developed, which is reasonable and more accurate. Since the aircraft dispatch reliability includes the notion of Regularity and Punctuality, definitions and criteria calculation are given.  The detailed example of criteria calculation is shown: dispatch reliability, dispatch regularity, flight punctuality, operational reliability, flight delays for a hundred landings, aircraft changes for a hundred landings, flight cancellations for a hundred landings.Надежность вылетов (далее – регулярность вылетов) – это один из ключевых критериев эффективности процесса технической эксплуатации воздушных судов, отражающий экономическую эффективность функционирования авиакомпании. Чем выше показатель эксплуатационной надежности выполнения рейсов, тем лучше авиакомпания справляется с эксплуатацией воздушных судов, тем выше качество обслуживания самолетов и эффективнее политика безопасности. В связи с отсутствием единого порядка учета регулярности вылетов воздушных судов как у предприятий – изготовителей воздушных судов, так и у эксплуатирующих воздушные суда авиакомпаний Российской Федерации и основании международного опыта, в работе сделан вывод о необходимости детализации расчета регулярности вылетов путем введения ряда параметров, определений и разработки тем самым единой актуализированной методики расчета. В данной работе введены шесть основных и три вспомогательных параметра, приняты следующие термины и определения: регулярность вылетов; эксплуатационная надежность; наземные сбои в эксплуатации; эксплуатационные прерывания; сбои, произошедшие в полете.  Разработана актуализированная методика расчета регулярности вылетов и эксплуатационной надежности выполнения рейсов, которая является разумной и имеет более высокую точность. Поскольку регулярность вылетов воздушных судов включает понятие регулярности отправлений ВС (Regularity) и пунктуальности выполнения рейсов (Punctuality), даны определения и представлен расчет показателей для данных понятий. Детально показан пример расчета показателей: регулярности вылетов, регулярности отправлений, пунктуальности выполнений рейсов, эксплуатационной надежности выполнения рейсов,  задержки рейсов на сто посадок, замены воздушных судов на сто посадок, отмены рейсов на сто посадок

    Insulin resistance and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Pathogenetic and therapeutic crossroads

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    Insulin resistance, which is a fundamental pathogenetic factor of prediabetes, is closely associated with abdominal obesity on the one hand and the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart failure (HF), on the other. The pathogenetic role of insulin resistance is multifaceted and consists in the acceleration of atherosclerosis, the formation of left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, including through mechanisms that do not depend on blood pressure, as well as the development of its diastolic dysfunction. The latter is the starting point for starting HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF).Compared with patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction, the presence of HFpEF determines a higher frequency of hospitalizations not due to decompensation of heart failure, but due to concomitant diseases, such as destabilization of the course of arterial hypertension, decompensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus, curation of which, in general, has a greater impact in terms of improving prognosis. Thus, in patients with prediabetes and HFpEF, the correction of insulin resistance as the underlying cause and trigger of cardiometabolic disorders can potentially improve not only insulin-glucose homeostasis, but also the parameters of myocardial diastolic function. This literature review is devoted to the accumulated experience of using metformin as a «strategic» antidiabetic drug in HFpEF and considering potential new points of its application as a protector of the cardiovascular system

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic liver dysfunction in the new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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    Our study aimed to explore associated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and metabolic liver dysfunction influence on the severity of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Material and methods. The study design was a cross-sectional study. The research included 215 patients (39.50 % of men) aged 26–60 years who had undergone a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 at least two months ago. Participants were divided into three groups by severity of infection: mild (n = 99), moderate and severe (n = 116) by anamnesis. Hepatic steatosis index (HIS), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, glucose and triglyceride content, systolic and diastolic pressure were calculated and abdominal ultrasound examination was done. Results. In the group with moderate and severe course of COVID-19, the proportion of patients diagnosed with NAFLDaccording to the HSI index was significantly higher compared to patients with mild coronavirus infection. Patients with mild COVID-19, who were diagnosed with NAFLD, had higher alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, glucose and triglyceride content, BMI, systolic and diastolic pressure, waist circumference compared to patients without NAFLD. Similar differences persisted for patients with moderate and severe course. With the step-by-step exclusion of cardiometabolic parameters from the logistic regression model, the triglyceride content and BMI retained association with steatohepatosis according to ultrasound data, regardless of severity. When creating a similar model for the HSI index, significant correlation was shown for alanine aminotransferase activity in patients with mild COVID-19, for alanine aminotransferase activity and BMI – in patients with moderate and severe COVID-19. Conclusions. Patients with NAFLD have a more severe course of COVID-19. In addition, associations of the severity of COVID-19 with a combination of NAFLD and other cardiometabolic changes in the body, such as arterial hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, were revealed

    The Role of Vesicles in Transporting of Cholera Toxin

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    The review reports on the secretion pathways of the main virulence factor of Vibrio cholerae, cholera toxin, both through the two-stage Sec-dependent type 2 secretion system and with the help of vesicles of the outer membrane of V. cholerae. The ways of toxin transfer into the host organism, depending on its form, are discussed. The well-studied free soluble cholera toxin is secreted extracellularly and transmitted in a GM1-dependent manner through cholesterolrich lipid rafts. The transfer of cholera toxin associated with vesicles has advantages over free toxin, because substances inside the outer membrane vesicles are protected from external proteases and host antibodies by the membrane that forms the vesicle. Vesicular transporting of cholera toxin into the target cell occurs via clathrin-dependent, caveolin-dependent and lipid raft-dependent endocytosis. The specific transport route is determined by the structure of the vesicles. Clathrindependent endocytosis is described for V. cholerae strains cultivated at low osmolarity of the medium, whose outer membrane vesicles contain the cholera toxin subunit A inside. Lipid raft-dependent endocytosis is characteristic of vesicles in which cholera toxin is located on the surface. In addition, endocytosis of V. cholerae outer membrane vesicles through structures known as caveolae is presented

    Study of the Surface Antigenic Determinants of <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> Strains with Atypical Agglutinability Using the Panel of Monoclonal Antibodies

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    The aim of the work was to study surface antigenic determinants of V. cholerae R-variant strains using enzyme immunoassay and a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs).Materials and methods. 60 strains of V. cholerae R-variant isolated from ambient environment objects in the territories of the former USSR and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation over a 30-year period (1988–2019) were investigated in the slide agglutination reaction with cholera diagnostic sera, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) using the panel of MAbs specific to membrane proteins and a set of reagents “Monoclonal diagnostic immunoglobulins labeled with horseradish peroxidase, dry, for serological identification of V. cholerae O1 and O139 (in vitro) through ELISA and dot-ELISA”.Results and discussion. The analysis of the surface structures of V. cholerae R-variant strains with atypical agglutinability has been carried out applying enzyme immunoassay. It showed that individual strains with different amounts of O-antigen are registered among the studied strains identified at isolation as V. cholerae R-variant (the optical density range is from 0.261±0.002 to 1.312±0.003). Epitopes of specific O-antigen were found in some “conservative” strains (30 %) that are agglutinated only with RO serum, and in several strains (20 %) that do not have the wbeT gene that determines its synthesis, and lost agglutinability with all diagnostic cholera sera, including RO. The protein epitopes recognized by complementary MAbs are represented with varying frequency in the composition of surface antigens of R-vibrios; a decrease in their representation or absence on the cell surface correlates with the modification or loss of R-LPS and is accompanied by a negative agglutination reaction