347 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Sebaran Kasus Gizi Buruk Balita Umur 0-59 Bulan di Kota Lhokseumawe Tahun 2012

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    Severe malnutrition at this time is a matter of special concern in the city of Lhokseumawe, because it may cause a lost generation. Data of malnutrition cases can be presented spatially and can be drawn in a map by using Quantum GIS Software.This research aimed to make a map of the distribution of under five malnutrition cases in the city of Lhokseumawe in 2012. This is a descriptive research. The population were all of under five malnutrition cases and registered at Lhokseumawe Health Office as many as 43 cases in 2012, and all of them were selected as samples. The result showed that out of 43 under five malnutrition cases in Lhokseumawe city, the 15 cases (34.88%) were found in Banda Sakti subdistrict and they were near the beach, the cases with clinical symptom were 15 cases, the cases without clinical symptom were 2 cases (4.65%) and they were spread out the hill and on the side of the road, 8 cases (18.60%) were in radius < 1 km from their houses to health center, 12 cases (27.91%) were in radius < 1 km to the hospital, and 1 case (2.33%) died in radius < 1 km to the hospital. By using Quantum GIS software through Geographic Information System (GIS), it would be easy for Health Office of Lhokseumawe City and health centers in making intervention to malnutrition countermeasure

    Cross-correlation Weak Lensing of SDSS galaxy Clusters II: Cluster Density Profiles and the Mass--Richness Relation

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    We interpret and model the statistical weak lensing measurements around 130,000 groups and clusters of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey presented by Sheldon et al. 2007 (Paper I). We present non-parametric inversions of the 2D shear profiles to the mean 3D cluster density and mass profiles in bins of both optical richness and cluster i-band luminosity. We correct the inferred 3D profiles for systematic effects, including non-linear shear and the fact that cluster halos are not all precisely centered on their brightest galaxies. We also model the measured cluster shear profile as a sum of contributions from the brightest central galaxy, the cluster dark matter halo, and neighboring halos. We infer the relations between mean cluster virial mass and optical richness and luminosity over two orders of magnitude in cluster mass; the virial mass at fixed richness or luminosity is determined with a precision of 13% including both statistical and systematic errors. We also constrain the halo concentration parameter and halo bias as a function of cluster mass; both are in good agreement with predictions of LCDM models. The methods employed here will be applicable to deeper, wide-area optical surveys that aim to constrain the nature of the dark energy, such as the Dark Energy Survey, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and space-based surveys

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pakaian Pada CV Nonninth Inc Berbasis Online

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    Teknik penjualan secara online menjadi pilihan kebanyakan orang saat ini baik di kota maupun daerah. Pergeseran cara bertransaksi dipicu oleh adanya alat komunikasi digital dan IT yang terus berkembang. Disisi lain para penjual ingin memanfaatkan teknologi itu secara optimal, tentu saja harus diperkuat oleh sistem database penjualan yang mapan.  Sistem Informasi penjualan yang baik tidak cukup hanyah dengan membangun sistem transaksi jual beli, akan tetapi perlu adanya penanganan subsistem stok barang dan laporan keuangan serta adanya informasi profil Perusahaan sebagai daya tarik bagi calon/pelanggan. Dalam meningkatkan omset penjualan dan penataan sistem administrasi CV Nonninth memerlukan sistem yang kuat agar branded produknya lebih dikenal sekaligus memperkuat sistem database penjualan mereka. Perancangan sistem penjualan pada CV Nonninth inc dibangun berdasarkan (1) analisa pieces, (2) tahapan perancangan sistem dan (3) implementasi sistem kedalam program aplikasi berbasis online. Analisa pieces dilakukan dengan memperhatikan faktor performance, information, economic, control, efisiensi dan service secara kualitatif pada kondisi saat ini dan kedepannya. Perancangan sistem dibuat melalui tahapan Context Diagram, Flowmap, Data Flow Diagram, Normalisasi tabel, ERD, struktur database, desain input dan output serta struktur menu program.  Adapun  proses implementasi sistem menggunakan program berbasis online yaitu Adobe Dreamwaver dan Mysql. Diharapkan sistem ini dapat membantu CV Nonninth dalam meningkatkan kinerja Perusahaan baik omset maupun sistem administrasinya

    The Dark Matter at the End of the Galaxy

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    Dark matter density profiles based upon Lambda-CDM cosmology motivate an ansatz velocity distribution function with fewer high velocity particles than the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution or proposed variants. The high velocity tail of the distribution is determined by the outer slope of the dark matter halo, the large radius behavior of the Galactic dark matter density. N-body simulations of Galactic halos reproduce the high velocity behavior of this ansatz. Predictions for direct detection rates are dramatically affected for models where the threshold scattering velocity is within 30% of the escape velocity.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Cross-correlation Weak Lensing of SDSS Galaxy Clusters III: Mass-to-light Ratios

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    We present measurements of the excess mass-to-light ratio measured aroundMaxBCG galaxy clusters observed in the SDSS. This red sequence cluster sample includes objects from small groups with masses ranging from ~5x10^{12} to ~10^{15} M_{sun}/h. Using cross-correlation weak lensing, we measure the excess mass density profile above the universal mean \Delta \rho(r) = \rho(r) - \bar{\rho} for clusters in bins of richness and optical luminosity. We also measure the excess luminosity density \Delta l(r) = l(r) - \bar{l} measured in the z=0.25 i-band. For both mass and light, we de-project the profiles to produce 3D mass and light profiles over scales from 25 kpc/ to 22 Mpc/h. From these profiles we calculate the cumulative excess mass M(r) and excess light L(r) as a function of separation from the BCG. On small scales, where \rho(r) >> \bar{\rho}, the integrated mass-to-light profile may be interpreted as the cluster mass-to-light ratio. We find the M/L_{200}, the mass-to-light ratio within r_{200}, scales with cluster mass as a power law with index 0.33+/-0.02. On large scales, where \rho(r) ~ \bar{\rho}, the M/L approaches an asymptotic value independent of cluster richness. For small groups, the mean M/L_{200} is much smaller than the asymptotic value, while for large clusters it is consistent with the asymptotic value. This asymptotic value should be proportional to the mean mass-to-light ratio of the universe . We find /b^2_{ml} = 362+/-54 h (statistical). There is additional uncertainty in the overall calibration at the ~10% level. The parameter b_{ml} is primarily a function of the bias of the L <~ L_* galaxies used as light tracers, and should be of order unity. Multiplying by the luminosity density in the same bandpass we find \Omega_m/b^2_{ml} = 0.02+/-0.03, independent of the Hubble parameter.Comment: Third paper in a series; v2.0 incorporates ApJ referee's suggestion

    Cross-correlation Weak Lensing of SDSS Galaxy Clusters I: Measurements

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    This is the first in a series of papers on the weak lensing effect caused by clusters of galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The photometrically selected cluster sample, known as MaxBCG, includes ~130,000 objects between redshift 0.1 and 0.3, ranging in size from small groups to massive clusters. We split the clusters into bins of richness and luminosity and stack the surface density contrast to produce mean radial profiles. The mean profiles are detected over a range of scales, from the inner halo (25 kpc/h) well into the surrounding large scale structure (30 Mpc/h), with a significance of 15 to 20 in each bin. The signal over this large range of scales is best interpreted in terms of the cluster-mass cross-correlation function. We pay careful attention to sources of systematic error, correcting for them where possible. The resulting signals are calibrated to the ~10% level, with the dominant remaining uncertainty being the redshift distribution of the background sources. We find that the profiles scale strongly with richness and luminosity. We find the signal within a given richness bin depends upon luminosity, suggesting that luminosity is more closely correlated with mass than galaxy counts. We split the samples by redshift but detect no significant evolution. The profiles are not well described by power laws. In a subsequent series of papers we invert the profiles to three-dimensional mass profiles, show that they are well fit by a halo model description, measure mass-to-light ratios and provide a cosmological interpretation.Comment: Paper I in a series; v2.0 includes ApJ referee's suggestion
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