77,667 research outputs found

    Searching a biomedical bibliographic database from the Ukraine: the Panteleimon database

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    The Panteleimon database is available via the Internet and is a public access, database, capable of being searched in English, Russian and Ukrainian, covering medical, pharmaceutical, and chemical publications, published in he Ukraine and Russia from 1998. Describes the formulation of a search strategy for the Panteleimon database, for the identification of citations to randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and the comparison of the search results with records included in the Cochrane Library's Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) database, to evaluate how comprehensive the coverage of the CENTRAL database is for the literature of the Ukraine. The results indicated that Panteleimon is an easily accessible bibliographic database offering easy access to the Ukrainian biomedical literature. The English language retrieval functions picked up most of the reports of RCTs/CCTs (91 per cent precision but the lower recall of 55 per cent indicates the need to search using Russian and Ukrainian terms for completeness. The overall precision of 26 per cent compares favourably with a search for RCTs in EMBASE, carried out by the UK Cochrane Centre, where 70,000 reports of RCTs were identified from 300,000 records down-loaded (precision 23 per cent). (Quotes from original text

    Giant Tunneling Magnetoresistance, Glassiness, and the Energy Landscape at Nanoscale Cluster Coexistence

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    We present microscopic results on the giant tunneling magnetoresistance that arises from the nanoscale coexistence of ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) and antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) clusters in a disordered two dimensional electron system with competing double exchange and superexchange interactions. Our Monte Carlo study allows us to map out the different field regimes in magnetotransport and correlate it with the evolution of spatial structures. At coexistence, the isotropic O(3) model shows signs of slow relaxation, and has a high density of low energy metastable states, but no genuine glassiness. However, in the presence of weak magnetic anisotropy, and below a field dependent irreversibility temperature TirrT_{irr}, the response on field cooling (FC) differs distinctly from that on zero field cooling (ZFC). We map out the phase diagram of this `phase coexistence glass', highlight how its response differs from that of a standard spin glass, and compare our results with data on the manganites.Comment: Final published versio

    Ultrafast photoinduced enhancement of nonlinear optical response in 15-atom gold clusters on indium tin oxide conducting film

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    We show that the third order optical nonlinearity of 15-atom gold clusters is significantly enhanced when in contact with indium tin oxide (ITO) conducting film. Open and close aperture z-scan experiments together with non-degenerate pump-probe differential transmission experiments were done using 80 fs laser pulses centered at 395 nm and 790 nm on gold clusters encased inside cyclodextrin cavities. We show that two photon absorption coefficient is enhanced by an order of magnitude as compared to that when the clusters are on pristine glass plate. The enhancement for the nonlinear optical refraction coefficient is ~3 times. The photo-induced excited state absorption using pump-probe experiments at pump wavelength of 395 nm and probe at 790 nm also show an enhancement by an order of magnitude. These results attributed to the excited state energy transfer in the coupled gold cluster-ITO system are different from the enhancement seen so far in charge donor-acceptor complexes and nanoparticle-conjugate polymer composites.Comment: To appear in Optics Express (2013); http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.21.00848

    Heterodyne interferometer with unequal path lengths

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    Laser interferometry is an extensively used diagnostic for plasma experiments. Existing plasma interferometers are designed on the presumption that the scene and reference beam path lengths have to be equal, a requirement that is costly in both the number of optical components and the alignment complexity. It is shown here that having equal path lengths is not necessary - instead what is required is that the path length difference be an even multiple of the laser cavity length. This assertion has been verified in a heterodyne laser interferometer that measures typical line-average densities of 1021/m2\sim 10^{21}/\textrm{m}^2 with an error of 1019/m2\sim 10^{19}/\textrm{m}^2.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 (2006

    Reforms in Indian Agro-processing and Agriculture Sectors in the Context of Unilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements

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    In this paper, we explore the potential impacts of trade and investment-related policy reforms on Indias agro-processing sector. We consider the direct effects of policy reforms within the processing sector, and the indirect effects on agro-processing of policy reforms in the primary agriculture sector, in the Indian economy as a whole, and in a multilateral framework. Towards this, we develop a 22-sector, 16-region version of the GTAP computable general equilibrium (CGE), global model for our analysis. We find that trade and investment-related reforms in agro-processing together can help the sector to grow. Policy reforms that stimulate investment and help to improve productivity will be crucial in offsetting the contractionary pressures of trade reform alone on the production of processed agricultural products. We also find that indirect effects on agro-processing from Indias policy reforms in other sectors are more important than reforms in agro-processing itself. Our findings argue for an economy-wide perspective when targeting reform or development of the agro-processing sector in India. Compared to trade reform, comprehensive domestic reforms in the agro-processing and agriculture sectors relating to investment are critical for achieving growth in agro-processing. However, while the impacts of trade reform per se seem to be small, trade reform - by ushering in a higher degree of competition - could itself be a stimulus for investment and productivity gains in India. At present, unilateral reforms, especially those that improve productivity in agro-processing and in primary agriculture, are more important to agro-processing than multilateral trade reforms. Nevertheless, our findings also suggest the importance of pursuing a domestic reform agenda within a multilateral trading strategy that can accommodate the expected economic growth of India and its future role in global markets, with general equilibrium effects on agro-processingagriculture, Agro-processing, Trade agreements, CGE models

    Effect of Co doping and hydrostatic pressure on SrFe2As2

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    We report a pressure study on electron doped SrFe2x_{2-x}Cox_xAs2_2 by electrical-resistivity (ρ\rho) and magnetic-susceptibility (χ\chi) experiments. Application of either external pressure or Co substitution rapidly suppresses the spin-density wave ordering of the Fe moments and induces superconductivity in SrFe2_2As2_2. At x=0.2x=0.2 the broad superconducting (SC) dome in the TpT-p phase diagram exhibits its maximum Tc,max=20T_{c,{\rm max}}=20 K at a pressure of only pmax0.75p_{\rm max}\approx 0.75 GPa. In SrFe1.5_{1.5}Co0.5_{0.5}As2_2 no superconductivity is observed anymore up to 2.8 GPa. Upon increasing the Co concentration the maximum of the SC dome shifts toward lower pressure accompanied by a decrease in the value of Tc,maxT_{c,{\rm max}}. Even though, superconductivity is induced by both tuning methods, Co substitution leads to a much more robust SC state. Our study evidences that in SrFe2x_{2-x}Cox_xAs2_2 both, the effect of pressure and Co-substitution, have to be considered in order to understand the SC phase-diagram and further attests the close relationship of SrFe2_2As2_2 and its sister compound BaFe2_2As2_2.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Coexisting tuneable fractions of glassy and equilibrium long-range-order phases in manganites

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    Antiferromagnetic-insulating(AF-I) and the ferromagnetic-metallic(FM-M) phases coexist in various half-doped manganites over a range of temperature and magnetic field, and this is often believed to be an essential ingredient to their colossal magnetoresistence. We present magnetization and resistivity measurements on Pr(0.5)Ca(0.5)Mn(0.975)Al(0.025)O(3) and Pr(0.5)Sr(0.5)MnO(3) showing that the fraction of the two coexisting phases at low-temperature in any specified measuring field H, can be continuously controlled by following designed protocols traversing field-temperature space; for both materials the FM-M fraction rises under similar cooling paths. Constant-field temperature variations however show that the former sample undergoes a 1st order transition from AF-I to FM-M with decreasing T, while the latter undergoes the reverse transition. We suggest that the observed path-dependent phase-separated states result from the low-T equilibrium phase coexisting with supercooled glass-like high temperature phase, where the low-T equilibrium phases are actually homogeneous FM-M and AF-I phases respectively for the two materials

    Birefringence analysis of multilayer leaky cladding optical fibre

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    We analyse a multilayer leaky cladding (MLC) fibre using the finite element method and study the effect of the MLC on the bending loss and birefringence of two types of structures: (i) a circular core large-mode-area structure and (ii) an elliptical-small-core structure. In a large-mode-area structure, we verify that the multilayer leaky cladding strongly discriminates against higher order modes to achieve single-mode operation, the fibre shows negligible birefringence, and the bending loss of the fibre is low for bending radii larger than 10 cm. In the elliptical-small-core structure we show that the MLC reduces the birefringence of the fibre. This prevents the structure from becoming birefringent in case of any departures from circular geometry. The study should be useful in the designs of MLC fibres for various applications including high power amplifiers, gain flattening of fibre amplifiers and dispersion compensation.Comment: 18 page