589 research outputs found

    Effect of tempering on microstructure and mechanical properties of a Ta-added 9%Cr steel with high B and low N contents

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    Ta was added to a modified 9%Cr steel with high B and low N content to achieve an optimal dispersion of second phase particles. The effect of tempering on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Fe-0.1C-9Cr-1.8W-0.6Mo-3Co-Nb-V-0,0013B-0,007N-0,085Ta steel was investigated. Typical martensite lath structure was observed after normalization at 1323 K for 0.5 h. The M23(C,B)6 and complex (Nb,Ta)(C,N) particles formed during tempering at 1023-1053

    Reproductive potential of yellow water-lily (Nuphar lutea) in the conditions of lake ecosystems

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    Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. (Nymphaeaceae Salisb.) belongs to the category of highly active cenose-forming plants in water bodies and water flows. The material for study of morphological peculiarities and seed productivity of the fruits of this species was collected mainly in the lake ecosystems of the Central Part of European Russia and Republic of Belarus. In the study we used biomorphological and ontogenetic approaches. Seed productivity was surveyed by direct count of number of seeds in the fruit. By abundance (in descending order), the significant reliable inter-lake differences in a number of morphological parameters of the fruit fall into the following sequence: number of rays of stigma of fruit (in six pairs of lakes) > length of fruit (in four pairs of lakes) > diameter of the stigma of fruit (in three pairs of lakes) > diameter of fruit (in two pairs of lakes) > length of the neck of the fruit (in one pair of lakes). Intra-regional differences in certain morphological parameters of fruits (by number of rays of stigmas) were most notably manifested only in the Belarus lakes which are similar by trophic status. All the differences in the fruits’ morphology could be due to differences in the habitat by the amount of nutrients in water and soil. The amount of seed productivity of the fruits from N. lutea varies broadly. Analysis of this parameter depending on the character of soils in which the plants grew indicated reliable results only in the case of muddy (296 ± 81) and sandy soils (179 ± 13). We determined that distribution of generative diasporas of N. lutea across large distances is related not only to presence of floating ability in the seeds, but also the “multi-step” process of their release: first – mericarps from fruits, and then seeds from mericarps. In the experimental conditions, most seeds directly sunk to the bed (70%) and the rest continued to float on the surface of the water during a month. Low germination of the seeds of the water-lily in the laboratory conditions (4–6%) with use of different means and terms of dry stratification was due to the fact that they have an organic morphophysiological intermediate type of rest. Having such a mechanism causes portioned and prolonged germination, allowing the species to survive in non-favourable conditions and accumulate generative diaspores in the soil. Despite the fact that the initial stages of ontogenesis in the laboratory and natural conditions have no significant differences, we found polyvariance in their tempo of development. First of all, this is related to different dates of transition of the plant from one age state to another. In the case of N. lutea, one should also note the morphological polyvariance of ontogenesis related to change in morphologic characteristics of plants depending on the water level. The obtained results give a more complete picture of the peculiarities of generative reproduction of N. lutea, necessary for understanding the ecosystem role of this plant and its impact on biological processes in water bodies

    Внешняя среда как фактор выбора места проживания

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    Many people have certain problems with the choice of the place of living. The main idea of this article is to study the aspects of urban area environment which effect on this decision. The influence of these factors is analyzed on example of two cities: the big one and the small one.Многие люди имеют определенные проблемы при выборе места жительства. Основной идеей данной статьи является изучение аспектов городской окружающей среды, которые влияют на выбор места проживания людей. Влияние этих факторов анализируется на примере двух городов: один большой и один маленький по градостроительной классификации

    Superscaling in dilute Fermi gas and its relation to general properties of the nucleon momentum distribution in nuclei

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    The superscaling observed in inclusive electron scattering is described within the dilute Fermi gas model with interaction between the particles. The comparison with the relativistic Fermi gas (RFG) model without interaction shows an improvement in the explanation of the scaling function f(ψ)f(\psi ') in the region ψ<1\psi ' < -1, where the RFG result is f(ψ)=0f(\psi ') = 0. It is found that the behavior of f(ψ)f(\psi ') for ψ<1\psi ' < -1 depends on the particular form of the general power-law asymptotics of the momentum distribution n(k)1/k4+mn(k)\sim 1/ k^{4+m} at large kk. The best agreement with the empirical scaling function is found for m4.5m\simeq 4.5 in agreement with the asymptotics of n(k)n(k) in the coherent density fluctuation model where m=4m = 4. Thus, superscaling gives information about the asymptotics of n(k)n(k) and the NN forces.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Creep strength and microstructure of a modified P911-type steel weld joint

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    The creep strength and microstructure of the weld joint of the modified P911-type steel has been studied. The creep rupture time of the welded joint at 650° of 1375 h is close to that of the base metal. The heat affected zone -is found to be the weakest area due to the increased size and relatively high coarsening rate of precipitates. The increased boron content in the weld steel effectively stabilizes the M₂₃(C,B)₆ particles and is beneficial for the creep strength of the weld joint in the fusion zon

    Creep behavior and microstructure of a Ta-added 9%Cr steel with high B and low N contents

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    The creep behavior and microstructure of an advanced a Ta-added 9%Cr steel were investigated. The steel is characterized by increased strength in the long-term creep regime, which can be associated with fine dispersion of (Nb,Ta)(C,N) particles. Strengthening of the studied steel due to the fine MX particles was estimated using the Orowan particle strengthening mode

    Photonic gaps in cholesteric elastomers under deformation

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    Cholesteric liquid crystal elastomers have interesting and potentially very useful photonic properties. In an ideal monodomain configuration of these materials, one finds a Bragg-reflection of light in a narrow wavelength range and a particular circular polarization. This is due to the periodic structure of the material along one dimension. In many practical cases, the cholesteric rubber possesses a sufficient degree of quenched disorder, which makes the selective reflection broadband. We investigate experimentally the problem of how the transmittance of light is affected by mechanical deformation of the elastomer, and the relation to changes in liquid crystalline structure. We explore a series of samples which have been synthesized with photonic stop-gaps across the visible range. This allows us to compare results with detailed theoretical predictions regarding the evolution of stop-gaps in cholesteric elastomers

    Tensile behavior of an austenitic stainless steel subjected to multidirectional forging

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    The mechanical behavior of a chromium -nickel austenitic stainless steel with submicrocrystalline structures produced by multidirectional forging (MDF) to a total strain of ∼ 4 at temperatures of 700 and 600° C was studied. This processing resulted in the formation of uniform ultrafine grained structure with an average crystallite size of 360 and 300 nm, respectively, and high dislocation density. The tensile tests were carried out in a wide temperature range 20 -650° C. At ambient temperature, the yield stress (YS) comprised 900 MPa and 730 MPa in the samples subjected to MDF at 600 and 700° C, respectively. It should be noted that this strength was achieved along with elongations of 16% and 22% in the samples subjected to MDF at 600 and 700° C. The YS decreased and elongati on-to-failure tends to increase with increasing test temperature and approaching 235 MPa and 51%, respectively, at 650° C. Effect of temperature on mechanical behavior of stainless steel with submicrocrystalline structure is discusse