5,106 research outputs found

    Agro-Ecological Effects of Sewage Sludge Application to Orchard Grass (Dactylis Glomerata) Fields

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    Municipal sewage sludge can have a great fertilisation effect. However, its application is limited by high amounts of heavy metals, which have adverse effects on soil biota and plants (Ladonin et al., 2002). Our work was aimed at investigating the sludge effect on a soil-plant system

    Dileptons from the nonequilibrium Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    According to the dynamical quasiparticle model (DQPM) -- matched to reproduce lattice QCD results in thermodynamic limit, -- the constituents of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) are massive and off-shell quasi-particles (quarks and gluons) with broad spectral functions. In order to address the electromagnetic radiation of the sQGP, we derive off-shell cross sections of qqˉγq\bar q\to\gamma^*, qqˉγ+gq\bar q\to\gamma^*+g and qgγqqg\to\gamma^*q(qˉgγqˉ\bar q g\to\gamma^* \bar q) reactions taking into account the effective propagators for quarks and gluons from the DQPM. Dilepton production in In+In collisions at 158 AGeV is studied by implementing these processes into the parton-hadron-string dynamics (PHSD) transport approach. The microscopic PHSD transport approach describes the full evolution of the heavy-ion collision: from the dynamics of quasi-particles in the sQGP phase (when the local energy density is above 1\sim 1 GeV/fm3^3) through hadronization and to the following hadron interactions and off-shell propagation after the hadronization. A comparison to the data of the NA60 Collaboration shows that the low mass dilepton spectra are well described by including a collisional broadening of vector mesons, while the spectra in the intermediate mass range are dominated by off-shell quark-antiquark annihilation, quark Bremsstrahlung and gluon-Compton scattering in the nonperturbative QGP. In particular, the observed softening of the mTm_T spectra at intermediate masses (1 GeV M\le M \le 3 GeV) is approximately reproduced.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 26th Winter Workshop on `Nuclear Dynamics', Ochto Rios, Jamaica, 2-9 January, 201

    Observations of Lick Standard Stars Using the SCORPIO Multi-Slit Unit at the SAO 6-m Telescope

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    We present Lick line-index measurements of standard stars from the list of Worthey. The spectra were taken with the multi-slit unit of the SCORPIO spectrograph at the 6-m Special Astrophysical observatory telescope. We describe in detail our method of analysis and explain the importance of using the Lick index system for studying extragalactic globular clusters. Our results show that the calibration of our instrumental system to the standard Lick system can be performed with high confidence.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Omega and AntiOmega production in Pb+Pb and p+p collisions at 30, 40 and 158 AGeV

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    We report preliminary results on Omega and AntiOmega production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 30, 40 and 158 AGeV and p + p interactions at 158 GeV. The midrapidity AntiOmega/Omega ratio is estimated to be 0.45 +- 0.05 and 0.41 +- 0.18 for central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 and 40 AGeV, respectively. The corresponding value for 158 GeV p+p interactions is 0.67 +- 0.62. For central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV fully corrected distributions are obtained. The inverse slope parameters of the transverse mass spectrum and total yields are T(Omega) = 276 +- 23 MeV, = 0.47 +- 0.07 and T(AntiOmega) = 285 +- 39 MeV, = 0.15 +- 0.02.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of "Strangeness in Quark Matter 2003" (March 2003, Atlantic Beach NC, USA), to be published in Journal of Physics G., 6 pages, 6 figure

    Discovery of an unusual bright eclipsing binary with the longest known period: TYC 2505-672-1 / MASTER OT J095310.04+335352.8

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    We report on the MASTER Global Robotic Net discovery of an eclipsing binary, MASTER OT J095310.04+335352.8, previously known as unremarkable star TYC 2505-672-1, which displays extreme orbital parameters. The orbital period P=69.1 yr is more than 2.5 times longer than that of epsilon-Aurigae, which is the previous record holder. The light curve is characterized by an extremely deep total eclipse with a depth of more than 4.5 mag, which is symmetrically shaped and has a total duration of 3.5 yrs. The eclipse is essentially gray. The spectra acquired with the Russian 6 m BTA telescope both at minimum and maximum light mainly correspond to an M0-1III--type red giant, but the spectra taken at the bottom of eclipse show small traces of a sufficiently hot source. The observed properties of this system can be better explained as the red giant eclipsed by a large cloud (the disk) of small particles surrounding the invisible secondary companion.Comment: 8 figures, 9 pages, Astronomy and astrophysics in prin

    Using data of optic sensors and pigment content in leaves for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition

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    Received: February 23rd, 2022 ; Accepted: May 16th, 2022 ; Published: August 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] monitoring and diagnostics of a condition of crops permit to make prompt and proper activities on dressing nitrogen fertilizers. This will allow the plants to use the nitrogen applied efficiently, and therefore reduce their use in field. Since nitrogen that has not been utilized by plants is able to escape into the atmosphere or be washed out of the soil with water. The most accurate diagnostic method is to determine the chemical composition of plants, but it takes quite a long time and requires laboratory conditions, which is not always possible in the field. One of the promising methods is photometric diagnostics of crops using optical instruments. Experiment is carried out in contrasting weather conditions, on soddy-podzolic soil with spring barley and spring rapeseed being investigated. Results of research show the efficiency of using optic sensors (N-testers) for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition of plants. The readings of the device (N-tester) were compared with the concentration of a and b chlorophyll, determined by a chemical method. Results of diagnostics with portable photometric device ‘Yara’ are correlating with concentrations of chlorophylls a (r=0.96) and b (r = 0.91) in spring rapeseed. Moreover, correlation of rapeseed yield and concentrations of chlorophylls a and b has quantity and inverse relation similar to device indication (r = -0.81 and r = -0.70 respectively). Results of diagnostics with N-tester ‘Spectroluxe’ are strongly correlating with chlorophyll concentration. Device indication correlates stronger with chlorophyll b concentration in spring barley and chlorophyll a concentration in spring rapeseed (rapeseed was investigated in dryer conditions). Thus, such a modern optical device as N-tester, whose action is based on measuring the concentration of leafy chlorophyll, can replace chemical methods and increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization, which means increasing the productivity of plants and reducing the negative impact of unreasonable use of nitrogen fertilizers

    On Tamm's problem in the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation theory

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    We analyse the well-known Tamm problem treating the charge motion on a finite space interval with the velocity exceeding light velocity in medium. By comparing Tamm's formulae with the exact ones we prove that former do not properly describe Cherenkov radiation terms. We also investigate Tamm's formula cos(theta)=1/(beta n) defining the position of maximum of the field strengths Fourier components for the infinite uniform motion of a charge. Numerical analysis of the Fourier components of field strengths shows that they have a pronounced maximum at cos(theta)=1/(beta n) only for the charge motion on the infinitely small interval. As the latter grows, many maxima appear. For the charge motion on an infinite interval there is infinite number of maxima of the same amplitude. The quantum analysis of Tamm's formula leads to the same results.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, to be published in J.Phys.D:Appl.Phy