836,791 research outputs found

    Parallel Deferred Update Replication

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    Deferred update replication (DUR) is an established approach to implementing highly efficient and available storage. While the throughput of read-only transactions scales linearly with the number of deployed replicas in DUR, the throughput of update transactions experiences limited improvements as replicas are added. This paper presents Parallel Deferred Update Replication (P-DUR), a variation of classical DUR that scales both read-only and update transactions with the number of cores available in a replica. In addition to introducing the new approach, we describe its full implementation and compare its performance to classical DUR and to Berkeley DB, a well-known standalone database

    Removing bias due to finite measurement of dynamic systems: case study on P2P systems

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    Mesurer avec pr\'ecision la dynamique des graphes de terrain est une t\^ache difficile, car les propri\'et\'es observ\'ees peuvent \^etre biais\'ees pour diff\'erentes raisons, en particulier le fait que la p\'eriode de mesure soit finie. Dans ce papier, nous introduisons une m\'ethodologie g\'en\'erale qui nous permet de savoir si la fen\^etre d'observation est suffisamment longue pour caract\'eriser une propri\'et\'e donn\'ee dans n'importe quel syst\`eme dynamique. Nous appliquons cette m\'ethodologie \`a l'\'etude des dur\'ees de sessions et des dur\'ees de vie des fichiers sur deux jeux de donn\'ees P2P. Nous montrons que le comportement des propri\'et\'es est diff\'erent : pour les dur\'ees de sessions, notre m\'ethodologie nous permet de caract\'eriser avec pr\'ecision la forme de leur distribution. Par contre, pour les dur\'ees de vie des fichiers, nous montrons que cette propri\'et\'e ne peut pas \^etre caract\'eris\'ee, soit parce qu'elle n'est pas stationnaire, soit parce que la dur\'ee de notre mesure est trop courte

    Frequency Limits on Naked-Eye Optical Transients Lasting from Minutes to Years

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    How often do bright optical transients occur on the sky but go unreported? To constrain the bright end of the astronomical transient function, a systematic search for transients that become bright enough to be noticed by the unaided eye was conducted using the all-sky monitors of the Night Sky Live network. Two fisheye continuous cameras (CONCAMs) operating over three years created a data base that was searched for transients that appeared in time-contiguous CCD frames. Although a single candidate transient was found (Nemiroff and Shamir 2006), the lack of more transients is used here to deduce upper limits to the general frequency of bright transients. To be detected, a transient must have increased by over three visual magnitudes to become brighter than visual magnitude 5.5 on the time scale of minutes to years. It is concluded that, on the average, fewer than 0.0040 (tdur/60t_{dur} / 60 seconds) transients with duration tdurt_{dur} between minutes and hours, occur anywhere on the sky at any one time. For transients on the order of months to years, fewer than 160 (tdur/1t_{dur} / 1 year) occur, while for transients on the order of years to millennia, fewer than 50 (tdur/1t_{dur}/1 year)2^2 occur.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Chromoelectric fields and quarkonium-hadron interactions at high energies

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    We develop a simple model to study the heavy quarkonium-hadron cross section in the high energy limit. The hadron is represented by an external electric color field (capacitor) and the heavy quarkonium is represented by a small color dipole. Using high energy approximations we compute the relevant cross sections, which are then compared with results obtained with other methods. Our calculations are presented in a pedagogical way accessible to undergraduate students.Comment: To appear in Physical Review C, 24 pages, 10 eps figure


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap kebudayaan lokal, khususnya Kesenian Dur Ong. Walaupun kesenian Dur Ong sudah ada sejak beberapa puluhan tahun di Desa Cikalong, Kecamatan Cikalong Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, tetapi tidak semua masyarakat Kabupaten Bandung Barat dan Desa Cikalong mengetahui adanya kesenian Dur Ong. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asal-usul dan sejarah perkembangan kesenian Dur Ong, pertunjukan kesenian Dur Ong, nilai-nilai budaya yang terdapat pada kesenian Dur Ong serta bahan pembelajaran membaca artikel tentang kebudayaan. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini mencakup gambaran umum asal-usul dan sejarah perkembangaan kesenian Dur Ong, pertunjukan kesenian Dur Ong, nilai-nilai budaya yang terdapat pada kesenian Dur Ong serta bisa dijadikan alternatif bahan pembelajaran membaca artikel tentang kebudayaan di kelas XII. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, awal perkembangan kesenian Dur Ong di Tagog Apu, Kecamatan Padalarang. Kemudian berkembang di Desa Cikalong, Kecamatan Cikalong Wetan. Kesenian ini hasil kreasi para seniman Dur Ong yaitu dari proses difusi dan akulturasi. Nilai-nilai budaya, fungsi, dan makna yang terdapat pada kesenian Dur Ong erat kaitanya dengan proses pendidikan karakter yang bisa diterapkan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Manfaat dari penelitian ini yaitu menambah ilmu pengetahuan masyarakat dan rasa bangga terhadap kesenian yang ada di daerahnya masing-masing. This research is motivated by the lack of public knowledge of the local culture, especially Dur Ong art. Although Dur Ong art had been around for decades in Cikalong Village, Cikalong Wetan District and West Bandung Regency, but not all of the people of West Bandung Regency and Cikalong Village aware of any Dur Ong art. Therefore, this study aims to determine the origins and historical development of Dur Ong art and Dur Ong art performances, cultural values contained in Dur Ong art and material culture of learning to read articles about. This study analyzed using descriptive methods. Data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study include a general overview of the origins and historical development of Dur Ong art and Dur Ong art performances, cultural values contained in Dur Ong art and can be used as an alternative material to read the article about the culture of learning in class XII. Based on the results of this reseach, the initial development of the Dur Ong arts in Tagog Apu, Padalarang District. Then developed in Cikalong Village, Cikalong Wetan District. This art created by the Dur Ong artist is of diffusion and acculturation process. Cultural values, functions, and meanings contained in Dur Ong art close relation to the process of character education that can be applied in learning process at school. The benefits of this research that adds to the science community and a sense of pride in the arts in their respective regions

    Altruism and Relational Incentives in the Workplace

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    This paper studies how altruism between managers and employees affects relational incentive contracts. To this end we develop a simple dynamic principal-agent model where both players may have feelings of altruism or spite toward each other. The con- tract may contain two types of incentives for the agent to work hard: a bonus and a threat of dismissal. We find that altruism undermines the credibility of a threat of dis- missal but strengthens the credibility of a bonus. Among others, these two mechanisms imply that higher altruism sometimes leads to higher bonuses, while lower altruism may increase productivity and players utility in equilibrium

    Humanistic Education in Abdurrahman Wahid’s

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    Human values are one of the main components of concern in the education field. One of the Muslim scholars who had very high concern for issues related to humanity was Abdurrahman Wahid or who was familiarly called Gus Dur. For Gus Dur, appreciation of human values is at the core of the teachings of Islam. The emphasis on understanding humanity provides a basis for the humanistic attitude that Gus Dur wanted to build. Humanistic education in the concept of Gus Dur is a discussion of human values voiced by Gus Dur which includes universal humanity, human rights and justice. Therefore, this paper intends to discuss humanistic education in Gus Dur's perspective. Keywords: Nilaihumanistic education, human right, justice, Abdur Abstrak rahman Wahid nilai kemanusiaan adalah salah satu komponen utama yang menjadi perhatian di bidang pendidikan. Salah satu cendekiawan Muslim yang memiliki kepedulian yang sangat tinggi terhadap masalah yang berkaitan dengan kemanusiaan adalah Abdurrahman Wahid atau yang akrab disapa Gus Dur. Bagi Gus Dur, penghargaan terhadap nilainilai kemanusiaan adalah inti dari ajaran Islam. Penekanan pada memahami kemanusiaan memberikan dasar bagi sikap humanistik yang ingin dibangun oleh Gus Dur. Pendidi kan humanistik dalam konsep Gus Dur adalah diskusi tentang nilainilai kemanusiaan yang disuarakan oleh Gus Dur yang mencakup kemanusiaan universal, hak asasi manusia dan keadilan. Oleh karena itu, makalah ini bermaksud membahas pendidikan humanistik dalam perspektif Gus Dur

    Optimal Incentive Contracts when Workers envy their Boss

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    A worker's utility may increase in his own income, but envy can make his utility decline with his employer's income. Such behavior may call for high-powered incentives, so that increased effort by the worker little increases the income of his employer. This paper employs a principal-agent model to study optimal incentive contracts for envious workers under various assumptions about the object and generality of envy. Envy amplifies the effect of incentives on effort and, therefore, increases optimal incentive pay. Moreover, envy can make profit-sharing optimal, even when the worker's effort is fully contractible. We discuss several applications of our theoretical work. For example, envy can explain why lower-level workers are awarded stock options, why incentive pay is usually lower in non-profit organizations, and higher in larger firms. Envy may also make governmental production of a good more efficient than private production

    Subsidizing Enjoyable Education

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    We provide an explanation for why both college tuition and government grants to college students are typically means-tested. The critical idea is that attending college is both an investment good and a consumption good. The consumption benefit from education implies that, when tuition and grants are uniform, the marginal rich student is less smart than some poor people who choose not to attend college, thus reducing the social returns to education and increasing the college’s cost of education. Competition in the market for college education results in means-tested tuition. In addition, to maximize the social returns to education government should means-test grants. We thus provide a rationale for means-tested tuition and grants which relies neither on capital market imperfections nor on redistributive objectives
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