3 research outputs found

    A study on PDC drill bits quality

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    The quality of innovating PDC (Polycrystalline Diamond Compact) bits materials needs to be determined with accuracy by measuring cutting efficiency and wear rate, both related to the overall mechanical properties. An original approach is developed to encompass cutting efficiency and wear contribution to the overall sample quality. Therefore, a lathe-type test device was used to abrade specific samples from various manufacturers. Post-experiment analyzes are based on models establishing coupled relationships between cutting and friction stresses related to the drag bits excavation mechanism. These models are implemented in order to evaluate cutting efficiency and to estimate wear of the diamond insert. Phase analysis by XRD and finite element simulations were performed to explain the role of physicochemical parameters on the calculated quality factor values. Four main properties of PDC material were studied to explain quality results obtained in this study: cobalt content in samples that characterizes hardness/fracture toughness compromise, undesired phase as tungsten carbide weakening diamond structure, diamond grains sizes and residual stresses distribution affecting abrasion resistance

    Functionally graded cemented carbides elaboration by imbibition process—Better understanding of liquid migration and homogenization mechanisms for an improved process

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    International audienceCemented carbides are used in rock drilling, for mining tools and other wear-resistant parts. These composite materials possess an excellent compromise between hardness and toughness. Currently, the concept of graded structure (FGM) is widely studied to improve these two properties simultaneously, and thus to increase the service life of drilling tools. This paper focuses on the imbibition process. The imbibition process gradually enriches the core of dense cemented carbide with binder phase and is based on the principle of liquid-phase migration in a solid/liquid body. FGM generated by such techniques shows interesting mechanical properties gradient, such as 400 HV on 20 mm hardness gradient. Hardness gradient development is achieved through a better understanding of kinetics and other phenomena occurring during imbibition. The goal is to select suitable process parameter for each grade of carbide

    Solution de valorisation des rĂ©sultats, de l’expertise et du partenariat du projet de recherche GEOTREF: vers un rĂ©seau pluridisciplinaire ouvert, coordonnĂ© et supervisĂ© d’entreprises et de laboratoires hautement spĂ©cialisĂ©s en gĂ©osciences

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    International audienceUnder the pressure of climate change and the transition to low-carbon energy, geothermal energy is experiencing an unprecedented worldwide craze. Investors are mobilizing, oil companies are interested in it and many companies are being created to propose solutions likely to facilitate or improve its exploitation. However, the risks associated with the resource (underground uncertainties) remain a major obstacle to its development, whatever the mode of exploitation and use (electricity, heat). The risks are all the more complex to assess as they can be short-term (absence of an economically exploitable resource after drilling) or longterm (depletion of the resource that has become economically unprofitable). The observation is unanimous: to remove the risks and better exploit the resources, it is necessary to implement fully multidisciplinary, collaborative approaches with a high level of expertise in geoscience. This expertise exists and continues to grow, but in a dispersed manner and with little or no synergy, in research laboratories and in highly specialized companies. They are rightly absent in companies that develop geothermal energy and whose primary vocation is to exploit well identified resources in the long term, not to understand and conceptualize the operation in all its complexity with the associated uncertainties. The GEOTREF R&D project, financed by Investissements d'Avenir and ADEME, has been designed to cover all the fields of expertise required in geoscience and modelling in order to better address the risks associated with the geothermal resource by integrating the issue of fractured reservoirs. This project involves highly specialized universities and companies. It has helped to acquire new knowledge in geothermal energy, to develop innovative methods and approaches, to develop a software platform dedicated to geothermal energy and to create real synergies between the partners. The paper will present the solution being prepared by GEOTREF to provide all the services necessary for the identification, reliable assessment and sustainable exploitation of geothermal resources: data acquisition, processing and interpretation, collaborative multidisciplinary expertise in geoscience, formalization and parameterization of uncertainties, production of static and dynamic models integrating data, assumptions and interpretations, production of decision support elements useful at all stages of a project. The solution is based on an open network of companies and laboratories, coordinated and supervised by a start-up company in preparation. The target market is international.Sous la pression du changement climatique et de la transition vers une Ă©nergie dĂ©carbonĂ©e, la gĂ©othermie connaĂźt un engouement mondial sans prĂ©cĂ©dent. Des investisseurs se mobilisent, des pĂ©troliers s’y intĂ©ressent et de nombreuses sociĂ©tĂ©s se crĂ©ent pour proposer des solutions susceptibles d’en faciliter ou d’en amĂ©liorer l’exploitation. Les risques liĂ©s Ă  la ressource (incertitudes souterraines) restent cependant un frein majeur Ă  son dĂ©veloppement quel qu’en soit le mode d’exploitation et l’usage (Ă©lectricitĂ©, chaleur). Les risques sont d’autant plus complexes Ă  Ă©valuer qu’ils peuvent ĂȘtre Ă  court terme (absence d’une ressource Ă©conomiquement exploitable aprĂšs forage) ou Ă  long terme (Ă©puisement de la ressource devenue non rentable Ă©conomiquement). Le constat est unanime : pour lever les risques et mieux exploiter les ressources il faut mettre en oeuvre des approches pleinement pluridisciplinaires, collaboratives et d’un haut niveau d’expertise en gĂ©osciences. Ces expertises existent et continuent de s’enrichir mais de façon dispersĂ©e et sans synergie ou trĂšs peu, dans des laboratoires de recherche et dans des entreprises hautement spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Elles sont absentes Ă  juste titre dans les entreprises qui dĂ©veloppent la gĂ©othermie et dont la vocation premiĂšre est d’exploiter durablement des ressources bien identifiĂ©es, pas d’en comprendre et d’en conceptualiser le fonctionnement dans toute sa complexitĂ© avec les incertitudes associĂ©es. Le projet R&D GEOTREF financĂ© par les Investissements d’Avenir et l’ADEME a Ă©tĂ© conçu justement pour couvrir tous les domaines d’expertise nĂ©cessaires en gĂ©osciences et en modĂ©lisation pour lever au mieux les risques liĂ©s Ă  la ressource gĂ©othermique en y intĂ©grant la problĂ©matique des rĂ©servoirs fracturĂ©s. Ce projet implique des universitĂ©s et des entreprises hautement spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Il a permis d’acquĂ©rir des connaissances nouvelles dans la gĂ©othermie, de dĂ©velopper des mĂ©thodes et approches innovantes, de dĂ©velopper une plateforme logicielle dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la gĂ©othermie et de crĂ©er de vĂ©ritables synergies entre les partenaires. La communication prĂ©sentera la solution en cours de prĂ©paration issue de GEOTREF pour apporter tous les services nĂ©cessaires Ă  l’identification, l’évaluation fiable et l’exploitation durable de ressources gĂ©othermiques : acquisition, traitement et interprĂ©tation des donnĂ©es, expertise pluridisciplinaire collaborative en gĂ©osciences, formalisation et paramĂ©trisation des incertitudes, production de modĂšles statiques et dynamiques intĂ©grant donnĂ©es, hypothĂšses et interprĂ©tations, production d’élĂ©ments d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision utiles Ă  tous les stades d’un projet. La solution repose sur un rĂ©seau qui se veut ouvert d’entreprises et de laboratoires, le tout coordonnĂ© et supervisĂ© par une start-up en prĂ©paration. Le marchĂ© visĂ© est Ă  l’international