4 research outputs found

    Mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of vinyl chloride monomer

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    Vinil klorid monomer kao sirovina u proizvodnji plastičnih materijala počeo se upotrebljavati tridesetih godina ovog stoljeća i danas se pretpostavlja da su u toj industriji zaposleni milijuni radnika. Tek nakon prvih opisanih slučajeva karcinoma u radnika izloženih visokim koncentracijama ovog plina počeo se intenzivno istraživati njegov mogući mehanizam djelovanja na organizam. U radu je prikazan dio dosadašnjih spoznaja o djelovanju vinil klorid monomera kao tvari koja, nakon metaboličke aktivacije u organizmu, postaje snažan karcinogen i mutagen.The use of vinyl chloride monomer in industry dates back to the late 1930s. Today the number of occupationally exposed industrial workers is estimated to be several million. After the first described cases of cancer among workers exposed to high concentrations of this gas, extensive research was initiated into its possible mechanism of action on the living organism. This paper is a review of some current knowledge about the action of vinyl chloride monomer as a substance which after metabolic activation in the organism becomes a strong carcinogenic and mutagenic agent

    Chiral perturbation theory, finite size effects and the three-dimensional XYXY model

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    We study finite size effects of the d=3 XYXY model in terms of the chiral perturbation theory. We calculate by Monte Carlo simulations physical quantities which are, to order of (1/L)2(1/L)^2, uniquely determined only by two low energy constants. They are the magnetization and the helicity modulus (or the Goldstone boson decay constant) in infinite volume. We also pay a special attention to the region of the validity of the two possible expansions in the theory.Comment: 34 pages ( 9 PS files are included. harvmac and epsf macros are needed. ), KYUSHU-HET-17, SAGA-HE-6

    Suicide ideators and attempters with schizophrenia--the role of 5-HTTLPR, rs25531, and 5-HTT VNTR Intron 2 variants

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    AIM: To examine the role of 5-HTTLPR, rs25531 and 5-HTT VNTR Intron 2 variants in subjects with psychotic disorders manifesting suicide ideation and behaviour. ----- METHODS: The study included 519 subsequently hospitalized subjects who were genotyped for 5-HTTLPR, rs25531 and 5-HTT VNTR In2 variants. Clinical assessments included structured psychiatric interview, sociodemographic characteristics, suicide ideation and behaviour (SIBQ), severity of psychopathology (PANSS) and depression (CDSS). ----- RESULTS: Three subgroups were identified: suicide attempters (N = 161), suicide ideators (N = 174) and subjects who never reported suicide ideation or behaviour (comparative group, N = 184). Major findings: 1) Suicide attempters scored highest on the CDSS, while no differences between the three clinical subgroups were detected in the PANSS scores; 2) Suicide attempters were more frequently the carriers of L(A) allele, while subjects in the comparative group were more frequently the carriers of low expression 5-HTTLPR/5-HTT rs25531 haplotype SL(G); 3) No difference was found between the three clinical groups in the 5-HTT VNTR In2 variants; 4) Subjects with 5-HTTLPR/5-HTT rs25531 intermediate expression haplotype (L(A)L(G,)SL(A)) scored higher on the PANSS general psychopathology subscale; 5) There was no association between suicide attempt or ideation and 5-HTTLPR/In2 or 5-HTTLPR/rs25531/In2 haplotype distribution. ----- CONCLUSION: The suicide ideators, attempters and controls did not differ significantly in 5-HTTLPR or 5-HTT VNTR In 2 variants, but 5-HTTLPR/5-HTT rs25531 haplotype might be a useful genetic marker in distinguishing these three clinical groups