7,571 research outputs found

    Towards topological quantum computer

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    One of the principal obstacles on the way to quantum computers is the lack of distinguished basis in the space of unitary evolutions and thus the lack of the commonly accepted set of basic operations (universal gates). A natural choice, however, is at hand: it is provided by the quantum R-matrices, the entangling deformations of non-entangling (classical) permutations, distinguished from the points of view of group theory, integrable systems and modern theory of non-perturbative calculations in quantum field and string theory. Observables in this case are (square modules of) the knot polynomials, and their pronounced integrality properties could provide a key to error correction. We suggest to use R-matrices acting in the space of irreducible representations, which are unitary for the real-valued couplings in Chern-Simons theory, to build a topological version of quantum computing.Comment: 14 page

    On skew tau-functions in higher spin theory

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    Recent studies of higher spin theory in three dimensions concentrate on Wilson loops in Chern-Simons theory, which in the classical limit reduce to peculiar corner matrix elements between the highest and lowest weight states in a given representation of SL(N). Despite these "skew" tau-functions can seem very different from conventional ones, which are the matrix elements between the two highest weight states, they also satisfy the Toda recursion between different fundamental representations. Moreover, in the most popular examples they possess simple representations in terms of matrix models and Schur functions. We provide a brief introduction to this new interesting field, which, after quantization, can serve as an additional bridge between knot and integrability theories.Comment: 36 page

    S-Duality and Modular Transformation as a non-perturbative deformation of the ordinary pq-duality

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    A recent claim that the S-duality between 4d SUSY gauge theories, which is AGT related to the modular transformations of 2d conformal blocks, is no more than an ordinary Fourier transform at the perturbative level, is further traced down to the commutation relation [P,Q]=-i\hbar between the check-operator monodromies of the exponential resolvent operator in the underlying Dotsenko-Fateev matrix models and beta-ensembles. To this end, we treat the conformal blocks as eigenfunctions of the monodromy check operators, what is especially simple in the case of one-point toric block. The kernel of the modular transformation is then defined as the intertwiner of the two monodromies, and can be obtained straightforwardly, even when the eigenfunction interpretation of the blocks themselves is technically tedious. In this way, we provide an elementary derivation of the old expression for the modular kernel for the one-point toric conformal block.Comment: 15 page

    Knot invariants from Virasoro related representation and pretzel knots

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    We remind the method to calculate colored Jones polynomials for the plat representations of knot diagrams from the knowledge of modular transformation (monodromies) of Virasoro conformal blocks with insertions of degenerate fields. As an illustration we use a rich family of pretzel knots, lying on a surface of arbitrary genus g, which was recently analyzed by the evolution method. Further generalizations can be to generic Virasoro modular transformations, provided by integral kernels, which can lead to the Hikami invariants.Comment: 29 page

    Octonic Electrodynamics

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    In this paper we present eight-component values "octons", generating associative noncommutative algebra. It is shown that the electromagnetic field in a vacuum can be described by a generalized octonic equation, which leads both to the wave equations for potentials and fields and to the system of Maxwell's equations. The octonic algebra allows one to perform compact combined calculations simultaneously with scalars, vectors, pseudoscalars and pseudovectors. Examples of such calculations are demonstrated by deriving the relations for energy, momentum and Lorentz invariants of the electromagnetic field. The generalized octonic equation for electromagnetic field in a matter is formulated.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Is Strong Gravitational Radiation predicted by TeV-Gravity?

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    In TeV-gravity models the gravitational coupling to particles with energies E\sim m_{Pl} \sim 10 TeV is not suppressed by powers of ultra-small ratio E/M_{Pl} with M_{Pl} \sim 10^{19} GeV. Therefore one could imagine strong synchrotron radiation of gravitons by the accelerating particles to become the most pronounced manifestation of TeV-gravity at LHC. However, this turns out to be not true: considerable damping continues to exist, only the place of E/M_{Pl} it taken by a power of a ratio \theta\omega/E, where the typical frequency \omega of emitted radiation, while increased by a number of \gamma-factors, can not reach E/\vartheta unless particles are accelerated by nearly critical fields. Moreover, for currently available magnetic fields B \sim 10 Tesla, multi-dimensionality does not enhance gravitational radiation at all even if TeV-gravity is correct.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe
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