1,974 research outputs found

    Living Walls in The City: Community Values and Expectations

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    There is an increasing interest in living walls in the urban environment, particularly when linked into green infrastructure for urban heat island mitigation. However, the social acceptance of such systems in Australia is largely untested. To address this knowledge gap, a survey of nineteen local government authorities and twenty living wall owners and managers was conducted. The survey participants included commercial and residential buildings. The survey was used to study living wall owners’ motivations and expectations of living walls as well as the social values attached to the installed infrastructure. This study related the experiences of living wall owners to the current technical knowledge of living walls and contextualised the benefits and costs of living walls for Australian homes and buildings within the public attitudes and motivations for installing such infrastructure. The survey found that social acceptance and the aesthetic values placed on living walls and greenery more broadly represented a substantial advantage for living walls

    Living Walls in The City: Community Values and Expectations

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    There is an increasing interest in living walls in the urban environment, particularly when linked into green infrastructure for urban heat island mitigation. However, the social acceptance of such systems in Australia is largely untested. To address this knowledge gap, a survey of nineteen local government authorities and twenty living wall owners and managers was conducted. The survey participants included commercial and residential buildings. The survey was used to study living wall owners’ motivations and expectations of living walls as well as the social values attached to the installed infrastructure. This study related the experiences of living wall owners to the current technical knowledge of living walls and contextualised the benefits and costs of living walls for Australian homes and buildings within the public attitudes and motivations for installing such infrastructure. The survey found that social acceptance and the aesthetic values placed on living walls and greenery more broadly represented a substantial advantage for living walls

    Tissue specific promoters improve specificity of AAV9 mediated transgene expression following intra-vascular gene delivery in neonatal mice

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    The AAV9 capsid displays a high natural affinity for the heart following a single intravenous (IV) administration in both newborn and adult mice. It also results in substantial albeit relatively lower expression levels in many other tissues. To increase the overall safety of this gene delivery method we sought to identify which one of a group of promoters is able to confer the highest level of cardiac specific expression and concurrently, which is able to provide a broad biodistribution of expression across both cardiac and skeletal muscle. The in vivo behavior of five different promoters was compared: CMV, desmin (Des), alpha-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC), myosin light chain 2 (MLC-2) and cardiac troponin C (cTnC). Following IV administration to newborn mice, LacZ expression was measured by enzyme activity assays. Results showed that rAAV2/9-mediated gene delivery using the α-MHC promoter is effective for focal transgene expression in the heart and the Des promoter is highly suitable for achieving gene expression in cardiac and skeletal muscle following systemic vector administration. Importantly, these promoters provide an added layer of control over transgene activity following systemic gene delivery

    The relative impact of socioeconomic position and frailty varies by population setting

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    INTRODUCTION: Frailty and socioeconomic position (SEP) are well-established determinants of health. However, we know less about the contributions of frailty and SEP in older adults, especially in acute settings. We set out to answer how frailty and SEP might influence health outcomes in older people, comparing a population sample and patients managed by a speciality acute frailty service. METHODS: We used the Delirium and Population Health Informatics Cohort, a population sample of 1510 individuals aged ≥70 years from the London Borough of Camden and 1750 acute frailty patients. SEP was determined using the Index of Multiple Deprivation. Linear and Cox proportional hazard regression models were conducted to assess SEP on frailty, readmission, and mortality outcomes. RESULTS: In the population sample, SEP was significantly associated with frailty and mortality with successive increases in rate of death for each IMD quintile (HR = 1.28, 95% CI 1.11 to 1.49, P < 0.005). Increasing SEP, age, and admission status among hospitalized individuals were associated with greater frailty. For individuals seen by the speciality frailty service, SEP was not associated with frailty, mortality, or readmission. DISCUSSION: When older people experience acute illness severe enough to require secondary care, particularly specialist services, this overcomes any prior advantages conferred by a higher SEP

    Anomalies de l’électro-encéphalogramme en neurologie pédiatrique: à propos de 500 enregistrements à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (Cameroun)

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    Introduction: Cette étude dont le but était d'évaluer la contribution de l'électroencéphalogramme (EEG) en neurologie pédiatrique et de déterminer les indications pertinentes chez l'enfant de 0 à 15ans. Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive réalisée au laboratoire d'électroencéphalographie de l'Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé du 1er novembre 2011 au 15 mars 2012.Résultats: L'âge moyen des patients était de 70.2 mois avec des extrêmes de 0 et 180 mois. Le sexe ratio était de 1.04. Cent quatre vingt treize des 500 tracés de veille étaient anormaux 41 des 114 tracés de sommeil étaient anormaux et 78 des 500 tracés réalisés présentaient un rythme de fond ralenti pour l'âge. Cent cinquante tracés présentaient des anomalies épileptiques dont 81 focales, 35 multifocales et 34 des anomalies généralisées. Sur les 137 patients dont l'EEG était compatible avec une épilepsie, le lobe temporal était le plus souvent le siège d'anomalies épileptiques avec des épilepsies temporales et des épilepsies à pointes centro-temporales, venaient ensuite le lobe frontal, les épilepsies généralisées, les épilepsies du lobe occipital et l'hypsarythmie. Chez 13 des 150 patients avec des anomalies épileptiques à l'EEG, les anomalies retrouvées ne rentraient pas dans le cadre d'un syndrome épileptique particulier. Lorsque l'épilepsie était connue, la probabilité d'avoir un tracé EEG anormal était 1,44 fois plus élevée (OR=1.44 (0.83-2.52) même si la corrélation n'était pas statistiquement significative (p=0.1). En revanche lorsque l'épilepsie était suspectée, il y avait 3.43 fois plus de risques d'avoir un tracé anormal (OR=3.43 (2.27-5.18) avec une corrélation statistiquement significative (p&lt; ;0.05). Les convulsions fébriles, les mouvements anormaux, le retard psychomoteur, les troubles déficitaires de l'attention avec hyperinésie, la perte de connaissance et les troubles du langage n'étaient pas significativement corrélés avec un risque accru d'avoir un EEG anormal. Conclusion: L'EEG a un rôle aussi bien dans la confirmation et la caractérisation de divers syndromes épileptiques et suspicions d'épilepsie que dans la discrimination des manifestations paroxystiques non épileptiques chez l'enfant. Les renseignements cliniques sont indispensables pour une lecture optimale du tracé.Key words: Enfants, épilepsies, électro-encéphalogramme, Camerou

    The 10 sea urchin receptor for egg jelly proteins (SpREJ) are members of the polycystic kidney disease-1 (PKD1) family

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mutations in the human polycystic kidney disease-1 (<it>hPKD1</it>) gene result in ~85% of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, the most frequent human monogenic disease. PKD1 proteins are large multidomain proteins involved in a variety of signal transduction mechanisms. Obtaining more information about members of the PKD1 family will help to clarify their functions. Humans have five hPKD1 proteins, whereas sea urchins have 10. The PKD1 proteins of the sea urchin, <it>Strongylocentrotus purpuratus</it>, are referred to as the Receptor for Egg Jelly, or SpREJ proteins. The SpREJ proteins form a subfamily within the PKD1 family. They frequently contain C-type lectin domains, PKD repeats, a REJ domain, a GPS domain, a PLAT/LH2 domain, 1–11 transmembrane segments and a C-terminal coiled-coil domain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 10 full-length SpREJ cDNA sequences were determined. The secondary structures of their deduced proteins were predicted and compared to the five human hPKD1 proteins. The genomic structures of the 10 SpREJs show low similarity to each other. All 10 SpREJs are transcribed in either embryos or adult tissues. SpREJs show distinct patterns of expression during embryogenesis. Adult tissues show tissue-specific patterns of SpREJ expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Possession of a REJ domain of about 600 residues defines this family. Except for SpREJ1 and 3, that are thought to be associated with the sperm acrosome reaction, the functions of the other SpREJ proteins remain unknown. The sea urchin genome is one-fourth the size of the human genome, but sea urchins have 10 SpREJ proteins, whereas humans have five. Determination of the tissue specific function of each of these proteins will be of interest to those studying echinoderm development. Sea urchins are basal deuterostomes, the line of evolution leading to the vertebrates. The study of individual PKD1 proteins will increase our knowledge of the importance of this gene family.</p

    Biomarkers differentiate drug-induced liver injury from other liver injury: PONDER study

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    Background and Aim: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a known complication of volatile anesthetic (VA) agents, and, despite being rare, DILI can be serious. One mechanism of VA-DILI occurs via interleukin 4 (IL-4)driven upregulation of cytochrome P450-2E1, leading to the formation of drug metabolites (haptens) that trigger IL-4-driven antigen-specific T cells and autoantibodies. Our group has developed biomarkers for liver injury and have examined this in patients before and after VA exposure. The aim of this prospective study was to determine the early markers of VA-DILI. Methods: We prospectively followed patients having a VA general anesthetic (sevoflurane and/or desflurane) and compared them with those who received regional or total intravenous anesthesia. Exclusion criteria were known liver disease or any episode of significant hypotension. Baseline data on patient demographics and comorbidities were collected, and blood was analyzed for liver biochemistry, macrophage activation markers (CD206, CD163), and IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies to JHDN5 (the CYP2E1 epitope) and trifluoroacetyl (TFA), the VA drug hapten. Follow-up blood samples were taken 48 h postoperatively and compared with baseline results. DILI was defined as an alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level greater than two times the upper limit of normal (ULN) and post-review agreement by an expert panel, taking into account the pattern of liver function test result derangement and intraoperative events. Results: Of 229 patients recruited, 16 developed an ALT level > 2 × ULN. Twelve were considered likely to have VA-DILI, including four with an ALT rise >3 × ULN. There was a trend to associate VA-DILI with obesity (RR, 2.98; P = 0.063); however, the association with dyslipidemia (RR, 1.47; P = 0.72), male sex (RR, 1.18; P = 0.76), history of atopy (RR, 1.16; P = 0.79), and heavy ethanol consumption (RR, 1.09; P = 0.89) was not statistically significant. Prior VA exposure was not a risk factor (RR, 0.89; P = 0.83). There was a rise in CD206 and decline in CD163 from baseline in all patients. However, in the patients with VA-DILI, the levels were significantly different from all other groups. TFA IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies were elevated in the VA-DILI group when compared with controls. Conclusion: Recognizing that our results may be skewed by our cohort, this work suggests the known immunological pathway mediated by IL-4 in response to an injury: rise in CD206 to stimulate an inflammatory response, and decrease in CD163 to modulate the response. The increase in TFA IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies in the VA-DILI group is consistent with metabolism and the heightened immune response in those who develop DILI. At this early juncture, JHDN5 IgG4 autoantibodies were not detected. Ongoing work is looking at other DILI, and how these markers can be used in DILI

    Therapeutic complement targeting in ANCA-associated vasculitides and thrombotic microangiopathy

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    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAVs) are a group of systemic autoimmune disorders characterized by necrotizing inflammation of medium-to-small vessels, a relative paucity of immune deposits, and an association with detectable circulating ANCAs. AAVs include granulomatosis with polyangiitis (renamed from Wegener's granulomatosis), microscopic polyangiitis, and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome). Until recently, AAVs have not been viewed as complement-mediated disorders. However, recent findings predominantly from animal studies demonstrated a crucial role of the complement system in the pathogenesis of AAVs. Complement activation or defects in its regulation have been described in an increasing number of acquired or genetically driven forms of thrombotic microangiopathy. Coinciding with this expanding spectrum of complement-mediated diseases, the question arises as to which AAV patients might benefit from a complement-targeted therapy. Therapies directed against the complement system point to the necessity of a genetic workup of genes of complement components and regulators in patients with AAV. Genetic testing together with pluripotent stem cells and bioinformatics tools may broaden our approach to the treatment of patients with aggressive forms of AAV

    Cluster randomised trials in the medical literature: two bibliometric surveys

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    Background: Several reviews of published cluster randomised trials have reported that about half did not take clustering into account in the analysis, which was thus incorrect and potentially misleading. In this paper I ask whether cluster randomised trials are increasing in both number and quality of reporting. Methods: Computer search for papers on cluster randomised trials since 1980, hand search of trial reports published in selected volumes of the British Medical Journal over 20 years. Results: There has been a large increase in the numbers of methodological papers and of trial reports using the term 'cluster random' in recent years, with about equal numbers of each type of paper. The British Medical Journal contained more such reports than any other journal. In this journal there was a corresponding increase over time in the number of trials where subjects were randomised in clusters. In 2003 all reports showed awareness of the need to allow for clustering in the analysis. In 1993 and before clustering was ignored in most such trials. Conclusion: Cluster trials are becoming more frequent and reporting is of higher quality. Perhaps statistician pressure works