2,586 research outputs found

    Implementasi Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penataan Ruang Dalam Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Studi Pada Penataan Ruang Dalam Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Di Kota Pasuruan)

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    The development process on each regional, particularly the urban, often put aside availability of Open Green Scape (OGS). Eventhough OGS is basic necessities a city. Constitution No.26 year 2007 about area arrangement explained that every area at least has 30% GOA from the whole area while Pasuruan City has 20.01% OGS at this time. The research intends to know how the government implements that constitution in order to reach number of OGS that determinated including the proponent and inhibitting factors. Researcher uses qualitative research method by descriptive approach. Based on research, the government publish PERDA No.31 year 2011 about RTRW Pasuruan City that existed decision about OGS that should be achieved by Pasuruan City year 2011-2013. The realizing, government do that according to priority and necessary by society, because the limits of fund and less communication. Then it need planning based on priority, good communication dan control by society

    Pengaruh Umur, Pendidikan, Pekerjaan terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Miskin di Desa Bebandem

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    Poverty continues to be a phenomenal problem throughout Indonesia history, as well as the circumstances in Bebandem village, Karangasem Bali. With regard to the conditions that have been occured in that village, this study aims to: (1) To find out the effect of age, education and type of work simultaneously on the income of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem, (2) To find out the effect of age, education, and type of work partially on the income of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem, and (3) To find out the dominant effect among age, education and type of work on the income of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem. By using number of population were 95 respondents with data analysis techniques of multiple linear regression. The results shows that: (1) In simultaneous the factors of age, education and type of work, have significant effect on the income of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem. (2) In Partial the variable of age, education and type of work have positive and significant effect on the income of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem. Age variable have negative affect on the incomes of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem. (3) the dominant factor have affect on the income of poor households in the Bebandem village, Karangasem is age variable

    Konsumsi Bbm Premium di Indonesia dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya

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    This study examines the factors that & determine 'premium' petroleum demand in Indonesia, focusing on the period of 1980-1995. Employing a logarithmic model this study also measures price-elasticity, income-elasticity, and the cross-elasticity of premium petrol with lubricants. It is found that the demand is inelastic towards income, inelastic towards price, and that lubricants arc strong complementariness for premium petrol. Thus it can be concluded that premium petrol is a normal good (neither superior nor inferior), a relatively basic need with little or no substitutes and its demand is complementary with the demand or lubricants. Since premium petrol is a basic need for Indonesian people Government with almost no substitutes, the should not take rash steps that would cause the price of petrol apparent that if Indonesia would like to re4uce the consumption of premium petrol, price policies would not be very effective as price-elasticity is low. Non-price policies, eg., introduction of alternative energy, would probably be more potent

    Cross-Sender Bit-Mixing Coding

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    Scheduling to avoid packet collisions is a long-standing challenge in networking, and has become even trickier in wireless networks with multiple senders and multiple receivers. In fact, researchers have proved that even {\em perfect} scheduling can only achieve R=O(1lnN)\mathbf{R} = O(\frac{1}{\ln N}). Here NN is the number of nodes in the network, and R\mathbf{R} is the {\em medium utilization rate}. Ideally, one would hope to achieve R=Θ(1)\mathbf{R} = \Theta(1), while avoiding all the complexities in scheduling. To this end, this paper proposes {\em cross-sender bit-mixing coding} ({\em BMC}), which does not rely on scheduling. Instead, users transmit simultaneously on suitably-chosen slots, and the amount of overlap in different user's slots is controlled via coding. We prove that in all possible network topologies, using BMC enables us to achieve R=Θ(1)\mathbf{R}=\Theta(1). We also prove that the space and time complexities of BMC encoding/decoding are all low-order polynomials.Comment: Published in the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 201

    Peran Emotional Response Konsumen dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Store Environment terhadap Impulse Buying (Survei Pembeli di Carrefour Kota Denpasar)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of emotional response in the consumer environment to mediate the effect of store impulse buying is done at the buyer at Carrefour Denpasar. This study uses qualitative research is by using observation and questionnaires to 140 buyers in Carrefour Denpasar. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM). Obtained findings that the store environment variable positive and significant impact on impulse buying and store environment variable positive and significant effect on positive emotions. Furthermore, it was found that the emotional response variables and significant positive effect on impulse buying. Finally, the emotional response in mediating store significant effect on the environment of impulse buying

    Analisis Ekonomi Lingkungan Terhadap Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah (Tpa) Jatibarang Kota Semarang

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    Population growth resulted in an increase to the amount of waste entering the landfill Jatibarang. The existence of the current landfill impact on the surrounding communities. The government made plans to redesign the landfill Jatibarang optimize the function of the landfill so that the impact of losses can also be reduced. Therefore, this study aims to determine the public perception of the impact of the benefits and disadvantages, knowing the economic valuation of the impact of economic and engineering analyzes of landfill Jatibarang redesign. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis to determine public perception, methods of productivity and enjoyment value method (Hedonic Pricing) for the analysis of economic valuation and economic analysis techniques for using the Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Profitability Index (PI), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payack Period (PP) and sensitivity Analysis. From this research, the public perception of the existence of good landfill.Visible-majority vote of the respondents to assess the environmental hygiene of 72% normal. For the assessment of the existence of the landfill Jatibarang respondents most ordinary judge by 77% because people are not bothered by the presence of TPA. While the respondents' assessment of the management of waste in the landfill Jatibarang majority judge fairly well with a percentage of 56%. Of the overall benefit of the public felt about the landfill Jatibarang are the benefits income of scavengers Rp 5.41905 billion / year. As for the value Hedonist that affect the price of land is the land distance factor to landfill and land status. Economic analysis of alternative techniques for redesigning both TPA Jatibarang only 2 alternatives that meet and feasible.With NPV of 41,922,521,630 (NPV> 0), BCR 1.183653985 (BCR> 1), IRR 25.04% (IRR> discount rste), payback period of 6.96 years and a PI of 75.98404821% (PI <100%). To test the sensitivity of the pessimistic conditions only two alternatives are still not feasible

    Impact of Socio-Economic and Socio-Ecologic Due to Ecotourism in Halimun Salak National Park

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    Keberadaan ekowisata mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat di seluruh wilayah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diringkas dalam dua pernyataan. Pertama, menentukan dampak sosio-ekonomi diterima oleh masyarakat lokal karena adanya ekowisata. Kedua, menentukan dampak sosio-ekologis yang diterima oleh daerah karena adanya ekowisata masyarakat. Hasil didasarkan pada dampak sosial ekonomi meliputi rumah tangga meningkat tingkat pendapatan, tingkat kerja sama, laju Perubahan dan penilaian gaya hidup, tingkat komunikasi, persepsi warga terhadap wisatawan, tingkat kerja alokasi waktu dan tingkatan penduduk dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Dampak sosial-ekonomi tidak terlihat di Kampung Citalahab untuk ekowisata dan desa tertutup bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung. Sosial-dampak ekologis dapat dilihat tingkat keterlibatan penduduk dalam konservasi penelitian lokal, dan Perumahan status