13 research outputs found

    Анализ проблемы при зарядке электрических автобусов городского транспорта

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    The electric bus is an ecological means of transport. Its operation reduces the negative impact on the environment. The transition to electric urban transport is in line with the concept of sustainable development of the European Union and the Polish “Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels”. Today, on the streets of Polish cities, electric buses are increasingly replacing diesel-powered vehicles. The electrification of the bus fleet requires the establishment of an appropriate infrastructure for charging vehicle batteries. Electric chargers are placed at the end stops of the communication lines. When the bus stops at the end of the route, it is possible to partially recharge the energy consumed. The amount of recharged energy depends on many factors, such as the power of the charger, bus stop time, possible waiting time for a free charger, etc. In the event of incomplete replenishment of the consumed energy, the completion of subsequent courses may be endangered. The article proposes an approach to the analysis of the process of charging electric buses at the end stops of the route, taking into account the characteristics of the vehicle battery, the intensity of vehicle traffic, the characteristics of stationary chargers and its quantity. The proposed approach uses queue theory to describe the process of bus charging. The result of the research is the estimation of the use of the chargers in different configurations and the estimation of the state of charge of the bus battery for selected timetables

    Анализ расхода электрической энергии трамваем в зависимости от используемого типа световой сигнализации

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    In the XXI century, when environmental awareness is growing and the impact of human activity on the planet is more and more noticeable, striving to minimize energy consumption seems to be a necessary direction in the development of technology. This development cannot take place without an initial understanding and describing the relationships influencing specific technologies. It also needs empirical verification of assumed theories. Modern trams play an important role in the functioning of urban transport. Being one of the oldest modes of environmentally friendly transport, in European capitals they are currently perceived as one of the most convenient means of transport. This is due, among other things, to the high velocity of transport along the route. The energy consumed by trams indirectly depends on the driving characteristics, i. e. speed, acceleration and stops on the route, which are also caused by stopping at traffic light controlled junctions. This paper presents the results of an experiment showing the change in the level of electric energy consumption depending on the applied method of traffic light control. This article presents the conditions influencing the power consumption in trams, describes the possible strategies of traffic lights control and their consequences for other traffic participants. The research was carried out in real conditions in everyday traffic, measuring the level of electricity consumption in case of both fixed-time and actuated signaling with full priority for trams. On the examined section there were both modern asynchronous-drive as well as traditional resistor-drive vehicles. The conclusions drawn from the survey confirm the validity of introducing modern solutions and may be useful for estimating investment costs.В XXI в., когда растет общественное осознание важности экологических проблем, а результаты деятельности человека на планете носят все более заметный характер, стремление к минимизации расходования энергии представляется единственно правильным и необходимым направлением развития технологий. Это развитие не может осуществляться без предположения и описания зависимостей, влияющих на конкретные технологии, а также без эмпирических исследований, которые данные предположения верифицируют. Современные трамваи как первый вид экологического транспорта сегодня во многих крупных европейских городах считаются одним из наиболее удобных средств передвижения. Причина популярности современного трамвая заключается в скорости его передвижения по выделенным путям. Расход энергии при этом зависит от профиля движения трамвая по трассе, который во многом определяется количеством ускорений, торможений и остановок, в том числе на регулируемых перекрестках. В публикации представлены результаты эксперимента, целью которого был анализ изменения электрической мощности, требующейся трамваю для прохождения трассы, в зависимости от выбранного способа управления световой сигнализацией. Сформулированы условия, которые влияют на величину расхода энергии. Представлены возможные стратегии управления световой сигнализацией на перекрестках с участием трамваев и их последствия для прочих участников движения. Исследования выполнялись в режиме действующей транспортной сети в условиях рабочего дня. Была проведена регистрация количества расхода энергии для разных стратегий управления сигнализацией: с постоянным временем переключения, а также аккомодационной с максимальным приоритетом для трамваев. Исследования касались всех видов трамваев (как современных с асинхронным двигателем, так и с тяговым приводом), которые проследовали по выбранному участку трамвайных путей. Результаты исследований подтверждают обоснованность внедрения современных стратегий управления движением трамвая и могут найти применение в том числе при планировании новых инвестиций в развитие трамвайных маршрутов

    Анализ проблемы при зарядке электрических автобусов городского транспорта

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    The electric bus is an ecological means of transport. Its operation reduces the negative impact on the environment. The transition to electric urban transport is in line with the concept of sustainable development of the European Union and the Polish “Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels”. Today, on the streets of Polish cities, electric buses are increasingly replacing diesel-powered vehicles. The electrification of the bus fleet requires the establishment of an appropriate infrastructure for charging vehicle batteries. Electric chargers are placed at the end stops of the communication lines.  When the bus stops at the end of the route, it is possible to partially recharge the energy consumed. The amount of recharged energy depends on many factors, such as the power of the charger, bus stop time, possible waiting time for a free charger, etc. In the event of incomplete replenishment of the consumed energy, the completion of subsequent courses may be endangered. The article proposes an approach to the analysis of the process of charging electric buses at the end stops of the route, taking into account the characteristics of the vehicle battery, the intensity of vehicle traffic, the characteristics of stationary chargers and its quantity. The proposed approach uses queue theory to describe the process of bus charging. The result of the research is the estimation of the use of the chargers in different configurations and the estimation of the state of charge of the bus battery for selected timetables.Электрический автобус является экологическим средством передвижения, эксплуатация которого снижает негативное воздействие на окружающую среду. Переход на городской электрический транспорт соответствует концепции сбалансированного развития Евросоюза и Закону об электромобильности и альтернативных видах топлива, принятому в Польше. Сегодня на улицах польских городов все чаще можно увидеть электрические автобусы, которые заменяют дизельные транспортные средства. Электрификация автобусного парка требует создания соответствующей инфраструктуры для зарядки аккумуляторных батарей автобусов путем размещения электрических зарядных устройств на конечных остановках маршрутов. По прибытии на конечный пункт, оборудованный зарядным устройством, автобус может частично восполнить энергию, потраченную на преодоление маршрута. Ее объем зависит от многих факторов, таких как: мощность зарядного устройства, интервал времени перед началом следующего курса, потенциальное  ожидание в очереди к зарядному устройству и т. п.  В случае неполной подзарядки батареи  завершение  автобусом последующих курсов может оказаться под угрозой. Предложено использование теории очередей для анализа процесса обслуживания зарядки электрических автобусов на конечных остановках маршрута с учетом таких параметров, как: характеристика аккумулятора транспортного средства, интенсивность движения на маршруте, мощность и количество стационарных зарядных устройств. Результатами исследования являются оценка возможности применения зарядных устройств на конечных пунктах маршрута в различных конфигурациях, а также оценка состояния заряда аккумуляторной батареи автобуса для выбранных расписаний в зависимости от числа выполненных курсов на маршруте

    Инновационная автономная система городского транспорта с низким уровнем локального загрязнения окружающей среды

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    In recent years, intensive research on urban transport has been observed. The search is about finding such solutions that will enable, among others: increasing the importance of public transport, matching transport for the needs of people with reduced mobility, increasing capacity, reducing emissions, energy efficiency (technical and organizational dimension through the organization of transport on demand), increasing the vulnerability to recycling and remanufacturing. The paper presents the main concept and technical solutions of the innovative transport system – HMASSUT Prometheus (Hybrid Modular Autonomous System for Sustainable Urban Transport), which combines the concepts of  personal rapid transport and an electric vehicle at the L4 autonomy level (according to the Society of Automotive Engineers classification). An assessment of the effectiveness of an innovative transport system using indicators used in road engineering is given in the paper. The concept of simulation and optimization of the transport network is presented together with the theory of cellular automata.В настоящее время появилось множество исследований в области совершенствования городского общественного транспорта. Осуществляется поиск таких решений, которые позволят сделать данный транспорт более значимым и доступным для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями, увеличить его пропускную способность, сократить выбросы загрязняющих веществ, повысить энергоэффективность путем внедрения перевозок по требованию, усовершенствовать рециклинг материалов и вторичное производство. В статье представлены основная концепция и технические решения новаторской транспортной системы HMASSUT Prometheus (гибридная модульная автономная система устойчивого городского транспорта «Прометей»), сочетающей концепции персонального скоростного транспорта и электромобиля на уровне автономии L4 (в соответствии с классификацией SAE (Общества автомобильных инженеров)). Дана оценка эффективности инновационной транспортной системы с использованием применяемых в дорожной инженерии показателей. Приведена концепция моделирования и оптимизации транспортной сети совместно с теорией клеточных автоматов

    Application of graph databases for transport purposes

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    The article presents an innovative concept of applying graph databases in transport information systems. The model of a graph database has been presented together with implementation of data structures and search operations in a graph. The transformation concept of relational model to a graph data model has been developed. The schema of graph database has been proposed for public transport information system purposes. The realization methods have been illustrated by the use of search function based on the Cypher query language

    Selection of the battery pack parameters for an electric vehicle based on performance requirements

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    Rock at the east wall, depicting fountain; Its construction was extremely protracted, but as early as 1735 the architectural framework was complete, and by Salvi's death the ornamental rock formations and full-scale models of most of the sculpture were in place. The fountain is the most monumental water display in Rome and represents the culmination of a tradition of combining water and sculpture within an elaborate architectural setting. Salvi treated an existing façade of the Palazzo Poli as a nine-bay unit with the central three bays articulated with attached Corinthian columns suggesting an antique triumphal arch. The central bay is treated as a giant niche, which frames Maini's free-standing figure of Oceanus, from which the sculptural scheme and the waters of the fountain seem to flow into a large rock basin. An attic storey above the central niche is surmounted by a coat of arms of Clement XII and incorporates statues representing the Four Seasons, part of a complex iconographic scheme emphasizing the important role of water in nature. Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.groveart.com/ (accessed 12/10/2007

    Analysis of Trams’ Consumption Depending on the Type of Traffic Light Used

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    In the XXI century, when environmental awareness is growing and the impact of human activity on the planet is more and more noticeable, striving to minimize energy consumption seems to be a necessary direction in the development of technology. This development cannot take place without an initial understanding and describing the relationships influencing specific technologies. It also needs empirical verification of assumed theories. Modern trams play an important role in the functioning of urban transport. Being one of the oldest modes of environmentally friendly transport, in European capitals they are currently perceived as one of the most convenient means of transport. This is due, among other things, to the high velocity of transport along the route. The energy consumed by trams indirectly depends on the driving characteristics, i. e. speed, acceleration and stops on the route, which are also caused by stopping at traffic light controlled junctions. This paper presents the results of an experiment showing the change in the level of electric energy consumption depending on the applied method of traffic light control. This article presents the conditions influencing the power consumption in trams, describes the possible strategies of traffic lights control and their consequences for other traffic participants. The research was carried out in real conditions in everyday traffic, measuring the level of electricity consumption in case of both fixed-time and actuated signaling with full priority for trams. On the examined section there were both modern asynchronous-drive as well as traditional resistor-drive vehicles. The conclusions drawn from the survey confirm the validity of introducing modern solutions and may be useful for estimating investment costs

    Анализ расхода электрической энергии трамваем в зависимости от используемого типа световой сигнализации

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    In the XXI century, when environmental awareness is growing and the impact of human activity on the planet is more and more noticeable, striving to minimize energy consumption seems to be a necessary direction in the development of technology. This development cannot take place without an initial understanding and describing the relationships influencing specific technologies. It also needs empirical verification of assumed theories. Modern trams play an important role in the functioning of urban transport. Being one of the oldest modes of environmentally friendly transport, in European capitals they are currently perceived as one of the most convenient means of transport. This is due, among other things, to the high velocity of transport along the route. The energy consumed by trams indirectly depends on the driving characteristics, i. e. speed, acceleration and stops on the route, which are also caused by stopping at traffic light controlled junctions. This paper presents the results of an experiment showing the change in the level of electric energy consumption depending on the applied method of traffic light control. This article presents the conditions influencing the power consumption in trams, describes the possible strategies of traffic lights control and their consequences for other traffic participants. The research was carried out in real conditions in everyday traffic, measuring the level of electricity consumption in case of both fixed-time and actuated signaling with full priority for trams. On the examined section there were both modern asynchronous-drive as well as traditional resistor-drive vehicles. The conclusions drawn from the survey confirm the validity of introducing modern solutions and may be useful for estimating investment costs

    Test bench for battery energy storage selection for use on solar powered motor yachts

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    An increasing number of transport vehicles, including vessels, are powered by electric engines supplied by batteries. Warsaw University of Technology, together with the Maritime University of Szczecin and industrial partners, is involved in the “Innovative yacht with hybrid drive, fueled by renewable energy sources” project, focused on the construction of a yacht driven from such a source. The biggest challenge in this field of technology is represented by the batteries. Proper assortment and exploitation can significantly extend their life cycle. For this reason, the interest in forecasting battery life cycle in specific applications has increased. In this article the authors review the types of batteries used in transport and present the design and realization of a laboratory workstation developed to test battery parameters in the context of the project. The process of gathering parameters and the testing conditions are also presented. An original IT system manages the progress of the experiments. Logged cell operating parameters will be presented along with the real, measured data