138 research outputs found

    mTOR pathway inhibition as a new therapeutic strategy in epilepsy and epileptogenesis.

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    Several preclinical and some clinical studies have revealed that the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway is involved in both genetic and acquired epilepsy syndromes. Excessive activation of mTOR signaling, as a consequence of loss-of-function of genes encoding for tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) 1 and 2, is linked to the development of cortical malformations and epilepsy. This mTOR hyperactivation is associated with different epileptogenic conditions under the term of 'mTORopathies' such as tuberous sclerosis, focal cortical dysplasia, hemimegalencephaly and ganglioglioma. mTOR overactivation produces brain abnormalities that include dysplastic neurons, abnormal cortical organization and astrogliosis. mTOR inhibitors (e.g. rapamycin) have consistent protective effects in various genetic (e.g. TSC models and WAG/Rij rats) and acquired (e.g. kainate or pilocarpine post-status epilepticus) epilepsy animal models. Furthermore, clinical studies in patients with TSC and cortical dysplasia (CD) have confirmed the effectiveness of mTOR inhibitors also in epileptic patients. Therefore, mTOR is currently a very good candidate as a target for epilepsy and epileptogenesis. This review describes the relevance of the mTOR pathway to epileptogenesis and its potential as a therapeutic target in epilepsy treatment by presenting the most recent findings on mTOR inhibitors

    Plant Polyphenols and Exendin-4 Prevent Hyperactivity and TNF-alpha Release in LPS-Treated In vitro Neuron/Astrocyte/Microglial Networks

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    Increasing evidence supports a decisive role for neuroinflammation in the neurodegenerative process of several central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Microglia are essential mediators of neuroinflammation and can regulate a broad spectrum of cellular responses by releasing reactive oxygen intermediates, nitric oxide, proteases, excitatory amino acids, and cytokines. We have recently shown that also in ex-vivo cortical networks of neurons, astrocytes and microglia, an increased level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) was detected a few hours after exposure to the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Simultaneously, an atypical “seizure-like” neuronal network activity was recorded by multi-electrode array (MEA) electrophysiology. These effects were prevented by minocycline, an established anti-inflammatory antibiotic. We show here that the same inhibitory effect against LPS-induced neuroinflammation is exerted also by natural plant compounds, polyphenols, such as curcumin (CU, curcuma longa), crocin (CR, saffron), and resveratrol (RE, grape), as well as by the glucagon like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist exendin-4 (EX-4). The drugs tested also caused per-se early transient (variable) changes of network activity. Since it has been reported that LPS-induced neuroinflammation causes rearrangements of glutamate transporters in astrocytes and microglia, we suggest that neural activity could be putatively increased by an imbalance of glial glutamate transporter activity, leading to prolonged synaptic glutamatergic dysregulation

    Upholding WAG/Rij rats as a model of absence epileptogenesis: Hidden mechanisms and a new theory on seizure development

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    The WAG/Rij rat model has recently gathered attention as a suitable animal model of absence epileptogenesis. This latter term has a broad definition encompassing any possible cause that determines the development of spontaneous seizures; however, most of, if not all, preclinical knowledge on epileptogenesis is confined to the study of post-brain insult models such as traumatic brain injury or post-status epilepticus models. WAG/Rij rats, but also synapsin 2 knockout, Kv7 current-deficient mice represent the first examples of genetic models where an efficacious antiepileptogenic treatment (ethosuximide) was started before seizure onset. In this review, we have critically reconsidered all articles published regarding WAG/Rij rats, from the perspective that the period before SWD onset is considered as the latent period. In our new theory on seizure development, it is proposed that genes might be considered as the initial 'insult' responsible for all plastic changes underpinning the development of spontaneous seizures. According to this idea, in WAG/Rij rats, genetic predisposition would lead to the development of abnormal bilateral cortical epileptic foci, which would then non-genetically stimulate the rest of the brain to rearrange networks in order to phenotypically develop seizures similarly to what happens during electrical kindling

    Asbestos Fibers Enhance the TMEM16A Channel Activity in Xenopus Oocytes

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    Background: The interaction of asbestos fibers with target cell membranes is still poorly investigated. Here, we detected and characterized an enhancement of chloride conductance in Xenopus oocyte cell membranes induced by exposure to crocidolite (Croc) asbestos fibers. Methods: A two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique was used to test the effect of Croc fiber suspensions on outward chloride currents evoked by step membrane depolarization. Calcium imaging experiments were also performed to investigate the variation of 'resting' oocyte [Ca2+]i following asbestos exposure. Results: The increase in chloride current after asbestos treatment, was sensitive to [Ca2+]e, and to specific blockers of TMEM16A Ca2+-activated chloride channels, MONNA and Ani9. Furthermore, asbestos treatment elevated the 'resting' [Ca2+]i likelihood by increasing the cell membrane permeability to Ca2 in favor of a tonic activation of TMEME16A channels. Western blot analysis confirmed that TMEME16A protein was endogenously present in the oocyte cell membrane and absorbed by Croc. Conclusion: the TMEM16A channels endogenously expressed by Xenopus oocytes are targets for asbestos fibers and represent a powerful tool for asbestos-membrane interaction studies. Interestingly, TMEM16A channels are highly expressed in many types of tumors, including some asbestos-related cancers, suggesting them, for the first time, as a possible early target of crocidolite-mediated tumorigenic effects on target cell membranes

    Role of Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) in Epilepsy and Epileptogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Emerging evidence suggests that epigenetic mechanisms are involved in different brain functions such as the development of the nervous system and normal neuronal function. At the same time, it has been proposed that several neurological diseases are in part, caused by aberrant epigenetic modifications. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying pathological alterations in the brain genome are not completely understood. METHODS AND RESULTS: Post-transcriptional histone acetylation is a major mechanism of chromatin remodeling, contributing to epigenetic regulation of gene transcription. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a family of proteins involved in both physiological and pathological conditions by regulating the status of chromatin histone acetylation. It is now becoming clear that epigenetic regulatory mechanisms may also play a major role in epilepsy; modulation of chromatin structure through histone modifications has emerged as an important regulator of gene transcription in the brain and altered histone acetylation seems to contribute to changes in gene expression associated with epilepsy and the epileptogenic process. Histone modification is crucial for regulating neurobiological processes such as neural network function, synaptic plasticity, and synaptogenesis which also contribute to the pathophysiology of epilepsy. CONCLUSIONS: The role of epigenetics in epilepsy development is a new and emerging research area; the present article reviews the recent findings on the role played by HDACs and the possible function of different histone modifications in epilepsy and epileptogenesis. Inhibitors of HDACs (HDACIs) have been tested in different experimental models of epilepsy with some success. We also review the results from these studies, which indicate HDACIs as potential new therapeutic agents for the treatment of human epilepsy

    Are big potassium-type Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels a viable target for the treatment of epilepsy?

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    INTRODUCTION: BK (big potassium) channels are Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels widely expressed in mammalian cells. They are extensively distributed in the CNS, the most abundant level being found in brain areas largely involved in epilepsy, namely cortex, hippocampus, piriform cortex, and other limbic structures. BK channels control action potential shape/duration, thereby regulating membrane excitability and Ca(2+) signaling. AREAS COVERED: The potassium channel superfamily represents a rich source of potential targets for therapeutic intervention in epilepsy. Some studies have identified alterations in BK channel function, therefore, supporting the development of drugs acting on these channels for epilepsy treatment. EXPERT OPINION: The actual sketch is intriguing and controversial, since mechanisms altering the physiological role of BK channels leading to either a loss- or gain-of-function have both been linked to seizure onset. Not many studies have been performed to unravel the efficacy of drugs acting on these channels as potential antiepileptics; however, paradoxically, efficacy has been demonstrated for both BK channel openers and blockers. Furthermore, their potential usefulness in preventing epileptogenesis has not been investigated at all. Substantial data on risks and benefits of modulating these channels are urgently needed to draw a definitive conclusion on whether BK channels are a viable future target for the treatment of epilepsy

    A low-voltage activated, transient calcium current is responsible for the time-dependent depolarizing inward rectification of rat neocortical neurons in vitro

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    Intracellular recordings were obtained from rat neocortical neurons in vitro. The current-voltage-relationship of the neuronal membrane was investigated using current- and single-electrode-voltage-clamp techniques. Within the potential range up to 25 mV positive to the resting membrane potential (RMP: –75 to –80 mV) the steady state slope resistance increased with depolarization (i.e. steady state inward rectification in depolarizing direction). Replacement of extracellular NaCl with an equimolar amount of choline chloride resulted in the conversion of the steady state inward rectification to an outward rectification, suggesting the presence of a voltage-dependent, persistent sodium current which generated the steady state inward rectification of these neurons. Intracellularly injected outward current pulses with just subthreshold intensities elicited a transient depolarizing potential which invariably triggered the first action potential upon an increase in current strength. Single-electrode-voltage-clamp measurements reveled that this depolarizing potential was produced by a transient calcium current activated at membrane potentials 15–20 mV positive to the RMP and that this current was responsible for the time-dependent increase in the magnitude of the inward rectification in depolarizing direction in rat neocortical neurons. It may be that, together with the persistent sodium current, this calcium current regulates the excitability of these neurons via the adjustment of the action potential threshold

    Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1

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    Little is known about the molecular mechanisms and intrinsic factors that are responsible for the emergence of neuronal subtype identity. Several transcription factors that are expressed mainly in precursors of the ventral telencephalon have been shown to control neuronal specification, but it has been unclear whether subtype identity is also specified in these precursors, or if this happens in postmitotic neurons, and whether it involves the same or different factors. SOX1, an HMG box transcription factor, is expressed widely in neural precursors along with the two other SOXB1 subfamily members, SOX2 and SOX3, and all three have been implicated in neurogenesis. SOX1 is also uniquely expressed at a high level in the majority of telencephalic neurons that constitute the ventral striatum (VS). These neurons are missing in Sox1-null mutant mice. In the present study, we have addressed the requirement for SOX1 at a cellular level, revealing both the nature and timing of the defect. By generating a novel Sox1-null allele expressing β-galactosidase, we found that the VS precursors and their early neuronal differentiation are unaffected in the absence of SOX1, but the prospective neurons fail to migrate to their appropriate position. Furthermore, the migration of non-Sox1-expressing VS neurons (such as those expressing Pax6) was also affected in the absence of SOX1, suggesting that Sox1-expressing neurons play a role in structuring the area of the VS. To test whether SOX1 is required in postmitotic cells for the emergence of VS neuronal identity, we generated mice in which Sox1 expression was directed to all ventral telencephalic precursors, but to only a very few VS neurons. These mice again lacked most of the VS, indicating that SOX1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS development. Conversely, the few neurons in which Sox1 expression was maintained were able to migrate to the VS. In conclusion, Sox1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS neuronal identity and migration, but this is accomplished in postmitotic cells, which require the continued presence of SOX1. Our data also suggest that other SOXB1 members showing expression in specific neuronal populations are likely to play continuous roles from the establishment of precursors to their final differentiation

    Structural Changes Observed in the Piriform Cortex in a Rat Model of Pre-motor Parkinson’s Disease

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    Early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) offers perhaps, the most promising route to a successful clinical intervention, and the use of an animal model exhibiting symptoms comparable to those observed in PD patients in the early stage of the disease, may facilitate screening of novel therapies for delaying the onset of more debilitating motor and behavioral abnormalities. In this study, a rat model of pre-motor PD was used to study the etiology of hyposmia, a non-motor symptom linked to the early stage of the disease when the motor symptoms have yet to be experienced. The study focussed on determining the effect of a partial reduction of both dopamine and noradrenaline levels on the olfactory cortex. Neuroinflammation and striking structural changes were observed in the model. These changes were prevented by treatment with a neuroprotective drug, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1) receptor agonist, exendin-4 (EX-4)

    Can we ‘seize’ the gut microbiota to treat epilepsy?

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    The gut-microbiota, the complex intestinal microbial ecosystem essential to health, is an emerging concept in medicine. Several studies demonstrate a microbiota-gut-brain bidirectional connection via neural, endocrine, metabolic and immune pathways. Accordingly, the gut microbiota has a crucial role in modulating intestinal permeability, to alter local/peripheral immune responses and in production of essential metabolites and neurotransmitters. Its alterations may consequently influence all these pathways that contribute to neuronal hyper-excitability and mirrored neuroinflammation in epilepsy and similarly other neurological conditions. Indeed, pre- and clinical studies support the role of the microbiome in pathogenesis, seizure modulation and responses to treatment in epilepsy. Up to now, researchers have focussed attention above all on the brain to develop antiepileptic treatments, but considering the microbiome, could extend our possibilities for developing novel therapies in the future. We provide here a comprehensive overview of the available data on the potential role of gut microbiota in the physiopathology and therapy of epilepsy and the supposed underlying mechanisms