313 research outputs found
Simulation of the thermal conditions of radioelectronic devices using averaging methods
A possible realization of the system approach to the simulation of thermal fields in cassette radioelectronic devices is discussed, taking account of the multiscaling of their hierarchical structure by the successive application of averaging methods. © 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Simulation of the thermal conditions of radioelectronic devices using averaging methods
A possible realization of the system approach to the simulation of thermal fields in cassette radioelectronic devices is discussed, taking account of the multiscaling of their hierarchical structure by the successive application of averaging methods
Increasing efficiency of heat power plant by installation gas turbine and heat recovery steam generator based on Samarskaya TPP
The thermal scheme of the Samara TPP was analyzed and was proposed a method for covering the water vapor deficit for operation of equipment in the nominal mode due to use of combined-cycle technologies.A new thermal scheme of a gas turbine with a HRSG was developed and made calculation of this installation to prove the efficiency of proposed approach.В работе проанализирована тепловая схема Самарской ТЭЦ, предложен способ покрытия дефицита водяного пара для работы оборудования в номинальном режиме за счет применения парогазовых технологий. Изложены результаты по разработке тепловой схемы газотурбинной установки с котлом-утилизатором и методика расчета
Test of local Lorenz invariance using a double-cavity laser system
We report the results of testing the local Lorentz invariance during five-month operation of a double-cavity laser system, where one cavity operates in a free generation mode while the frequency of the second cavity is stabilized with a nonlinear ultra-narrow absorption resonance of the methane molecule. An interpretation of the experimental results is given on the basis of the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl formalism. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
Test of local position invariance using a double-cavity laser system
The results of testing local position invariance, which is a constituent of the Einstein equivalence principle, in a "null" gravitational redshift experiment are reported. The processing of the experimental data collected during the five-month operation of a double-c avity laser system, where one cavity operates in the free generation mode and the frequency of the second cavity is stabilized with the nonlinear ultranarrow absorption resonance of the methane molecule, has confirmed the universality of the gravitational redshift law at a level of 0.9%. This result almost doubly improves the best existing accuracy (1.7%) of testing local position invariance for clocks of different physical natures. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
First-level Dulkyn gravitational wave detector
The functional-block diagram of the Dulkyn gravitational wave detector is described. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc
Test of local position invariance using a double-cavity laser system
The results of testing local position invariance, which is a constituent of the Einstein equivalence principle, in a "null" gravitational redshift experiment are reported. The processing of the experimental data collected during the five-month operation of a double-c avity laser system, where one cavity operates in the free generation mode and the frequency of the second cavity is stabilized with the nonlinear ultranarrow absorption resonance of the methane molecule, has confirmed the universality of the gravitational redshift law at a level of 0.9%. This result almost doubly improves the best existing accuracy (1.7%) of testing local position invariance for clocks of different physical natures. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
Test of local position invariance at the detector "Dulkyn-1"
We present the results of testing local position invariance in a "null" gravitational red-shift experiment, carried out in the framework of the Research and Engineering Project "Dulkyn." The experimental data, collected during the five-month operation of a double-cavity laser system, where one cavity operated in the free generation mode while the frequency of the second cavity was stabilized by the nonlinear supernarrow absorption resonance of the methane molecule, confirmed the universality of the gravitational redshift law at a level of 0.9%. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
Преимущества и недостатки применения вено-венозного обходного шунтирования при трансплантации печени
Objective: to study the advantages and disadvantages of vein-venous bypass (VVB) used during liver transplantation. Subjects and methods. Fifty patients who had undergone orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) were examined. OLT was performed without using VVB in Group 1 (n=25). In Group 2 (n=25) of OLT, during an anhepatic period (the interval of the cessation of blood flow along the inferior vena cava to the reperfusion of the implanted donor liver with venous blood), blood return was accomplished by compulsory porto-femoroaxillary shunting by means of a centrifugal pump. Results. The persistent perfusion pressure provided by VVB prolongs an anhepatic period; moreover, the functions of the kidney and heart remain stable. At the same time the longer time of an anhepatic period increases the time of cold ischemia of the grafted liver. VVB with a heat exchanger can warm a patient to normal temperature over a short period of time. Moreover, the decrease in a patient’s body temperature without using VVB is 0.5—1.5° from the start of an operation to the time of venous hepatic reperfusion. The authors failed to record intraoperative mortality from heart failure in the examinees. There were no differences in the incidence of renal dysfunction with and without VVB. Conclusion. The number of complications and the outcome of an operation do not depend on whether VVB is used or not. Liver transplantation without VVB makes it possible to reduce the time of surgery, an anhepatic period and the cost of a surgical intervention. During each liver transplantation, VVB must be linked up due to the fact that circulation can fully stop in the inferior vena cava at the stage of hepatectomy. Key words: liver transplantation, vein-venous bypass.Цель исследования — изучение преимуществ и недостатков применения вено-венозного обходного шунтирования (ВВОШ) при трансплантации печени. Материал и методы. 50 пациентов, которым была выполнена ортотопиче-ская трансплантация печени (ОТП). В 1-й группе (n=25) ортотопическая трансплантация печени (ОТП) выполнялась без использования ВВОШ. Во 2-й группе (n=25) ОТП в процессе беспеченочного периода (время с момента прекращения кровотока по нижней полой вене до реперфузии имплантированной донорской печени венозной кровью) возврат крови к сердцу осуществлялся путем принудительного порто-бедренно-аксиллярного шунтирования с помощью центробежного насоса. Результаты. Стабильное перфузионное давление, которое обеспечивает ВВШ, позволяет удлинять беспеченочный период, при этом, функции почек и сердца сохраняются стабильными. В то же время, увеличение времени беспеченочного периода удлиняет время холодовой ишемии трансплантируемой печени. ВВОШ с теплообменником позволяет согреть пациента до нормальной температуры в течение короткого промежутка времени. При этом снижение температуры тела у пациентов без использования ВВШ составляет 0,5—1,5 градусов от начала операции к моменту венозной реперфузии печени. Нами не зарегистрировано интраоперационной смертности вследствие сердечной недостаточности у исследованных пациентов. Также не было выявлено различий в частоте нарушения функции почек при применении ВВШ и без него. Заключение. Количество осложнений и исход операции не зависит от использования ВВОШ. Трансплантация печени без ВВОШ позволяет снизить время оперативного вмешательства, беспеченочного периода и расходы на выполнение оперативного вмешательства. Возможность подключения ВВОШ должна быть при каждой трансплантации печени ввиду возможности полного перерыва кровообращения в системе нижней полой вены на этапе гепатэктомии. Ключевые слова: трансплантация печени, вено-венозное шунтирование
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