203 research outputs found

    Synthesis of thorium and uranium in asymptotic giant branch stars

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    The intermediate neutron capture process (i-process) operates at neutron densities between those of the slow and rapid neutron-capture processes. It can be triggered by the ingestion of protons in a convective helium-burning region. One possible astrophysical site is low-mass low-metallicity asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We study here the possibility that actinides (particularly Th and U) may be significantly synthesized through i-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars. We computed a 1 MM_{\odot} model at [Fe/H] =2.5= -2.5 with the stellar evolution code STAREVOL. We used a nuclear network of 1160 species from H to Cf coupled to the transport processes. During the proton ingestion event, the neutron density goes up to 1015\sim 10^{15} cm3^{-3}. While most of the nuclear flow cycles in the neutron-rich Pb-Bi-Po region, a non-negligible fraction leaks towards heavier elements and eventually synthesizes actinides. The surface enrichment in Th and U is subject to nuclear and astrophysical model uncertainties that could be lowered in the future, in particular by a detailed analysis of the nuclear inputs that affect the neutron capture rates of neutron-rich isotopes between Pb and Pa. One stellar candidate that may confirm the production of actinides by the i-process is the carbon-enhanced metal-poor r/s star J0949-1617, which shows Th lines in its spectrum. Its surface abundance is shown to be reasonably well reproduced by our AGB model. Combined with cosmochronometry, this finding opens the way to dating the i-process event and thus obtaining a lower limit for the age of CEMP-r/s stars. Such a dating is expected to be accurate only if surface abundances of Th and U can be extracted simultaneously. This work shows that actinides can be synthesized in AGB stars through the i-process. As a consequence, the r-process may not be the sole mechanism for the production of U and Th.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&

    Are some CEMP-s stars the daughters of spinstars?

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    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP)-s stars are long-lived low-mass stars with a very low iron content as well as overabundances of carbon and s-elements. Their peculiar chemical pattern is often explained by pollution from an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star companion. Recent observations have shown that most CEMP-s stars are in binary systems, providing support to the AGB companion scenario. A few CEMP-s stars, however, appear to be single. We inspect four apparently single CEMP-s stars and discuss the possibility that they formed from the ejecta of a previous-generation massive star, referred to as the “source” star. In order to investigate this scenario, we computed low-metallicity massive-star models with and without rotation and including complete s-process nucleosynthesis. We find that non-rotating source stars cannot explain the observed abundance of any of the four CEMP-s stars. Three out of the four CEMP-s stars can be explained by a 25M⊙ source star with vini ~ 500 km s-1 (spinstar). The fourth CEMP-s star has a high Pb abundance that cannot be explained by any of the models we computed. Since spinstars and AGB predict different ranges of [O/Fe] and [ls/hs], these ratios could be an interesting way to further test these two scenarios. nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances / stars: interiors / stars: chemically peculiar / stars: abundances / stars: massiv

    A strong neutron burst in jet-like supernovae of spinstars

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    Some metal-poor stars have abundance patterns which are midway between the slow (s) and rapid (r) neutron capture processes. We show that the helium shell of a fast rotating massive star experiencing a jet-like explosion undergoes two efficient neutron capture processes: one during stellar evolution and one during the explosion. It eventually provides a material whose chemical composition is midway between the s- and r-process. A low metallicity 40~MM_{\odot} model with an initial rotational velocity of 700\sim 700~km~s1^{-1} was computed from birth to pre-supernova with a nuclear network following the slow neutron capture process. A 2D hydrodynamic relativistic code was used to model a E=1052E = 10^{52}~erg relativistic jet-like explosion hitting the stellar mantle. The jet-induced nucleosynthesis was calculated in post-processing with a network of 1812 nuclei. During the star's life, heavy elements from 30Z8230 \lesssim Z \lesssim 82 are produced thanks to an efficient s-process, which is boosted by rotation. At the end of evolution, the helium shell is largely enriched in trans-iron elements and in (unburnt) 22^{22}Ne, whose abundance is 20\sim 20 times higher than in a non-rotating model. During the explosion, the jet heats the helium shell up to 1.5\sim 1.5 GK. It efficiently activates (α,n\alpha,n) reactions, such as 22^{22}Ne(α,n\alpha,n), and leads to a strong n-process with neutron densities of 10191020\sim 10^{19} - 10^{20}~cm3^{-3} during 0.10.1~second. This has the effect of shifting the s-process pattern towards heavier elements (e.g. Eu). The resulting chemical pattern is consistent with the abundances of the carbon-enhanced metal-poor r/s star CS29528-028, provided the ejecta of the jet model is not homogeneously mixed. This is a new astrophysical site which can explain at least some of the metal-poor stars showing abundance patterns midway between the s- and r-process.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, accepted in A&

    Nucleosynthesis in the first massive stars

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    The nucleosynthesis in the first massive stars may be constrained by observing the surface composition of long-lived very iron-poor stars born around 10 billion years ago from material enriched by their ejecta. Many interesting clues on physical processes having occurred in the first stars can be obtained based on nuclear aspects. First, in these first massive stars, mixing must have occurred between the H-burning and the He-burning zone during their nuclear lifetimes; Second, only the outer layers of these massive stars have enriched the material from which the very iron-poor stars, observed today in the halo of the MilkyWay, have formed. These two basic requirements can be obtained by rotating stellar models at very low metallicity. In the present paper, we discuss the arguments supporting this view and illustrate the sensitivity of the results concerning the [Mg/Al] ratio on the rate of the reaction 23 Na(p, γ ) 24 Mg

    The intermediate neutron capture process: IV. Impact of nuclear model and parameter uncertainties

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    We investigate both the systematic and statistical uncertainties associated with theoretical nuclear reaction rates of relevance during the i-process and explore their impact on the i-process elemental production, and subsequently on the surface enrichment, for a low-mass low-metallicity star during the early AGB phase. We use the TALYS reaction code (Koning et al. 2023) to estimate both the model and parameter uncertainties affecting the photon strength function and the nuclear level densities, hence the radiative neutron capture rates. The STAREVOL code (Siess et al. 2006) is used to determine the impact of nuclear uncertainties on the i-process nucleosynthesis in a 1 MM_{\odot} [Fe/H] = - 2.5 model star during the proton ingestion event in the early AGB phase. A large nuclear network of 1160 species coherently coupled to the transport processes is solved to follow the i-process nucleosynthesis. We find that the non-correlated parameter uncertainties lead the surface abundances uncertainties of element with Z40Z\geq 40 to range between 0.5 and 1.0 dex, with odd-ZZ elements displaying higher uncertainties. The correlated model uncertainties are of the same order of magnitude, and both model and parameter uncertainties have an important impact on potential observable tracers such as Eu and La. Both the correlated model and uncorrelated parameter uncertainties need to be estimated coherently before being propagated to astrophysical observables through multi-zone stellar evolution models. Many reactions are found to affect the i-process predictions and will require improved nuclear models guided by experimental constraints. Priority should be given to the reactions influencing the observable tracers.Comment: Accepted: October 11, 2023 \\ 14 Pages, 14 Figures, 2 Table

    Pratiques du titrement dans les villes en développement : trois cas d'étude (Inde, Ethiopie, Mauritanie) : rapport de recherche présenté dans le cadre de l'appel à projets "La sécurisation du droit de propriété dans les pays en voie de développement"

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    Les trois cas d’études en Inde, en Ethiopie et en Mauritanie ont permis de voir comment est appréhendé un même cadre référentiel qui pose la sécurisation foncière au coeur de la lutte contre la pauvreté. Plusieurs types de villes (petites, secondaires, capitales) et formes d’urbain (zone centrale, quartiers périurbains, urbain diffus) ont permis de souligner quelques uns des enjeux que représente la titrisation dans les Suds. Le contexte urbain joue fortement. L’impact des politiques de titrement foncier dépend réellement de la taille de la ville et des formes urbaines. L’urbanisation généralisée et rapide dans les trois pays étudiés, longtemps considérés comme étant à dominante rurale, implique l’adaptation et la création de nouveaux régimes fonciers. Dans nos différents cas d’étude, l’accès au sol urbain fait émerger de nouveaux besoins en termes de réglementation foncière, de nouveaux types de reconnaissance, mais aussi et surtout de nouvelles pratiques de sécurisation se tissent entre les habitants et les autorités et entre habitants. La présente étude a fait ressortir l’importance de la circulation à l’échelle internationale de politiques urbaines et « bonnes pratiques », pensées depuis Washington par les Institutions internationales, et réappropriées de façon tout à fait originale localement. La comparaison des trois cas a mis en lumière l’importance des pratiques habitantes, qui, en Ethiopie, en Inde et en Mauritanie, exploitent et construisent des opportunités offertes par les normes juridiques relatives à l’accès à la propriété, plus qu’elles arrivent à en bénéficier pleinement et simplement. Bien souvent, les réformes appuyées par les bailleurs de fond ne font que se surimposer à des juridictions foncières déjà complexes, souvent coûteuses à respecter pour les habitants qui optent pour des pratiques plus informelles. La réforme sur le papier n’est que rarement suivie par la réforme en action

    Does the i-process operate at nearly solar metallicity?

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    A sample of 895 s-process-rich candidates has been found among the 454180 giant stars surveyed by LAMOST at low spectral resolution (R~1800). In a previous study, taking advantage of the higher resolution (R~86 000) offered by the the HERMES-Mercator spectrograph, we performed the re-analysis of 15 among the brightest stars of this sample. Among these 15 program stars, having close-to-solar metallicities, 11 showed mild to strong heavy element overabundances. The nucleosynthesis process(es) at the origin of these overabundances were however not questioned in our former study. We derive the abundances in s- and r-process elements of the 15 targets in order to investigate whether some stars also show an i-process signature, as sometimes found in their lower metallicity counterparts (namely, the Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP)-rs stars). Abundances are derived from the high-resolution HERMES spectra for Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu, using the TURBOSPECTRUM radiative transfer LTE code with MARCS model atmospheres. Using the new classification scheme proposed in our recent study we find that two stars show overabundances in both s- and r-process elements well above the level expected from the Galactic chemical evolution, an analogous situation to the one of CEMP-rs stars at lower metallicities. We compare the abundances of the most enriched stars with the nucleosynthetic predictions from the STAREVOL stellar evolutionary code and find abundances compatible with an i-process occurring in AGB stars. Despite a larger number of heavy elements to characterize the enrichment pattern, the limit between CEMP-s and CEMP-rs stars remains fuzzy. It is however interesting to note that an increasing number of extrinsic stars are found to have abundances better reproduced by an i-process pattern even at close-to-solar metallicities.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 9 pages, 9 figures including the two in appendi

    The p-process in exploding rotating massive stars

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    Context. The p-process nucleosynthesis can explain proton-rich isotopes that are heavier than iron, which are observed in the Solar System, but discrepancies still persist (e.g. for the Mo and Ru p-isotopes), and some important questions concerning the astrophysical site(s) of the p-process remain unanswered. Aims. We investigate how the p-process operates in exploding rotating massive stars that have experienced an enhanced s-process nucleosynthesis during their life through rotational mixing. Methods. With the Geneva stellar evolution code, we computed 25 M-circle dot stellar models at a metallicity of Z = 10(-3) with different initial rotation velocities and rates for the still largely uncertain O-17(alpha,gamma)Ne-21 reaction. The nucleosynthesis calculation, followed with a network of 737 isotopes, was coupled to stellar evolution, and the p-process nucleosynthesis was calculated in post-processing during both the final evolutionary stages and spherical explosions of various energies. The explosions were modelled with a relativistic hydrodynamical code. Results. In our models, the p-nuclides are mainly synthesized during the explosion, but not much during the ultimate hydrostatic burning stages. The p-process yields mostly depend on the initial number of trans-iron seeds, which in turn depend on the initial rotation rate. We found that the impact of rotation on the p-process is comparable to the impact of rotation on the s-process. From no to fast rotation, the s-process yields of nuclides with mass number A = 140. The dependence of the p-process yields on the explosion energy is very weak. Conclusions. Our results suggest that the contribution of core-collapse supernovae from massive stars to the solar (and Galactic) p-nuclei has been underestimated in the past, and more specifically, that the contribution from massive stars with sub-solar metallicities may even dominate. A more detailed study including stellar models with a wide range of masses and metallicities remains to be performed, together with a quantitative analysis that is based on the chemical evolution of the Galaxy