178 research outputs found

    Validating a method for the estimate of gait spatio-temporal parameters with IMUs data on healthy and impaired people from two clinical centers

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    Instrumented gait analysis offers objective clinical outcome assessment. To this purpose, inertial measurement units (IMUs) represent nowadays a very effective solution due to their limited cost, ease of use and improved wearability. The aim of this study was to apply a well-documented IMU-based method to measure gait spatio-temporal parameters in a large number of healthy and gait-impaired subjects, and evaluate its robustness and validity across two clinical centers. Overall, the results of this work represent a robust and reliable foundation for the clinical use of the proposed IMU based method for gait parameters estimation

    Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy for the Management of Achalasia in a Patient with Prior Lap Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy, and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

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    Introduction: Achalasia after bariatric surgery is a rare pathological entity. Nonetheless, several cases have been described in literature. Per oral endoscopic myotomy has recently emerged as the preferred approach for the management of esophageal motility disorders. Material and Methods: We report a video case of POEM performed in a female patient with prior multiple bariatric surgical procedures. In her past medical history, she underwent to laparoscopic lap band, sleeve gastrectomy, and Roux-Y-gastric bypass. Results: POEM was carried out without complication. Myotomy was performed only for 1 cm below the cardias due to the presence of the gastro-jejunal anastomosis. Post-operative course was uneventful and oral diet was restarted after one day. At 2 months follow-up, the patient is asymptomatic with no weight regain. Conclusion: We report the first case of POEM after three different bariatric surgical procedure. Fibrosis due to prior interventions did not hampered POEM procedure, and the shorter myotomy due to the presence of small gastric pouch did not reduced its efficacy

    Bilateral step length estimation using a single inertial measurement unit attached to the pelvis

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    BACKGROUND: The estimation of the spatio-temporal gait parameters is of primary importance in both physical activity monitoring and clinical contexts. A method for estimating step length bilaterally, during level walking, using a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) attached to the pelvis is proposed. In contrast to previous studies, based either on a simplified representation of the human gait mechanics or on a general linear regressive model, the proposed method estimates the step length directly from the integration of the acceleration along the direction of progression. METHODS: The IMU was placed at pelvis level fixed to the subject's belt on the right side. The method was validated using measurements from a stereo-photogrammetric system as a gold standard on nine subjects walking ten laps along a closed loop track of about 25 m, varying their speed. For each loop, only the IMU data recorded in a 4 m long portion of the track included in the calibrated volume of the SP system, were used for the analysis. The method takes advantage of the cyclic nature of gait and it requires an accurate determination of the foot contact instances. A combination of a Kalman filter and of an optimally filtered direct and reverse integration applied to the IMU signals formed a single novel method (Kalman and Optimally filtered Step length Estimation - KOSE method). A correction of the IMU displacement due to the pelvic rotation occurring in gait was implemented to estimate the step length and the traversed distance. RESULTS: The step length was estimated for all subjects with less than 3% error. Traversed distance was assessed with less than 2% error. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method provided estimates of step length and traversed distance more accurate than any other method applied to measurements obtained from a single IMU that can be found in the literature. In healthy subjects, it is reasonable to expect that, errors in traversed distance estimation during daily monitoring activity would be of the same order of magnitude of those presented

    Body center of mass trajectory and mechanical energy using inertial sensors: a feasible stride?

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    Background: The description of the three-dimensional (3D) trajectory of the body center of mass (BCoM) provides useful insights on the mechanics of locomotion. The BCoM trajectory can be estimated from ground reaction forces, recorded by force platforms (GRF, gold standard), or from marker trajectories recorded by stereophotogrammetric systems (MKR). However, both instruments do not allow for monitoring locomotion in the real-life environment. In this perspective, magneto-inertial measurement units (MIMUs) are particularly attractive being wearable, thus enabling to collect movement data out of the laboratory. Research questions: To investigate the feasibility and accuracy of a recent marketed full-body MIMU-based method for the estimation of the 3D BCoM trajectory and energetics during walking. Methods: Twelve subjects walked at self-selected and slow speed along a 12 m long walkway. GRF and MKR were acquired using three force platforms and a stereophotogrammetric system. MIMU data were collected using a full-body MIMU-based motion capture system (Xsens MTw Awinda). The 3D BCoM trajectory, external mechanical work and energy recovery were extracted from the data acquired by the three measurement systems, using state-of-the-art methods. The accuracy of both MKR- and MIMU-based estimates compared with GRF was assessed for the BCoM trajectory (maximum, minimum, range, and RMSD), as well as for mechanical work and energy recovery. Results: A total number of 108 strides were analyzed. MIMU-based BCoM trajectory displayed larger errors in comparison with GRF (and MKR) for the trajectory ranges: 89 ± 47(93 ± 44)% in antero-posterior, 46 ± 25(40 ± 79)% medio-lateral and -13 ± 23(-5 ± 25)% vertical directions, leading to a 3D RMSD of 17 ± 5(12 ± 5) mm (mean ± SD). These discrepancies largely affected the estimation of both mechanical work and energy recovery (+115 ± 85% and -28 ± 21%, respectively). Significance: Preliminary findings highlighted that the tested MIMU-based method for BCoM trajectory estimation still lacks accuracy and that the quantification of energetics in real-life situations remains an open challenge

    Assessment of waveform similarity in clinical gait data. The linear fit method

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    The assessment of waveform similarity is a crucial issue in gait analysis for the comparison of kinematic or kinetic patterns with reference data. A typical scenario is in fact the comparison of a patient’s gait pattern with a relevant physiological pattern. This study aims to propose and validate a simple method for the assessment of waveform similarity in terms of shape, amplitude, and offset. The method relies on the interpretation of these three parameters, obtained through a linear fit applied to the two data sets under comparison plotted one against the other after time normalization. The validity of this linear fit method was tested in terms of appropriateness (comparing real gait data of 34 patients with cerebrovascular accident with those of 15 healthy subjects), reliability, sensitivity, and specificity (applying a cluster analysis on the real data). Results showed for thismethod good appropriateness, 94.1% of sensitivity, 93.3% of specificity, and good reliability. The LFM resulted in a simple method suitable for analysing the waveform similarity in clinical gait analysis

    Extension of the rigid‐constraint method for the heuristic suboptimal parameter tuning to ten sensor fusion algorithms using inertial and magnetic sensing

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    The orientation of a magneto‐inertial measurement unit can be estimated using a sensor fusion algorithm (SFA). However, orientation accuracy is greatly affected by the choice of the SFA parameter values which represents one of the most critical steps. A commonly adopted approach is to fine‐tune parameter values to minimize the difference between estimated and true orientation. However, this can only be implemented within the laboratory setting by requiring the use of a concurrent gold‐standard technology. To overcome this limitation, a Rigid‐Constraint Method (RCM) was proposed to estimate suboptimal parameter values without relying on any orientation reference. The RCM method effectiveness was successfully tested on a single‐parameter SFA, with an average error increase with respect to the optimal of 1.5 deg. In this work, the applicability of the RCM was evaluated on 10 popular SFAs with multiple parameters under different experimental scenarios. The average residual between the optimal and suboptimal errors amounted to 0.6 deg with a maximum of 3.7 deg. These encouraging results suggest the possibility to properly tune a generic SFA on different scenarios without using any reference. The synchronized dataset also including the optical data and the SFA codes are available online

    Endoscopic management of gastrointestinal leaks and fistulae: What option do we have?

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    Gastrointestinal leaks and fistulae are serious, potentially life threatening conditions that may occur with a wide variety of clinical presentations. Leaks are mostly related to post-operative anastomotic defects and are responsible for an important share of surgical morbidity and mortality. Chronic leaks and long standing post-operative collections may evolve in a fistula between two epithelialized structures. Endoscopy has earned a pivotal role in the management of gastrointestinal defects both as first line and as rescue treatment. Endotherapy is a minimally invasive, effective approach with lower morbidity and mortality compared to revisional surgery. Clips and luminal stents are the pioneer of gastrointestinal (GI) defect endotherapy, whereas innovative endoscopic closure devices and techniques, such as endoscopic internal drainage, suturing system and vacuum therapy, has broadened the indications of endoscopy for the management of GI wall defect. Although several endoscopic options are currently used, a standardized evidence-based algorithm for management of GI defect is not available. Successful management of gastrointestinal leaks and fistulae requires a tailored and multidisciplinary approach based on clinical presentation, defect features (size, location and onset time), local expertise and the availability of devices. In this review, we analyze different endoscopic approaches, which we selected on the basis of the available literature and our own experience. Then, we evaluate the overall efficacy and procedural-specific strengths and weaknesses of each approach

    Methodological factors affecting joint moments estimation in clinical gait analysis: A systematic review

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    Quantitative gait analysis can provide a description of joint kinematics and dynamics, and it is recognized as a clinically useful tool for functional assessment, diagnosis and intervention planning. Clinically interpretable parameters are estimated from quantitative measures (i.e. ground reaction forces, skin marker trajectories, etc.) through biomechanical modelling. In particular, the estimation of joint moments during motion is grounded on several modelling assumptions: (1) body segmental and joint kinematics is derived from the trajectories of markers and by modelling the human body as a kinematic chain; (2) joint resultant (net) loads are, usually, derived from force plate measurements through a model of segmental dynamics. Therefore, both measurement errors and modelling assumptions can affect the results, to an extent that also depends on the characteristics of the motor task analysed (i.e. gait speed). Errors affecting the trajectories of joint centres, the orientation of joint functional axes, the joint angular velocities, the accuracy of inertial parameters and force measurements (concurring to the definition of the dynamic model), can weigh differently in the estimation of clinically interpretable joint moments. Numerous studies addressed all these methodological aspects separately, but a critical analysis of how these aspects may affect the clinical interpretation of joint dynamics is still missing. This article aims at filling this gap through a systematic review of the literature, conducted on Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. The final objective is hence to provide clear take-home messages to guide laboratories in the estimation of joint moments for the clinical practice

    In vivo estimation of the shoulder joint center of rotation using magneto-inertial sensors: MRI-based accuracy and repeatability assessment

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    Background: The human gleno-humeral joint is normally represented as a spherical hinge and its center of rotation is used to construct humerus anatomical axes and as reduction point for the computation of the internal joint moments. The position of the gleno-humeral joint center (GHJC) can be estimated by recording ad hoc shoulder joint movement following a functional approach. In the last years, extensive research has been conducted to improve GHJC estimate as obtained from positioning systems such as stereo-photogrammetry or electromagnetic tracking. Conversely, despite the growing interest for wearable technologies in the field of human movement analysis, no studies investigated the problem of GHJC estimation using miniaturized magneto-inertial measurement units (MIMUs). The aim of this study was to evaluate both accuracy and precision of the GHJC estimation as obtained using a MIMU-based methodology and a functional approach. Methods: Five different functional methods were implemented and comparatively assessed under different experimental conditions (two types of shoulder motions: cross and star type motion; two joint velocities: ωmax = 90°/s, 180°/s; two ranges of motion: Θ = 45°, 90°). Validation was conducted on five healthy subjects and true GHJC locations were obtained using magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The best performing methods (NAP and SAC) showed an accuracy in the estimate of the GHJC between 20.6 and 21.9 mm and repeatability values between 9.4 and 10.4 mm. Methods performance did not show significant differences for the type of arm motion analyzed or a reduction of the arm angular velocity (180°/s and 90°/s). In addition, a reduction of the joint range of motion (90° and 45°) did not seem to influence significantly the GHJC position estimate except in a few subject-method combinations. Conclusions: MIMU-based functional methods can be used to estimate the GHJC position in vivo with errors of the same order of magnitude than those obtained using traditionally stereo-photogrammetric techniques. The methodology proposed seemed to be robust under different experimental conditions. The present paper was awarded as "SIAMOC Best Methodological Paper 2016"

    An optimal procedure for stride length estimation using foot-mounted magneto-inertial measurement units

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    Stride length is often used to quantitatively evaluate human locomotion performance. Stride by stride estimation can be conveniently obtained from the signals recorded using miniaturized inertial sensors attached to the feet and appropriate algorithms for data fusion and integration. To reduce the detrimental drift effect, different algorithmic solutions can be implemented. However, the overall method accuracy is supposed to depend on the optimal selection of the parameters which are required to be set. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of the main parameters involved in well-established methods for stride length estimation. An optimization process was conducted to improve methods' performance and preferable values for the considered parameters according to different walking speed ranges are suggested. A parametric solution is also proposed to target the methods on specific subjects' gait characteristics. The stride length estimates were obtained from straight walking trials of five healthy volunteers and were compared with those obtained from a stereo-photogrammetric system. After parameters tuning, percentage errors for stride length were 1.9%, 2.5% and 2.6% for comfortable, slow, and fast walking conditions, respectively
