138 research outputs found

    Competition and risk taking in local bank markets: evidence from the business loans segment

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    This paper studies empirically the relationship between competition and risk taking in banking markets. We exploit an unique dataset providing information about all bank loans to Norwegian firms over several years. Rather than relying on observed market shares, we use the distance between bank branches and firms to measure the competitiveness of local markets. The cross-sectional and longitudinal variation in competition in local markets are used to identify the relationship between competition and risk taking, which we measure by the non-performing loans and loss provision rates of the individual banks. We find that more competition leads to more risk taking. We also examine the effects of bank competition on the availability of loans. More competition leads to lower interest rates and higher loan volumes, but also makes it more difficult for small and newly established firms to obtain a loan

    3D printable acrylate polydimethylsiloxane resins for cell culture and drug testing

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    Nowadays, most of the microfluidic devices for biological applications are fabricated with only few well-established materials. Among these, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the most used and known. However, it has many limitations, like the operator dependent and time-consuming manufacturing technique and the high molecule retention. TEGORad or Acrylate PDMS is an acrylate polydimethylsiloxane copolymer that can be 3D printed through Digital Light Processing (DLP), a technology that can boast reduction of waste products and the possibility of low cost and rapid manufacturing of complex components. Here, we developed 3D printed Acrylate PDMS-based devices for cell culture and drug testing. Our in vitro study shows that Acrylate PDMS can sustain cell growth of lung and skin epithelium, both of great interest for in vitro drug testing, without causing any genotoxic effect. Moreover, flow experiments with a drug-like solution (Rhodamine 6G) show that Acrylate PDMS drug retention is negligible unlike the high signal shown by PDMS. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that this acrylate resin can be an excellent alternative to PDMS to design stretchable platforms for cell culture and drug testing

    Enhanced Biostability and Cellular Uptake of Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals Shielded with Phospholipid Bilayer

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    The widespread use of ZnO nanomaterials for biomedical applications, including therapeutic drug delivery or stimuli-responsive activation, as well as imaging, imposes a careful control over the colloidal stability and long-term behaviour of ZnO in biological media. Moreover, the effect of ZnO nanostructures on living cells, in particular cancer cells, is still under debate. This paper discusses the role of surface chemistry and charge of zinc oxide nanocrystals, of around 15 nm in size, which influence their behaviour in biological fluids and effect on cancer cells. In particular, we address this problem by modifying the surface of pristine ZnO nanocrystals (NCs), rich of hydroxyl groups, with positively charged amino-propyl chains or, more innovatively, by self-assembling a double-lipidic membrane, shielding the ZnO NCs. Our findings show that the prolonged immersion in simulated human plasma and in the cell culture medium leads to highly colloidally dispersed ZnO NCs only when coated by the lipidic bilayer. In contrast, the pristine and amine-functionalized NCs form huge aggregates after already one hour of immersion. Partial dissolution of these two samples into potentially cytotoxic Zn2+ cations takes place, together with the precipitation of phosphate and carbonate salts on the NCs’ surface. When exposed to living HeLa cancer cells, higher amounts of lipid-shielded ZnO NCs are internalized with respect to the other samples, thus showing a reduced cytotoxicity, based on the same amount of internalized NCs. These results pave the way for the development of novel theranostic platforms based on ZnO NCs. The new formulation of ZnO shielded with a lipid-bilayer will prevent strong aggregation and premature degradation into toxic by-products, and promote a highly efficient cell uptake for further therapeutic or diagnostic functions

    Microwave-assisted methacrylation of chitosan for 3D printable hydrogels in tissue engineering

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    Light processable natural polymers are highly attractive for 3D printing of biomedical hydrogels with defined geometries and sizes. However, functionalization with photo-curable groups, such as methacrylate or acrylate groups, is required. Here, we investigated a microwave-assisted process for methacrylation of chitosan to replace conventional methacrylation processes that can be time consuming and tedious. The microwave-assisted methacrylation reaction was optimized by varying the synthesis parameters such as the molar ratio of chitosan to the methacrylic agent, the launch and reaction times and process temperature. The optimized process was fast and efficient and allowed tuning of the degree of substitution and thereby the final hydrogel properties. The successful methacrylation and degree of substitution were verified by H-1 NMR and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The influence of the degree of methacrylation on photo-rheology, mechanical stiffness, swelling degree and gel content was evaluated. Furthermore, favourable 3D printability, enzymatic degradability, biocompatibility, cell migration and proliferation were demonstrated giving promise for further applications in tissue engineering

    Biomimetic Non-Immunogenic Nanoassembly for the Antitumor Therapy

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    Nanoassembly (1) for inducing apoptosis in cancer cells comprising: a core (2) comprising at least a nanoparticle of a nano structured and semiconductor metal oxide, said nanoparticle being monocrystalline or polycrystalline; a shell (3) formed by a double phospholipid layer and proteins derived from an extracellular biovesicole chosen between an exosome, an ectosome, a connectosome, an oncosome and an apoptotic body, and an oncosome, said core (2) being enclosed inside said shell (3); and a plurality of targeting molecules (4, 4', 4") of said cancer cells, preferably monoclonal antibodies (4, 4', 4"), said molecules (4, 4', 4") being anchored to the external surface of said biovesicole

    Biomimetic hybrid nanoconstructs for cancer therapy

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    Neurofilament light chain: a specific serum biomarker of axonal damage severity in rat models of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity

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    Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity (CIPN) is a severe and long-lasting side effect of anticancer therapy, which can severely impair patients’ quality of life. It is a sensory and length-dependent neuropathy, which predominantly affects large myelinated fibers. Easy and reliable monitoring of CIPN in patients is still an unmet clinical need. Since increasing clinical evidence supports the potential use of neurofilament light chain (NfL) as a biomarker of axonal injury, in this study we measured serum NfL levels in animals chronically treated with cisplatin (CDDP) and paclitaxel (PTX), two antineoplastic drugs with different neuronal targets. Wistar rats were treated with CDDP (2 mg/kg i.p. twice/week for 4 weeks) or PTX (10 mg/kg i.v. once/week for 4 weeks). Repeated serum NfL quantification was obtained using the Single Molecule Array (Simoa) technology. The onset and progression of peripheral neurotoxicity were evaluated through neurophysiology, morphological assessments and intraepidermal nerve fibers density quantification. Our results showed that serum NfL measurements correlated with the severity of axonal damage. In fact, both treatments induced serum NfL increase, but higher levels were evidenced in PTX-treated animals, compared with CDDP-treated rats, affected by a milder neurotoxicity. Notably, also the timing of the NfL level increase was associated with the severity of morphological and functional alterations of axonal structure. Therefore, NfL could be a useful biomarker for axonal damage in order to follow the onset and severity of axonal degeneration and possibly limit the occurrence of serious PNS disease

    Islet transplantation and insulin administration relieve long-term complications and rescue the residual endogenous pancreatic cells

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    Islet transplantation is a poorly investigated Long-term strategy for insulin replacement and for treatment of complications in patients with diabetes. We investigated whether islet transplantation and insulin treatment can relieve diabetic neuropathy and rescue the residual endogenous pancreatic beta cells. We used a multimodal approach, with five groups of Sprague-Dawley rats studied for 8 months: control rats, diabetic rats, insulin-treated diabetic rats with moderate or mild hyperglycemia, and diabetic rats transplanted with microencapsulated islets. Islet transplantation normalized glycemia and increased body and muscle weight; it was also effective in reducing proteinuria and altered liver function. Transplantation significantly improved tail nerve conduction velocity, Na+-K+-ATPase activity, and morphological alterations in the sciatic nerve as evidenced by decrease in g-ratio; it also restored thermal and ameliorated mechanical nociceptive thresholds. Morphometric analysis of pancreas indicated a significant beta-cell volume increase in transplanted rats, compared with mildly and moderately hyperglycemic rats. Thus, allogeneic islet transplantation had a positive systemic effect in diabetic rats and induced regression of the established neuropathy and restitution of the typical characteristics of the islets. These findings strongly reinforce the need for improving glycemic control, not only to reverse established diabetic complications but also to improve beta-cell status in diabetic pancreas
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