27 research outputs found

    Distribution of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript in the hippocampal formation of the guinea pig and domestic pig

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    This study provides a detailed description concerning the distribution of cocaineand amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) subunits - CART61-102 and rhCART28-116 - in the hippocampal formation (HF) of the guinea pig and domestic pig, focussing on the dentate gyrus (DG) and hippocampus proper (HP). Although in both studied species CART-immunoreactive (CART-IR) neuronal somata and processes were present generally in the same layers, some species-specific differences were still found. In the granular layer (GL) of both species, the ovalshaped neurons and some thick varicose fibres were encountered. In the guinea pig there was an immunoreactive “band of dots”, probably representing crosssectioned terminals within the DG molecular layer (MOL), whereas in the domestic pig, some varicose fibres were detected, thus suggesting a different orientation of, at least, some nerve terminals. Furthermore, some CART-positive cells and fibres were observed in the hilus (HL) of the guinea pig, whereas in the analogical part of the domestic pig only nerve terminals were labelled. In both species, in the pyramidal layer (PL) of the hippocampus proper, CART-IR triangular somata were observed in the CA3 sector, as well as some positive processes in MOL; however, a few immunoreactive perikarya were found only in the CA1 sector of the guinea pig. As regards the localization patterns of two isoforms of CART in the guinea pig, both peptide fragments were present simultaneously in each of the labelled neurons or fibres, whereas in the domestic pig three types of fibres may be distinguished within the area of the DG. In the hilus and MOL of the dentate gyrus, there were fibres expressing both isoforms of CART in their whole length (fibres of the first type). Fibres of the second type (in GL) coexpressed both peptides only on their short segments, and the last ones (in MOL) expressed solely rhCART28-116. These results indicate that the distribution of the two CART isoforms are specifically related, thus the relationship between the two CART isoforms may imply different metabolic profiles of CART-expressing neurons

    Dynamics in Several Complex Variables

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    In this chapter we shall describe the dynamics of holomorphic self-maps of taut manifolds, and in particular the dynamics of holomorphic self-maps of convex and strongly pseudoconvex domains. A main tool in this exploration will be provided by the Kobayashi distance

    Embryology of horseradish [Armoracia rusticana Gaertn.]

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    Spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of chronic pain

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    Jednym ze sposobów leczenia bólu przewlekłego jest procedura neuromodulacyjna – stymulacja rdzenia kręgowego (spinal cord stimulation SCS). Istnieje wiele teorii wyjaśniających mechanizm jej działania, ale nie jest on ostatecznie poznany. SCS stosuje się między innymi po operacjach neurochirurgicznych w zespołach failed back surgery syndrome i post-laminectomy syndrome. Wskazaniem do stymulacji rdzenia kręgowego jest ból neuropatyczny, który powstaje w wyniku ucisku nerwów (pleksopatie, radikulopatie). Elektrodę umieszcza się w grzbietowej części przestrzeni nadtwardówkowej, na wysokości zależnej od miejsca występowania bólu. Najczęstsze miejsca implantacji generatora zlokalizowane są wzdłuż linii środkowo-pachowej, w górnej części pośladka, w linii pachowej tylnej i powłokach brzucha, tuż poniżej najniższego żebra. Elektroda dodatnia – anoda – hamuje neurony poprzez hiperpolaryzację. Wykorzystując to działanie, programuje się urządzenia stymulujące. SCS jako metoda leczenia bólu przewlekłego daje pacjentom ulgę w bólu, a niektórym stwarza możliwość powrotu do pracy.Neuromodulation is the procedure used for the spinal cord stimulation (SCS). There are many theories explaining its mechanism, however it has not been thoroughly studied. SCS is used e.g. after neurosurgical operations in failed back surgery syndrome as well as post-laminectomy syndrome. An indication for spinal cord stimulation is neuropathic pain occurring as a result of pressure on nerves. An electrode is placed within a dorsal part of the extradural space at the height dependent on the pain location. The most frequent site of generator implantation is located along the midaxillary line, in the upper part of the buttock, in the posterior axillary line and the lining of the stomach just below the lowest rib. The positive electrode – anode – suppresses neurons through hyperpolarization. SCS as a method of chronic pain treatment brings relief to patients, and in some cases it enables them to go back to work

    Impact of climate‐driven temperature increase on inland aquaculture: Application to land‐based production of common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.)

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    Climate change will expose the food-producing sector to a range of challenges. Inland aquaculture farms are particularly vulnerable, due to the difficulty in changing their location, and therefore require specific tools to predict the influence of direct and indi�rect effects on production, environment and economic feasibility. The objective of our study was to apply a simple set of models to produce a set of growth, risk and suitabil�ity maps for stakeholders within the common carp sector in Poland, to assist decision�making under two different scenarios of climate change: a moderate situation (RCP 4.5) and an extreme situation (RCP 8.5). We used present (2000–2019) and future pro�jections (2080–2099) for water surface temperature based on land surface tempera�ture data from regionally downscaled climate models to draw maps to: (i) show opti�mal temperature conditions for carp growth, (ii) assess risk of disease outbreak caused by three important common carp pathogens: Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), carp oedema virus (CEV) and spring viremia of carp (SVCV) and (iii) predict potential suit�ability changes of carp farming in Poland. The study identified areas with the most and least favourable temperature conditions for carp growth, as well as those areas with the highest/lowest number of days with suitable temperatures for virus infection. These suitability maps showed the combined effect of direct and indirect effects of cli�mate change projections under RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5 scenarios. The approach applied herein will be of use worldwide for analysing the risks of temperature increase to land�based aquaculture, and the results presented are important for carp farmers in Poland and elsewhere, industry in general, and government stakeholders, to understand the direct and indirect effects of climate change on the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profi