140 research outputs found

    Farelo integral de arroz parboilizado submetido a armazenamento prolongado para alimentação de codornas de corte

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade oxidativa do farelo integral de arroz parboilizado (FIAP) durante o armazenamento e os efeitos do seu uso na alimentação de codornas de corte. Foram utilizados 245 animais com sete dias de idade, de ambos os sexos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos, em arranjo fatorial 2x2+1, e sete repetições de sete aves. Avaliaram-se os seguintes tratamentos: dieta controle, sem adição de FIAP; e níveis de inclusão, na dieta controle, de 10 e 20% de FIAP armazenado por 180 dias (FIAPA) ou de FIAP novo (FIAPN). Houve oxidação lipídica do FIAP durante o armazenamento, e o índice de acidez foi de 4,25 e 63,50 (% em ácido oleico) e o de peróxido foi de 15,64 e 38,28 meq kg-1 para FIAPN e FIAPA, respectivamente. A inclusão do FIAP resultou em menor digestibilidade da matéria seca e do nitrogênio e em maior valor de energia metabolizável da ração, em comparação à ração controle. A inclusão de 20% de FIAPA resultou em menor energia metabolizável da ração do que a adição do FIAPN. As inclusões não influenciaram desempenho, características da carcaça, pesos relativos do fígado e do pâncreas, e crescimento e qualidade óssea. O FIAPA, mesmo com rancidez, pode ser utilizado na alimentação de codornas de corte em níveis de até 20% de inclusão

    Local political marketing in the context of the conservative party

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    Local political marketing can be defined as marketing related strategy, activities, and tactics implemented by a political party in a local geographic constituency, in order to attempt to maximise aggregate potential voter satisfaction, and therefore maximise total number of votes and electoral support in the constituency. Through 12 in-depth interviews with Local Constituency Party representatives from the Conservative Party, the study found that local political marketing was acknowledged by a majority of respondents although this was not unequivocal, and was frequently conflated with campaigning. Local political marketing was associated with: visual identity, language/messages, values, image, communication devices, awareness raising, data management and targeting, and simplification. The support from higher levels of the party in local political marketing was varied across constituencies. There was evidence of growing coordination /influence by higher levels of the party in local political marketing. However, this tended to be in seats judged as ‘winnable’

    Treating the Consumers at Different Levels of the Pyramid

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    The Future Outlook

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    Intermarket Shopping Behavior and the Small Community: Problems and Prospects of a Widespread Phenomenon

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    The purpose of this study is to explain intermarket shopping behavior in small communities where everyone, to some degree, is an outshopper. Results of the study suggest that outshopping in small communities is primarily a function of the satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with local retail facilities

    Is mandatory country-of-origin labelling a retrograde step in the long run?

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    There is a strong push from the farming community in Australia to persuade the government to legislate the compulsory display of country-of-origin labelling on retail products. This research examines the label elements considered by grocery shoppers who are inclined to examine the country of manufacture. Shoppers are most likely to consider the brand name when choosing a product, with the odds ratio of taking note of the country of manufacture being the largest for those consumers who scrutinize the name of the product and for those who ascribe the highest importance to the product's country of manufacture. Overt identification as Australian origin, for products without a recognizable brand name may therefore not be advantageous to Australian producers. Country-of-origin prone shoppers also seek stronger reassurance from other cues on the product label. Shoppers would have to contend with the inevitable higher prices arising from label recomposition and country-of-origin compliance. To what extent increased prices would dampen demand is a moot point