188 research outputs found

    Apparent Clustering of Intermediate-redshift Galaxies as a Probe of Dark Energy

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    We show the apparent redshift-space clustering of galaxies in redshift range of 0.2--0.4 provides surprisingly useful constraints on dark energy component in the universe, because of the right balance between the density of objects and the survey depth. We apply Fisher matrix analysis to the the Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), as a concrete example. Possible degeneracies in the evolution of the equation of state (EOS) and the other cosmological parameters are clarified.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys.Rev.Lett., replaced with the accepted versio

    Measuring the Angular Correlation Function for Faint Galaxies in High Galactic Latitude Fields

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    A photometric survey of faint galaxies in three high Galactic latitude fields (each 49 arcmin2\sim49~\rm{arcmin^{2}}) with sub-arcsecond seeing is used to study the clustering properties of the faint galaxy population. Multi-color photometry of the galaxies has been obtained to magnitude limits of V25V\sim25, R25R\sim25 and I24I\sim24. Angular correlation analysis is applied to magnitude-limited and color-selected samples of galaxies from the three fields for angular separations ranging from 1012610-126''. General agreement is obtained with other recent studies which show that the amplitude of the angular correlation function, ω(θ)\omega(\theta), is smoothly decreasing as a function of limiting magnitude. The observed decline of ω(θ)\omega(\theta) rules out the viability of ``maximal merger'' galaxy evolution models. Using redshift distributions extrapolated to faint magnitude limits, models of galaxy clustering evolution are calculated and compared to the observed I-band ω(θ)\omega(\theta). Faint galaxies are determined to have correlation lengths and clustering evolution parameters of either r04 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim4~h^{-1}~Mpc and ϵ01\epsilon\sim0-1; r056 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim5-6~h^{-1}~Mpc and ϵ>1\epsilon>1; or r023 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim2-3~h^{-1}~ Mpc and ϵ1.2\epsilon\sim-1.2, assuming q0=0.5q_{0}=0.5 and with h=H0/100 km s1 Mpc1h=H_{0}/100~ km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}. The latter case is for clustering fixed in co-moving coordinates and is probably unrealistic since most local galaxies are observed to be more strongly clustered. No significant variations in the clustering amplitude as a function of color are detected, for all the color-selected galaxy samples considered. (Abridged)Comment: LaTeX (aaspp4.sty), 54 pages including 15 postscript figures; 3 additional uuencoded, gzipped postscript files (~300 kb each) of Figs. 1, 2 and 3 available at ftp://ftp.astro.ubc.ca/pub/woods ; To be published in the Nov. 20, 1997 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Inaccessible Singularities in Toral Cosmology

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    The familiar Bang/Crunch singularities of classical cosmology have recently been augmented by new varieties: rips, sudden singularities, and so on. These tend to be associated with final states. Here we consider an alternative possibility for the initial state: a singularity which has the novel property of being inaccessible to physically well-defined probes. These singularities arise naturally in cosmologies with toral spatial sections.Comment: 10 pages, version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Constraints on the Detectability of Cosmic Topology from Observational Uncertainties

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    Recent observational results suggest that our universe is nearly flat and well modelled within a Λ\LambdaCDM framework. The observed values of Ωm\Omega_{m} and ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda} inevitably involve uncertainties. Motivated by this, we make a systematic study of the necessary and sufficient conditions for undetectability as well as detectability (in principle) of cosmic topology (using pattern repetition) in presence of such uncertainties. We do this by developing two complementary methods to determine detectability for nearly flat universes. Using the first method we derive analytical conditions for undetectability for infinite redshift, the accuracy of which is then confirmed by the second method. Estimates based on WMAP data together with other measurements of the density parameters are used to illustrate both methods, which are shown to provide very similar results for high redshifts.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX2

    Origin and evolution of halo bias in linear and non-linear regimes

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    We present results from a study of bias and its evolution for galaxy-size halos in a large, high-resolution simulation of a LCDM model. We consider the evolution of bias estimated using two-point correlation function (b_xi), power spectrum (b_P), and a direct correlation of smoothed halo and matter overdensity fields (b_d). We present accurate estimates of the evolution of the matter power spectrum probed deep into the stable clustering regime (k~[0.1-200]h/Mpc at z=0). The halo power spectrum evolves much slower than the power spectrum of matter and has a different shape which indicates that the bias is time- and scale-dependent. At z=0, the halo power spectrum is anti-biased with respect to the matter power spectrum at wavenumbers k~[0.15-30]h/Mpc, and provides an excellent match to the power spectrum of the APM galaxies at all probed k. In particular, it nicely matches the inflection observed in the APM power spectrum at k~0.15h/Mpc. We complement the power spectrum analysis with a direct estimate of bias using smoothed halo and matter overdensity fields and show that the evolution observed in the simulation in linear and mildly non-linear regimes can be well described by the analytical model of Mo & White (1996), if the distinction between formation redshift of halos and observation epoch is introduced into the model. We present arguments and evidence that at higher overdensities, the evolution of bias is significantly affected by dynamical friction and tidal stripping operating on the satellite halos in high-density regions of clusters and groups; we attribute the strong anti-bias observed in the halo correlation function and power spectrum to these effects. (Abridged)Comment: submitted to the Astrophys.Journal; 19 pages, 9 figures LaTeX (uses emulateapj.sty

    Cosmic microwave background anisotropies in multi-connected flat spaces

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    This article investigates the signature of the seventeen multi-connected flat spaces in cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. For each such space it recalls a fundamental domain and a set of generating matrices, and then goes on to find an orthonormal basis for the set of eigenmodes of the Laplace operator on that space. The basis eigenmodes are expressed as linear combinations of eigenmodes of the simply connected Euclidean space. A preceding work, which provides a general method for implementing multi-connected topologies in standard CMB codes, is then applied to simulate CMB maps and angular power spectra for each space. Unlike in the 3-torus, the results in most multi-connected flat spaces depend on the location of the observer. This effect is discussed in detail. In particular, it is shown that the correlated circles on a CMB map are generically not back-to-back, so that negative search of back-to-back circles in the WMAP data does not exclude a vast majority of flat or nearly flat topologies.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, 1 table. Submitted to PR

    Galaxies in N-body simulations: overcoming the overmerging problem

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    We present analysis of the evolution of dark matter halos in dense environments of groups and clusters in dissipationless cosmological simulations. The premature destruction of halos in such environments, known as the overmerging, reduces the predictive power of N-body simulations and makes difficult any comparison between models and observations. We analyze the possible processes that cause the overmerging and assess the extent to which this problem can be cured with current computer resources and codes. Using both analytic estimates and high resolution numerical simulations, we argue that the overmerging is mainly due to the lack of numerical resolution. We find that the force and mass resolution required for a simulated halo to survive in galaxy groups and clusters is extremely high and was almost never reached before: ~1-3 kpc and 10^8-10^9 Msun, respectively. We use the high-resolution Adaptive Refinement Tree (ART) N-body code to run cosmological simulations with the particle mass of \approx 2x10^8/h Msun} and the spatial resolution of \approx 1-2/h kpc, and show that in these simulations the halos do survive in regions that would appear overmerged with lower force resolution. Nevertheless, the halo identification in very dense environments remains a challenge even with the resolution this high. We present two new halo finding algorithms developed to identify both isolated and satellite halos that are stable (existed at previous moments) and gravitationally bound. To illustrate the use of the satellite halos that survive the overmerging, we present a series of halo statistics, that can be compared with those of observed galaxies. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, substantional revisions after the first version, LaTeX 23 pages, 18 figs. (uses emulateapj.sty), Full-resolution version of Fig.9 is available upon reques

    Evolution of bias in different cosmological models

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    We study the evolution of the halo-halo correlation function and bias in four cosmological models (LCDM, OCDM, tauCDM, and SCDM) using very high-resolution N-body simulations. The high force and mass resolution allows dark matter (DM) halos to survive in the tidal fields of high-density regions and thus prevents the ambiguities related with the ``overmerging problem.'' This allows us to estimate for the first time the evolution of the correlation function and bias at small (down to ~100/h kpc) scales. We find that at all epochs the 2-point correlation function of galaxy-size halos xi_hh is well approximated by a power-law with slope ~1.6-1.8. The difference between the shape of xi_hh and the shape of the correlation function of matter results in the scale-dependent bias at scales <7/h Mpc, which we find to be a generic prediction of the hierarchical models. The bias evolves rapidly from a high value of ~2-5 at z~3-7 to the anti-bias of b~0.5-1 at small <5/h Mpc scales at z=0. We find that our results agree well with existing clustering data at different redshifts. Particularly, we find an excellent agreement in both slope and the amplitude between xi_hh(z=0) in our LCDM simulation and the galaxy correlation function measured using the APM galaxy survey. At high redshifts, the observed clustering of the Lyman-break galaxies is also well reproduced by the models. The agreement with the data at high and low z indicates the general success of the hierarchical models of structure formation in which galaxies form inside the host DM halos. (Abridged)Comment: submitted to the Astrophys.Journal; 21 pages, LaTeX (uses emulateapj.sty); full resolution versions of figs.1 and 2 are available at http://astro.nmsu.edu/~akravtso/GROUP/group_publications.html or at ftp://charon.nmsu.edu/pub/kravtsov/PAPERS/Bias

    The spectral action and cosmic topology

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    The spectral action functional, considered as a model of gravity coupled to matter, provides, in its non-perturbative form, a slow-roll potential for inflation, whose form and corresponding slow-roll parameters can be sensitive to the underlying cosmic topology. We explicitly compute the non-perturbative spectral action for some of the main candidates for cosmic topologies, namely the quaternionic space, the Poincare' dodecahedral space, and the flat tori. We compute the corresponding slow-roll parameters and see we check that the resulting inflation model behaves in the same way as for a simply-connected spherical topology in the case of the quaternionic space and the Poincare' homology sphere, while it behaves differently in the case of the flat tori. We add an appendix with a discussion of the case of lens spaces.Comment: 55 pages, LaTe

    Topology and Fragility in Cosmology

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    We introduce the notion of topological fragility and briefly discuss some examples from the literature. An important example of this type of fragility is the way globally anisotropic Bianchi V generalisations of the FLRW k=1k=-1 model result in a radical restriction on the allowed topology of spatial sections, thereby excluding compact cosmological models with negatively curved three-sections with anisotropy. An outcome of this is to exclude chaotic mixing in such models, which may be relevant, given the many recent attempts at employing compact FLRW k=1k=-1 models to produce chaotic mixing in the cosmic microwave background radiation, if the Universe turns out to be globally anisotropic.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex file, to appear in Gen. Rel. Grav. (1998