769 research outputs found

    Reduction of light output of plastic scintillator tiles during irradiation at cold temperatures and in low-oxygen environments

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    The advent of the silicon photomultiplier has allowed the development of highly segmented calorimeters using plastic scintillator as the active media, with photodetectors embedded in the calorimeter, in dimples in the plastic. To reduce the photodetector's dark current and radiation damage, the high granularity calorimeter designed for the high luminosity upgrade of the CMS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider will be operated at a temperature of about -30^\circC. Due to flammability considerations, a low oxygen environment is being considered. However, the radiation damage to the plastic scintillator during irradiation in this operating environment needs to be considered. In this paper, we present measurements of the relative decrease of light output during irradiation of small plastic scintillator tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers. The irradiations were performed using a 60Co^{60}\mathrm{Co} source both to produce the tiles' light and as a source of ionizing irradiation at dose rates of 0.3, 1.3, and 1.61.6\,Gy/hr, temperatures of -30, -15, -5, and 0^\circC, and with several different oxygen concentrations in the surrounding atmosphere. The effect of the material used to wrap the tile was also studied. Substantial temporary damage, which annealed when the sample was warmed, was seen during the low-temperature irradiations, regardless of the oxygen concentration and wrapping material. The relative light loss was largest with 3MTM^{\tiny \textrm{TM}} Enhanced Specular Reflector Film wrapping and smallest with no wrapping, although due to the substantially higher light yield with wrapping, the final light output is largest with wrapping. The light loss was less at warmer temperatures. Damage with 3%3\% oxygen was similar to that in standard atmosphere. Evidence of a plateau in the radical density was seen for the 0^\circC data

    Effect of Electron Energy Distribution Function on Power Deposition and Plasma Density in an Inductively Coupled Discharge at Very Low Pressures

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    A self-consistent 1-D model was developed to study the effect of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) on power deposition and plasma density profiles in a planar inductively coupled plasma (ICP) in the non-local regime (pressure < 10 mTorr). The model consisted of three modules: (1) an electron energy distribution function (EEDF) module to compute the non-Maxwellian EEDF, (2) a non-local electron kinetics module to predict the non-local electron conductivity, RF current, electric field and power deposition profiles in the non-uniform plasma, and (3) a heavy species transport module to solve for the ion density and velocity profiles as well as the metastable density. Results using the non-Maxwellian EEDF model were compared with predictions using a Maxwellian EEDF, under otherwise identical conditions. The RF electric field, current, and power deposition profiles were different, especially at 1mTorr, for which the electron effective mean free path was larger than the skin depth. The plasma density predicted by the Maxwellian EEDF was up to 93% larger for the conditions examined. Thus, the non-Maxwellian EEDF must be accounted for in modeling ICPs at very low pressures.Comment: 19 pages submitted to Plasma Sources Sci. Techno

    Utjecaj hijaluronske kiseline, kalcijeva hidroksida i dentinskih adheziva na odontoblaste i fibroblaste štakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and efficiency of pulp capping preparations based on hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxide, and dentin adhesive on the pulp tissue of Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were killed and extracted teeth sectioned transversely through the pulp. The slices were placed in a RPMI 1640 cell culture medium supplemented with 10 % foetal calf serum. During 14 days of cultivation cultures were treated with preparations that contained hyaluronic acid (Gengigel Prof®), and calcium hydroxide (ApexCal®), or with dentin adhesive (Excite®). Cellularity and viability of fibroblasts and odontoblasts was analysed using a haemocytometer. Hyaluronic acid proved most efficient and the least toxic for direct pulp capping. Even though calcium hydroxide and dentin adhesive demonstrated a higher degree of cytotoxicity, their effects were still acceptable in terms of biocompatibility.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti djelovanje preparata na bazi hijaluronske kiseline i kalcijeva hidroksida te dentinskog adheziva na pulpno tkivo Sprague-Dawley štakora u svrhu procjene učinkovitosti navedenih materijala kod direktnog prekrivanja pulpe. Izvađeni zubi transverzalno su podijeljeni kroz pulpu. Naresci su uzgajani u RPMI 1640 staničnom mediju obogaćenom s 10 % fetalnoga telećeg seruma u plastičnim bočicama za staničnu kulturu. Kulture su tijekom 14 dana tretirane preparatima s hijaluronskom kiselinom (Gengigel Prof®), kalcijevim hidroksidom (ApexCal®) i dentinskim adhezivom (Excite®). Nakon 14 dana pristupilo se analizi staničnosti i vijabilnosti s pomoću hemocitometra. Iako su preparati na bazi kalcijeva hidroksida i dentinski adheziv pokazali nešto viši stupanj citotoksičnosti, dobiveni su rezultati u granicama biokompatibilnosti. Primjena preparata na bazi hijaluronske kiseline postigla je najbolje rezultate te se ovaj materijal pokazao najboljim za direktno prekrivanje pulpe između tri ispitivana preparata

    Cell delivery of Met docking site peptides inhibit angiogenesis and vascular tumor growth

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    Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor Met are responsible for a wide variety of cellular responses, both physiologically during embryo development and tissue homeostasis, and pathologically, particularly during tumor growth and dissemination. In cancer, Met can act as an oncogene on tumor cells, as well as a pro-angiogenic factor activating endothelial cells and inducing new vessel formation. Molecules interfering with Met activity could be valuable therapeutic agents. Here we have investigated the antiangiogenic properties of a synthetic peptide mimicking the docking site of the Met carboxyl-terminal tail, which was delivered into the cells by fusion with the internalization sequences from Antennapedia or HIV-Tat. We showed that these peptides inhibit ligand-dependent endothelial cell proliferation, motility, invasiveness and morphogenesis in vitro to an even greater extent and with much less toxicity than the Met inhibitor PHA-665752, which correlated with interference of HGF-dependent downstream signaling. In vivo, the peptides inhibited HGF-induced angiogenesis in the matrigel sponge assay and impaired xenograft tumor growth and vascularization in Kaposi's sarcoma. These data show that interference with the Met receptor intracellular sequence impairs HGF-induced angiogenesis, suggesting the use of antidocking site compounds as a therapeutic strategy to counteract angiogenesis in cancer as well as in other diseases

    The Tetraodon nigroviridis reference transcriptome: Developmental transition, length retention and microsynteny of long non-coding RNAs in a compact vertebrate genome

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    Pufferfish such as fugu and tetraodon carry the smallest genomes among all vertebrates and are ideal for studying genome evolution. However, comparative genomics using these species is hindered by the poor annotation of their genomes. We performed RNA sequencing during key stages of maternal to zygotic transition of Tetraodon nigroviridis and report its first developmental transcriptome. We assembled 61,033 transcripts (23,837 loci) representing 80% of the annotated gene models and 3816 novel coding transcripts from 2667 loci. We demonstrate the similarities of gene expression profiles between pufferfish and zebrafish during maternal to zygotic transition and annotated 1120 long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) many of which differentially expressed during development. The promoters for 60% of the assembled transcripts result validated by CAGE-seq. Despite the extreme compaction of the tetraodon genome and the dramatic loss of transposons, the length of lncRNA exons remain comparable to that of other vertebrates and a small set of lncRNAs appears enriched for transposable elements suggesting a selective pressure acting on lncRNAs length and composition. Finally, a set of lncRNAs are microsyntenic between teleost and vertebrates, which indicates potential regulatory interactions between lncRNAs and their flanking coding genes. Our work provides a fundamental molecular resource for vertebrate comparative genomics and embryogenesis studies

    Loss of c-Met Disrupts Gene Expression Program Required for G2/M Progression during Liver Regeneration in Mice

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    conditional knockout mice to determine the effects of c-Met dysfunction in hepatocytes on kinetics of liver regeneration. primary hepatocytes and partially restored expression levels of mitotic cell cycle regulators albeit to a lesser degree as compared to control cultures.In conclusion, our results assign a novel non-redundant function for HGF/c-Met signaling in regulation of G2/M gene expression program via maintaining a persistent Erk1/2 activation throughout liver regeneration

    An Evaluation of the Fe-N Phase Diagram Considering Long-Range Order of N Atoms in γ'-Fe4N1-x and ε-Fe2N1-z

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    The chemical potential of nitrogen was described as a function of nitrogen content for the Fe-N phases α-Fe[N], γ'-Fe4N1-x, and ε-Fe2N1-z. For α-Fe[N], an ideal, random distribution of the nitrogen atoms over the octahedral interstices of the bcc iron lattice was assumed; for γ'-Fe4N1-x and ε-Fe2N1-z, the occurrence of a long-range ordered distribution of the nitrogen atoms over the octahedral interstices of the close packed iron sublattices (fcc and hcp, respectively) was taken into account. The theoretical expressions were fitted to nitrogen-absorption isotherm data for the three Fe-N phases. The α/α + γ', α + γ'/γ', γ'/γ' + ε, and γ' + ε/ε phase boundaries in the Fe-N phase diagram were calculated from combining the quantitative descriptions for the absorption isotherms with the known composition of NH3/H2 gas mixtures in equilibrium with coexisting α and γ' phases and in equilibrium with coexisting γ' and ε phases. Comparison of the present phase boundaries with experimental data and previously calculated phase boundaries showed a major improvement as compared to the previously calculated Fe-N phase diagrams, where long-range order for the nitrogen atoms in the γ' and ε phases was not accounted for