28,343 research outputs found

    Loss-tolerant operations in parity-code linear optics quantum computing

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    A heavy focus for optical quantum computing is the introduction of error-correction, and the minimisation of resource requirements. We detail a complete encoding and manipulation scheme designed for linear optics quantum computing, incorporating scalable operations and loss-tolerant architecture.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Splitting Sensitivity of the Ground and 7.6 eV Isomeric States of 229Th

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    The lowest-known excited state in nuclei is the 7.6 eV isomer of 229Th. This energy is within the range of laser-based investigations that could allow accurate measurements of possible temporal variation of this energy splitting. This in turn could probe temporal variation of the fine-structure constant or other parameters in the nuclear Hamiltonian. We investigate the sensitivity of this transition energy to these quantities. We find that the two states are predicted to have identical deformations and thus the same Coulomb energies within the accuracy of the model (viz., within roughly 30 keV). We therefore find no enhanced sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant. In the case of the strong interaction the energy splitting is found to have a complicated dependence on several parameters of the interaction, which makes an accurate prediction of sensitivity to temporal changes of fundamental constants problematical. Neither the strong- nor Coulomb-interaction contributions to the energy splitting of this doublet can be constrained within an accuracy better than a few tens of keV, so that only upper limits can be set on the possible sensitivity to temporal variations of the fundamental constants.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    User acceptance of intelligent avionics: A study of automatic-aided target recognition

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    User acceptance of new support systems typically was evaluated after the systems were specified, designed, and built. The current study attempts to assess user acceptance of an Automatic-Aided Target Recognition (ATR) system using an emulation of such a proposed system. The detection accuracy and false alarm level of the ATR system were varied systematically, and subjects rated the tactical value of systems exhibiting different performance levels. Both detection accuracy and false alarm level affected the subjects' ratings. The data from two experiments suggest a cut-off point in ATR performance below which the subjects saw little tactical value in the system. An ATR system seems to have obvious tactical value only if it functions at a correct detection rate of 0.7 or better with a false alarm level of 0.167 false alarms per square degree or fewer