680 research outputs found

    FUSE Measurements of Interstellar Fluorine

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    The source of fluorine is not well understood, although core-collapse supernovae, Wolf-Rayet stars, and asymptotic giant branch stars have been suggested. A search for evidence of the nu process during Type II supernovae is presented. Absorption from interstellar F I is seen in spectra of HD 208440 and HD 209339A acquired with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. In order to extract the column density for F I from the line at 954 A, absorption from H2 has to be modeled and then removed. Our analysis indicates that for H2 column densities less than about 3 x 10^20 cm^-2, the amount of F I can be determined from lambda 954. For these two sight lines, there is no clear indication for enhanced F abundances resulting from the nu process in a region shaped by past supernovae.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Distance to the Vela Supernova Remnant

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    We have obtained high resolution Ca II and Na I absorption line spectra toward 68 OB stars in the direction of the Vela Supernova Remnant. The stars lie at distances of 190 -- 2800 pc as determined by Hipparcos and spectroscopic parallax estimations. The presence of high velocity absorption attributable to the remnant along some of the sight lines constrains the remnant distance to 250+/-30 pc. This distance is consistent with several recent investigations that suggest that the canonical remnant distance of 500 pc is too large.Comment: To be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters Figure 1 y-axis labels correcte

    Reanalysis of Copernicus Measurements on Interstellar Carbon Monoxide

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    We used archival data acquired with the Copernicus satellite to reexamine CO column densities because self-consistent oscillator strengths are now available. Our focus is on lines of sight containing modest amounts of molecular species. Our resulting column densities are small enough that self-shielding from photodissociation is not occurring in the clouds probed by the observations. While our sample shows that the column densities of CO and H2 are related, no correspondence with the CH column density is evident. The case for the CH+ column density is less clear. Recent chemical models for these sight lines suggest that CH is mainly a by-product of CH+ synthesis in low density gas. The models are most successful in reproducing the amounts of CO in the densest sight lines. Thus, much of the CO absorption must arise from denser clumps along the line of sight to account for the trend with H2.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    High Velocity Line Emission in the NLR of NGC 4151

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    Narrow-band imaging of the nuclear region of NGC 4151 with the Hubble Space Telescope is presented. The filter bandpasses isolate line emission in various high velocity ranges in several ions. Slitless and long-slit spectra of the region with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph also indicate the locations of high velocity gas. These emission regions are faint and are interspersed among the bright emission clouds seen in direct images. They have radial velocities up to 1400 km/s relative to the nucleus, and are found in both approach and recession on both sides of the nucleus. This contrasts strongly with the bright emission line clouds which have been discussed previously as showing bidirectional outflow with velocities within 400 km/s of the nucleus. We discuss the possible connections of the high velocity material with the radio jet and the nuclear radiation.Comment: 12 pages plus 6 figures, to be published in A

    Superflares on Ordinary Solar-Type Stars

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    Short duration flares are well known to occur on cool main-sequence stars as well as on many types of `exotic' stars. Ordinary main-sequence stars are usually pictured as being static on time scales of millions or billions of years. Our sun has occasional flares involving up to 1031\sim 10^{31} ergs which produce optical brightenings too small in amplitude to be detected in disk-integrated brightness. However, we identify nine cases of superflares involving 103310^{33} to 103810^{38} ergs on normal solar-type stars. That is, these stars are on or near the main-sequence, are of spectral class from F8 to G8, are single (or in very wide binaries), are not rapid rotators, and are not exceedingly young in age. This class of stars includes many those recently discovered to have planets as well as our own Sun, and the consequences for any life on surrounding planets could be profound. For the case of the Sun, historical records suggest that no superflares have occurred in the last two millennia.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Cloud Structure and Physical Conditions in Star-forming Regions from Optical Observations. I. Data and Component Structure

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    We present high-resolution optical spectra (at ~0.6--1.8 km s-1) of interstellar CN, CH, CH^+, \ion{Ca}{1}, \ion{K}{1}, and \ion{Ca}{2} absorption toward 29 lines of sight in three star-forming regions, \rho Oph, Cep OB2, and Cep OB3. The observations and data reduction are described. The agreement between earlier measurements of the total equivalent widths and our results is quite good. However, our higher resolution spectra reveal complex structure and closely blended components in most lines of sight. The velocity component structure of each species is obtained by analyzing the spectra of the six species for a given sight line together. The tabulated column densities and Doppler parameters of individual components are determined by using the method of profile fitting. Total column densities along lines of sight are computed by summing results from profile fitting for individual components and are compared with column densities from the apparent optical depth method. A more detailed analysis of these data and their implications will be presented in a companion paper.Comment: 66 pages, 15 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Photospheric and chromospheric activity in four young solar-type stars

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    We present a photometric and spectroscopic study of four G-K dwarfs, namely HD 166, epsilon Eri, chi1 Ori and kappa1 Cet. In three cases, we find a clear spatial association between photospheric and chromospheric active regions. For chi1 Ori we do not find appreciable variations of photospheric temperature, and chromospheric Halpha emission. We applied a spot/plage model to the observed rotational modulation of temperature and flux to derive spot/plage parameters and to reconstruct a rough three-dimensional map of the outer atmosphere of kappa1 Cet, HD 166 and epsilon Eri.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Abundances and Physical Conditions in the Interstellar Gas toward HD 192 639

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    We present a study of the abundances and physical conditions in the interstellar gas toward the heavily reddened star HD 192639 [E_(B-V) = 0.64], based on analysis of FUSE and HST/STIS spectra covering the range from 912 to 1361 A. This work constitutes a survey of the analyses that can be performed to study the interstellar gas when combining data from different instruments. Low-velocity (-18 to -8 km/s) components are seen primarily for various neutral and singly ionized species such as C I, O I, S I, Mg II, Cl I, Cl II, Mn II, Fe II and Cu II. Numerous lines of H2 are present in the FUSE spectra, with a kinetic temperature for the lowest rotational levels T_(01) = (90 +/- 10) K. Analysis of the C I fine-structure excitation implies an average local density of hydrogen n_H = (16 +/- 3) cm^-3. The average electron density, derived from five neutral/first ion pairs under the assumption of photoionization equilibrium, is n_e = (0.11 +/- 0.02) cm^-3. The relatively complex component structure seen in high-resolution spectra of K I and Na I, the relatively low average density, and the measured depletions all suggest that the line of sight contains a number of diffuse clouds, rather than a single dense, translucent cloud. Comparisons of the fractions of Cl in Cl I and of hydrogen in molecular form suggest a higher molecular fraction, in the region(s) where H2 is present, than that derived considering the average line of sight. In general, such comparisons may allow the identification and characterization of translucent portions of such complex lines of sight. The combined data also show high-velocity components near -80 km/s for various species which appear to be predominantly ionized, and may be due to a radiative shock. A brief overview of the conditions in this gas will be given.Comment: 37 pages, accepted for publication in Ap