97 research outputs found

    Aharonov-Casher effect in a two dimensional hole gas with spin-orbit interaction

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    We study the quantum interference effects induced by the Aharonov-Casher phase in a ring structure in a two-dimensional heavy hole (HH) system with spin-orbit interaction realizable in narrow asymmetric quantum wells. The influence of the spin-orbit interaction strength on the transport is investigated analytically. These analytical results allow us to explain the interference effects as a signature of the Aharonov-Casher Berry phases. Unlike previous studies on the electron two-dimensional Rashba systems, we find that the frequency of conductance modulations as a function of the spin-orbit strength is not constant but increases for larger spin-orbit splittings. In the limit of thin channel rings (width smaller than Fermi wavelength), we find that the spin-orbit splitting can be greatly increased due to quantization in the radial direction. We also study the influence of magnetic field considering both limits of small and large Zeeman splittings.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Absence of skew scattering in two-dimensional systems: Testing the origins of the anomalous Hall effect

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    We study the anomalous Hall conductivity in spin-polarized, asymmetrically confined two-dimensional electron and hole systems, focusing on skew-scattering contributions to the transport. We find that the skew scattering, principally responsible for the extrinsic contribution to the anomalous Hall effect, vanishes for the two-dimensional electron system if both chiral Rashba subbands are partially occupied, and vanishes always for the two-dimensional hole gas studied here, regardless of the band filling. Our prediction can be tested with the proposed coplanar two-dimensional electron/hole gas device and can be used as a benchmark to understand the crossover from the intrisic to the extrinsic anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures include

    Palatini versus metric formulation in higher curvature gravity

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    We compare the metric and the Palatini formalism to obtain the Einstein equations in the presence of higher-order curvature corrections that consist of contractions of the Riemann tensor, but not of its derivatives. We find that there is a class of theories for which the two formalisms are equivalent. This class contains the Palatini version of Lovelock theory, but also more Lagrangians that are not Lovelock, but respect certain symmetries. For the general case, we find that imposing the Levi-Civita connection as an Ansatz, the Palatini formalism is contained within the metric formalism, in the sense that any solution of the former also appears as a solution of the latter, but not necessarily the other way around. Finally we give the conditions the solutions of the metric equations should satisfy in order to solve the Palatini equations.Comment: 13 pages, latex. V2: reference added, major changes in section 3, conclusions partially correcte

    T and S dualities and The cosmological evolution of the dilaton and the scale factors

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    Cosmologically stabilizing radion along with the dilaton is one of the major concerns of low energy string theory. One can hope that T and S dualities can provide a plausible answer. In this work we study the impact of S and T duality invariances on dilaton gravity. We have shown various instances where physically interesting models arise as a result of imposing the mentioned invariances. In particular S duality has a very privileged effect in that the dilaton equations partially decouple from the evolution of the scale factors. This makes it easy to understand the general rules for the stabilization of the dilaton. We also show that certain T duality invariant actions become S duality invariance compatible. That is they mimic S duality when extra dimensions stabilize.Comment: Corrected a misleading interpretation of the S duality transformation and a wrong comment on d=10. I thank A.Kaya for pointing this out to me in time. So the new version is dealing with d=10 only. Added references and corrected some typos. Minor re-editing. Omitted a section for elaboration in a further study. Corrected further typo

    Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    The anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling is studied within the Kubo-Streda formalism in the presence of pointlike potential impurities. We find that all contributions to the anomalous Hall conductivity vanish to leading order in disorder strength when both chiral subbands are occupied. In the situation that only the majority subband is occupied, all terms are finite in the weak scattering limit and the total anomalous Hall conductivity is dominated by skew scattering. We compare our results to previous treatments and resolve some of the discrepancies present in the literature.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Supersymmetry Breaking and Dilaton Stabilization in String Gas Cosmology

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    In this Note we study supersymmetry breaking via gaugino condensation in string gas cosmology. We show that the same gaugino condensate which is introduced to stabilize the dilaton breaks supersymmetry. We study the constraints on the scale of supersymmetry breaking which this mechanism leads to.Comment: 11 page

    Control of Josephson current by Aharonov-Casher Phase in a Rashba Ring

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    We study the interference effect induced by the Aharonov-Casher phase on the Josephson current through a semiconducting ring attached to superconducting leads. Using a 1D model that incorporates spin-orbit coupling in the semiconducting ring, we calculate the Andreev levels analytically and numerically, and predict oscillations of the Josephson current due to the AC phase. This result is valid from the point contact limit to the long channel length limit, as defined by the ratio of the junction length and the BCS healing length. We show in the long channel length limit that the impurity scattering has no effect on the oscillation of the Josephson current, in contrast to the case of conductivity oscillations in a spin-orbit coupled ring system attached to normal leads where impurity scattering reduces the amplitude of oscillations. Our results suggest a new scheme to measure the AC phase with, in principle, higher sensitivity. In addition, this effect allows for control of the Josephson current through the gate voltage tuned AC phase.Comment: 12pages, 8 figure

    On Winding Branes and Cosmological Evolution of Extra Dimensions in String Theory

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    We consider evolution of compact extra dimensions in cosmology and try to see whether wrapped branes can prevent the expansion of the internal space. Some difficulties of Brandenberger and Vafa mechanism for decompactification are pointed out. In both pure Einstein and dilaton gravities, we study cosmology of winding brane gases in a continuum approximation. The energy momentum tensor is obtained by coupling the brane action to the gravity action and we present several exact solutions for various brane configurations. T-duality invariance of the solutions are established in dilaton gravity. Our results indicate that phenomenologically the most viable scenario can be realized when there is only one brane wrapping over all extra dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, RevTex4, 2 figures, a paragraph added, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Brane to bulk supersymmetry breaking and radion force at micron distances

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    We study mediation of supersymmetry breaking in the bulk, in models with primordial supersymmetry breaking on D-branes at the string scale, in the TeV region. We compute the gravitino and scalar masses up to one-loop level, as well as the radion coupling to matter. We find that the latter mediates a model independent force at submillimeter distances that can be tested in micro-gravity experiments for any dimensionality of the bulk. In the case of two large dimensions, our type I string framework provides an example which allows to stabilize the radion potential and determine the desired hierarchy between the string and Planck scales.Comment: One equation and one figure corrected. Two references added. Version to be published in Nuclear Physics

    Aharonov-Casher and spin Hall effects in two-dimensional mesoscopic ring structures with strong spin-orbit interaction

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    We study the quantum interference effects induced by the Aharonov-Casher phase in asymmetrically confined two-dimensional electron and heavy-hole ring structures systems taking into account the electrically tunable spin-orbit (SO) interaction. We have calculated the non-adiabatic transport properties of charges (heavy-holes and electrons) in two-probe thin ring structures and compare how the form of the SO coupling of the carries affects it. We show that both the SO splitting of the bands and the carrier density can be used to modulate the conductance through the ring. We show that the dependence on carrier density is due to the backscattering from the leads which shows pronounce resonances when the Fermi energy is close to the eigenenergy of the ring. We also calculate the spin Hall conductivity and longitudinal conductivity in four-probe rings as a function of the carrier density and SO interaction, demonstrating that for heavy-hole carriers both conductivities are larger than for electrons. Finally, we investigate the transport properties of mesoscopic rings with spatially inhomogeneous SO coupling. We show that devices with inhomogeneous SO interaction exhibit an electrically controlled spin-flipping mechanism.Comment: 10 pages and 7 figure