446 research outputs found

    Development and commissioning of the ALICE pixel detector control system

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    The Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) is the innermost detector of the ALICE Inner Tracking System and the closest one to the interaction point. In order to operate the detector in a safe way, a control system was developed in the framework of PVSS which allows to monitor and control a large number of parameters such as temperatures, currents, voltages, etc. The control system of the SPD implements interlock features to protect the detector against overheating and prevents operating it in case of malfunctions. The nearly 50,000 parameters required to fully configure the detector are stored in a database which employs automatic configuration versions after a new calibration run has been carried out. Several user interface panels were developed to allow experts and non-expert shifters to operate the detector in an easy and safe way. This contribution provides an overview of the SPD control system

    Optimization of hybrid sol-gel coating for dropwise condensation of pure steam

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    We developed hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel silica coatings with good durability in harsh environment (high temperatures, high vapor velocities) and with slightly hydrophobic behavior, sufficient to promote dropwise condensation (DWC) of pure steam. DWC is a very promising mechanism in new trends of thermal management and power generation systems to enhance the heat transfer during condensation as compared to film-wise condensation (FWC). The sol-gel coatings have been prepared from methyl triethoxy silane (MTES) and tetraethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS) and deposited on an aluminum substrate. The coatings were optimized in terms of precursor ratio and annealing temperature highlighting potentials and limits of such mixtures. A comprehensive surface characterization before and after saturated steam condensation tests has been performed and related to the thermal measurements for evaluating the heat transfer augmentation as compared to FWC obtained on untreated aluminum surfaces. The results showed that the developed hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel silica coatings are promising DWC promoters

    Estratégia de sobrevivência de panicum maximum tanzânia sob pastejo rotacionado.

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    Foi avaliada a dinâmica de perfilhamento do capim-tanzânia ao longo de um ano, visando caracterizar sua estratégia de sobrevivência em 5 touceiras. As maiores taxas de natalidade ocorreram em janeiro (76,6 p.100) e março (51,3 p.100) e as menores em junho (19,7 p.100) e agosto (13,2 p.100). As maiores taxas de mortalidade ocorreram em janeiro (72,5 p.100) e março (55,2 p.100) e as menores em abril (28,8 p.100) a outubro (24,4 p.100). Houve florescimento quando o fotoperíodo foi inferior a 11,5 horas (abril-agosto), onde as taxas de natalidade foram menores devido à dominância apical. Entre janeiro e abril houve intensa renovação de perfilhos. Grande proporção de perfilhos da geração que surgiu em março sobreviveu durante o período seco. Portanto, nesta geração, devem ser aplicadas técnicas de manejo visando à perenidade do pasto