7 research outputs found

    Third Yearly Activity Report

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    The calculation work performed during the 3rd project year in WP2 as well as the R&D activities carried out in WP3, WP4 and WP5 are described in this report. In addition, the work dedicated to the project management (WP1) as well as to WP6 regarding the dissemination/communication activities and the education/training program (e.g. the follow-up of the mobility program between different organizations in the consortium, training on simulation tools and activities accomplished by PhD/post-doctoral students) is also reported


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    Complex organizational and technical systems (COTS) it is the special class guided open difficult, as a rule, nonlinear systems two factors unite in that: human (organizational) factor and technical (technological) factor. Decision of tasks of control, analysis, prognostication and control such systems are have considerable complication, that need creation of the corresponding systems of support of making decision (DSS). The statistical methods of analysis and prognostication, methods of mathematical and imitation design, elements of consulting models, must be incorporated in these systems. A base for the decision of certain tasks is a kernel of DSS, that allows to give to suggestion in relation to determination of critical points of COTS, to recognize behavior of environment, give to recommendation in relation to renewal of the system. In the article the improved graph-theoretic method is for the analysis of structure of COTS. The basic result of research are mathematical models of degradation COTS in the graph-theoretic raising and method of analysis stability structure of COTS. An offer in the article mathematical model of distribution of external influences on the system allows to investigate the change of stability of all system depending on a kind, type and place of influence. It is well-proven that contours in the structure of the system are the generator of internal influences, a model (unlike the well-known mathematical model of the technical system) takes into account the process of renewal of top (due to an organizational component) and scraies of influence.Організаційно-технічні системи – це особливий клас керованих відкритих складних, як правило, нелінійних систем, у яких сполучаються два фактори: людський (організаційний) і технічний (технологічний). Вирішення завдань контролю, аналізу, прогнозування та управління такими системами має значну складність, що потребує створення відповідних систем підтримки прийняття рішень (СППР). У цих системах повинні бути поєднані статистичні методи аналізу та прогнозування, методи математичного й імітаційного моделювання, елементи експертних систем. Базою для вирішення визначених завдань є ядро СППР, що дозволяє надавати пропозиції щодо визначення критичних точок складної організаційно-технічної системи (СОТС), розпізнавати поведінку оточуючого середовища, надавати рекомендації щодо відновлення системи. У статті вдосконалено теоретико-графовий метод для аналізу структури СОТС. Основним результатом дослідження є математичні моделі деградації СОТС у теоретико-графовій постановці та метод аналізу стійкості структури СОТС. Запропонована математична модель розповсюдження зовнішніх впливів по системі дозволяє дослідити зміну стійкості всієї системи залежно від виду, типу і місця впливу. Доведено, що контури у структурі системи є генератором внутрішніх впливів, модель (на відміну від відомої математичної моделі технічної системи) враховує процес відновлення вершини (за рахунок організаційної компоненти) та компенсаторів впливу

    Digestate potential to substitute mineral fertilizers: Engineering approaches

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    The study aims to define the potential and technological aspects of the digestate treatment for its application as a biofertilizer. Life cycle assessment methodology was used in terms of digestate quality management. The potential of nutrients, organic carbon, and useful microelements in the digestate allows for its consideration as a mineral fertilizer substitute and soil improver. The valorization of digestate as fertilizer requires quality management and quality control. Based on the research focus, the successful soil application of digestate post-treatment technologies was analyzed. Among the different commercial options for digestate treatment and nutrient recovery, the most relevant are drying, struvite precipitation, stripping, evaporation, and membranes technology. Comparing the physical and chemical properties of the whole digestate, separated liquid, and solid liquor fractions showed that in the case of soil application of granular fertilizer, nutrients from the digestate are released more slowly than digestate application without granulation. However, realizing this potential in an economically feasible way requires improving the quality of digestate products through appropriate technologies and quality control of digestate products. To support the manufacture of quality digestate across Europe, the European Compost Network developed a concept for a panEuropean quality assurance scheme

    Technologies for Environmental Safety Application of Digestate as Biofertilizer

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    The purpose of the paper is to determine the environmentally safe and economically feasible technology of biofertilizer production from the digestate including dewatering process. Methodological basis is based on the systematic approach to the determination of factors effected on the distribution of nutrients and pollutants between liquid and solid fractions after digestate separation. The paper analyzes modern technologies aimed at dewatering the digestate and reduction of its volume, showed their effectiveness. These technologies allow expanding the opportunities for commercialization of the digestate, increasing the cost of its transportation and application to the soil instead of complex fertilizers, using some valuable products. The results of the study showed that the ecological quality of the digestate is the highest as well as co-digested thermally pre-treated feedstock is used for solid-liquid separation in centrifuge with polymer addition as post-treatment approach to the flocculation. In order to increase efficiency of biofertilizer application the technological scheme of production process of granular fertilizers from digestate was proposed. Special feature of this scheme is in the use of phosphogypsum binder for the production of organo-mineral fertilizer that contributes phosphogypsum recycling in the waste management system