1,730 research outputs found

    Imagining Emergent Metadata, Realizing the Emergent Web

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    Citation: Bengtson, Jason. "Imagining Emergent Metadata, Realizing the Emergent Web." Journal of Library Metadata 12.4 (2012) : 345-361. Print.While metadata is a key ingredient of machine-semantic technologies, it has drawbacks. As it is currently formed, metadata lacks dynamic responsiveness and requires top-down system modeling. The author proposes a schema and process of emergent metadata that will, if successful, allow metadata to respond to environmental conditions dynamically and to exhibit self-organizational features

    AI in the ER: What Is Watson and What Does It Mean for Medical Librarianship?

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    Citation: Bengtson, Jason. "AI in the ER: What Is Watson and What Does It Mean for Medical Librarianship?" Journal of Hospital Librarianship 11.3 (2011) : 289-293. Print.It runs on ten server racks, has natural language analysis capability and recently won a Jeopardy! Tournament where it was pitted against two champions. If you answered, “What is Watson”, you would be correct, but you probably didn’t answer in time to beat the new champ. Watson, the latest incarnation of IBM’s Deep Blue research project, recently astonished the Jeopardy! audience with its performance. This was a watershed moment in artificial intelligenceresearch because it required not only analytical reasoning skills (of the same sort that enabled IBM’s Deep Blue to become a chess champion), but also natural language processing skills. Simply gathering data and organizing it is nothing new for a computer system, but being able to apply a solid level of semantic reasoning to complex natural language questions is a much more challenging goal. By coupling sophisticated natural language recognition with the brute power of modern digital computing, Watson was able to handily defeat human opponents

    Seven Things Every Information Professional Needs to Know About Consumer Technologies

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    Citation: Bengtson, Jason. "Seven Things Every Information Professional Needs to Know About Consumer Technologies." Journal of Hospital Librarianship 14.4 (2014) : 395-401. Print.The consumer space has, in recent years, greatly surpassed the enterprise space as a place to find the latest trends and innovations. In fact, businesses have increasingly begun to interface actively with consumer computing, with concepts such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Hospital librarians should familiarize themselves with some of the key trends in the consumer space to better engage with their patrons, including physicians bringing their personal devices into the workspace

    The Semantic Revolution

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    Citation: Bengtson, Jason. "The Semantic Revolution." Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries 15.1 (2015) : 72-82. Print.Semantic technologies are in the process of revolutionizing the way we store, access, and communicate digital information. It is vital that information professionals be conversant in the foundational concepts upon which these technologies are based. This article uses two implementations of semantic technologies, the semantic web and the Semantic MEDLINE project, to introduce the key ideas of semantic technologies to readers

    Scaling Into the Future With Smartlinks

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    Citation: Bengtson, Jason. "Scaling Into the Future with Smart Links." Journal of Hospital Librarianship 12.4 (2012) : 378-383. PrintThe mobile revolution has changed the digital landscape in profound ways and it can be a struggle to keep up. A proliferation of websites have sprung up designed around the special needs of mobile devices; needs which include small screens, touch interaction, and limited bandwidth and processing power. By far the most commonly seen solution is for organizations or individuals seeking to be "mobile friendly" to create a "mobile site" mirroring their regular website. These mobile sites often showcase resources and features that would (or so the designers believe) be of particular interest to mobile users, packaged in Web design built around mobile device features. A persistent challenge is getting visitors to those sites, as anyone who has read my article about mobile redirect scripts knows. The approach to mobile, however, is evolving

    Preparing for the age of the digital palimpsest

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    Citation: Jason Bengtson, (2012) "Preparing for the age of the digital palimpsest", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 30 Iss: 3, pp.513 - 522Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to define and stimulate interest in a potential new specialty within the information science field. Design/methodology/approach: Sources on digital forensics and digital archeology are discussed, and the topic is examined critically from a librarian perspective. The author examines the possibility of an information science specialty pursuing the reconstruction of “digital palimpsests”, where data that later becomes historically significant has been deleted or partially overwritten on digital media. Findings: The author identifies at least one key incident (the NASA moon landing tapes) where this potential field has already started to be defined. Examination of the literature indicates that emphasis in data recovery to this point has centered on the needs of law enforcement and disaster recovery rather than on the considerations of manuscript preservation, recovery, and curation. The author emphasizes the need for librarians to bring together the skills of multiple fields, especially that of information technology, in order to shape the tools needed to take the lead in “digital palimpsest” recovery. Originality/value: The author asserts that the recovery of “digital palimpsests” will become important as digital archives age and society's position on what has historical value inevitably shifts. The author further asserts that members of the information science field must actively work to take ownership of the field before it is subsumed by information technology or another discipline less equipped to manage its nebulous considerations effectively

    Quantum Technology and the Medical Librarian

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    Citation: Bengtson, Jason. “Quantum Technology and the Medical Librarian." Journal of Hospital Librarianship 15.3 (2015) : 326-333. Print.Some of the most exciting areas of computing research are quantum technologies. Relying on the counterintuitive laws which govern matter and energy at the smallest levels, quantum physics provides bold new answers to problems which current digital technologies cannot effectively solve. This article discusses the basis of these technologies and introduces two ways in which they may practically impact the environment of the medical librarian in the coming years as the technologies become more mature. By understanding something of these technologies and how they may manifest themselves in hospital or other healthcare environments, the hospital librarian can help prepare themselves for this exciting future

    Council Activities in Nebraska

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    A Partial Bibliography of Cyprinodon variegatus (Osteichthyes: Cyprinodontidae)

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    A partial bibliography of the sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus Lacépède, 1803, is presented. Scientific works related to systematics and general biology are listed along with references to recent work involving toxicological bioassays. An extensive search of the literature on parasites of C. variegatus was not conducted

    A Partial Bibliography of Cyprinodon variegatus (Osteichthyes: Cyprinodontidae)

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    A partial bibliography of the sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus Lacépède, 1803, is presented. Scientific works related to systematics and general biology are listed along with references to recent work involving toxicological bioassays. An extensive search of the literature on parasites of C. variegatus was not conducted
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