97 research outputs found

    Influence of environment on the corrosion of glass–metal connections

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    'Glass sensors' of the eighteenth century Backer glass and the sixteenth century enamel from Limoges have been chosen for a series of experiments. Combinations of these materials with different base materials such as copper and bronze has been investigated. To create surface changes on the 'glass sensor', a corrosion process was induced in a controlled environment. A variety of corrosive agents such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, water and formaldehyde were used. The sample immersed in the corrosive solution was exposed alternately to light and high temperature for a total of 38 weeks. During this period, macroscopic and microscopic observations were made and series of tests such as SEM/EDS and Raman spectroscopy were performed on the surface of the samples. ICP-MS methods were used to determine the change in the chemical composition of the solutions where the samples had corroded. The primary aim of this study was to identify the impact of a number of external corrosive variables such as temperature, humidity and local environment to identify the most damaging environments for glass–metal objects. The obtained results showed the chemical and physical phenomena acting on the surface of the glass, metal or in the place of their joints. Information obtained on this study was used to explain the influence of the environment on the surface of glass–metal materials. Results can be used in the design of conservation work as well as for sustainable conservation

    Synthesis and in vitro antiproliferative activity of novel (4-chloro- and 4-acyloxy-2-butynyl)thioquinolines

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    The series of new acetylenic thioquinolines containing propargyl, 4-chloro-2-butynyl, and 4-acyloxy-2-butynyl groups have been prepared and tested for antiproliferative activity in vitro against human [SW707 (colorectal adenocarcinoma), CCRF/CEM (leukemia), T47D (breast cancer)] and murine [P388 (leukemia), B16 (melanoma)] cancer lines. Most of the obtained compounds exhibited antiproliferative activity, especially compounds 8, 12, and 21 showed the ID50 values ranging from 0.4 to 3.8 μg/ml comparable to that of cisplatin used as reference compounds

    Measurements of π±\pi^\pm, K±K^\pm, pp and pˉ\bar{p} spectra in 40^{40}Ar+45^{45}Sc collisions at 13AA to 150AA GeV/cc

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    The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron studies the onset of deconfinement in strongly interacting matter through a beam energy scan of particle production in collisions of nuclei of varied sizes. This paper presents results on inclusive double-differential spectra, transverse momentum and rapidity distributions and mean multiplicities of π±\pi^\pm, K±K^\pm, pp and pˉ\bar{p} produced in 40^{40}Ar+45^{45}Sc collisions at beam momenta of 13AA, 19AA, 30AA, 40AA, 75AA and 150AA GeV/cc. The analysis uses the 10% most central collisions, where the observed forward energy defines centrality. The energy dependence of the K±K^\pm/π±\pi^\pm ratios as well as of inverse slope parameters of the K±K^\pm transverse mass distributions are placed in between those found in inelastic pp+pp and central Pb+Pb collisions. The results obtained here establish a system-size dependence of hadron production properties that so far cannot be explained either within statistical (SMES, HRG) or dynamical (EPOS, UrQMD, PHSD, SMASH) models

    Measurements of π+\pi^+, π\pi^-, pp, pˉ\bar{p}, K+K^+ and KK^- production in 120 GeV/cc p + C interactions

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    This paper presents multiplicity measurements of charged hadrons produced in 120 GeV/cc proton-carbon interactions. The measurements were made using data collected at the NA61/SHINE experiment during two different data-taking periods, with increased phase space coverage in the second configuration due to the addition of new subdetectors. Particle identification via dE/dxdE/dx was employed to obtain double-differential production multiplicities of π+\pi^+, π\pi^-, pp, pˉ\bar{p}, K+K^+ and KK^-. These measurements are presented as a function of laboratory momentum in intervals of laboratory polar angle covering the range from 0 to 450 mrad. They provide crucial inputs for current and future long-baseline neutrino experiments, where they are used to estimate the initial neutrino flux

    Search for the critical point of strongly-interacting matter in 40^{40}Ar + 45^{45}Sc collisions at 150A Ge V /c using scaled factorial moments of protons

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    The critical point of dense, strongly interacting matter is searched for at the CERN SPS in 40^{40}Ar + 45^{45}Sc collisions at 150A Ge V /c. The dependence of second-order scaled factorial moments of proton multiplicity distribution on the number of subdivisions of transverse momentum space is measured. The intermittency analysis is performed using both transverse momentum and cumulative transverse momentum. For the first time, statistically independent data sets are used for each subdivision number. The obtained results do not indicate any statistically significant intermittency pattern. An upper limit on the fraction of correlated proton pairs and the power of the correlation function is obtained based on a comparison with the Power-law Model developed for this purpose

    Numerical modelling of grain refinement around highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials by duplex technique

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    Microstructure evolution around highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials have been investigated and discussed in the present work. Conditions leading to grain refinement during co-rolling stage of the duplex processing technique are analysed using the multi-level finite element based numerical model combined with three-dimensional frontal cellular automata. The model was capable to simulate development of grain boundaries and changes of the boundary disorientation angle within the metal structure taking into account crystal plasticity formulation. Appearance of a large number of structural elements, identified as dislocation cells, sub-grains and new grains, has been identified within the metal structure as a result of metal flow disturbance and consequently inhomogeneous deformation around oxide islets at the interfaces during the co-rolling stage. These areas corresponded to the locations of shear bands observed experimentally using SEM-EBSD analysis. The obtained results illustrate a significant potential of the proposed modelling approach for quantitative analysis and optimisation of the highly refined non-homogeneous microstructures formed around the oxidised interfaces during processing of such laminated materials

    Design participation in urban planning as source of exchange knowledge and experience

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    W czasach kiedy to inwestorzy tworzą urbanistykę i architekturę, potrzebny jest dialog pomiędzy developerem a mieszkańcami miasta. Doświadczenia i opinie mieszkańców (relacje wynikające z użytkowania danej przestrzeni miejskiej) istniejących już osiedli powinny być uwzględniane i badane przy tworzeniu nowych planów rozwoju miasta. O rozwoju miasta należy rozmawiać. Jeśli chcemy rozmawiać o rozwoju całego miasta potrzebujemy nie tylko planu i makiety miasta. Należy stworzyć miejsce wymiany opinii i poglądów dla każdego zainteresowanego. (Mieszkańcy – Planiści – Projektanci – Inwestorzy). Miejsce, w którym mieszkańcy mają realny wpływ na zmiany zachodzące w ich mieście. Miejsce, w którym na żywej tkance miasta (np. makiecie) można obserwować zmiany zachodzące w mieście i mieć na nie wpływ. (Przykładem może być INFOBOX w Gdyni). Przestrzeń w której każdy, nie tylko mieszkańcy ale również inwestorzy, radni, architekci, urbaniści mogą wymieniać swoje opinie. Udział i zaangażowanie mieszkańców w tworzeniu miasta powinno być coraz większe. Warto, by świadoma polityka marketingowa władz miasta wykorzystywała potencjał z już istniejących osiedli mieszkaniowych przy tworzeniu kolejnych planów miasta. Stawiając na wymianę wiedzy i poglądów. W „nowym”, kształtującym swe oblicze i swą specyfikację mieście trzeba na to kilku pokoleń. (do wymiany poglądów) np. istniejące po dzień dzisiejszy założenia urbanistyczne z epoki modernizmu dostarczają wielu cennych wskazówek. Nie tylko założenie urbanistyczne ale i opinia mieszkańców mogą dać nowy kierunek i pogląd do kształtowania nowych przestrzeni w mieście. Przykładami mogą być już istniejące założenia w mieście. Np osiedle Pułaskiego, którego wyrazista kompozycja oraz spełnienie zapisów planów miejscowych pokazują jak architekci poprzez szczegółową analizę tego terenu wyrazili formę i usytuowanie budynków. Zmagając się z uciążliwymi warunkami środowiska stworzyli zabudowę ciekawą w formie i funkcji. Dalsza analiza przeprowadzona na podstawie osiedli i założeń urbanistycznych: osiedle Baranówka, osiedle przy ulicy Hetmańskiej, osiedle przy ulicy Dąbrowskiego, osiedle Zalesie.In times when developers are creating architecture there is a need of dialog between investors and inhabitants. Inhabitants’ experience and opinions (relations that are made when you use the town space) of existing estates should be included and considered in creating new developing urban plans. Development of the city should be openly discussed. Plans and models could be not sufficient in this case. Creating a special, dedicated place for such discussions, interchange of opinions and ideas might be a solution. Place where inhabitants have a real influence on changes in their city. Such a place, called INFOBOX, exists in Gdynia. Inhabitants together with architects, investors and city councils use it as a platform of exchanging, sharing their visions. This place encourages all inhabitants to participation and involvement in the city development. With this approach process of changing our mindsets could be started. Nevertheless it will take years. City is a constantly changing structure but it doesn’t mean that we cannot take solutions and ideas from the past. Heritage of previous generations can and should be a direction for further changes. We should take a closer look to compositions, forms and locations of existing estates. In this context few areas in Rzeszow (e.g. Baranowka, Nowe Miasto, Zalesie) were considered

    The mechanisms of testing for realisation services in the process of crisis situation management

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    Zarządzanie w sytuacji kryzysowej jest systematycznym i przemyślanym działaniem zapobiegającym i zmniejszającym konsekwencje wynikające z wystąpienia destrukcyjnego narażenia. Skuteczność postępowań antykryzysowych zależy od metod kierowania pracą ludzi i zarządzania funkcjonowaniem urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych w Systemie Zarządzania Kryzysem (SZK). Urządzenia telekomunikacyjne zapewniają obieg danych między osobami funkcyjnymi (tj. kierujący akcją, wójt, prezydent). Na potrzeby walidacji obiegu informacji wykonano model sieci komputerowej gwarantującej terminową realizację usług. Następnie przeprowadzono symulację z wykorzystaniem narzędzia Comnet III. Program ten umożliwił określenie przepustowości i opóźnienia między szesnastoma miastami wojewódzkimi będącymi Centrami Zarządzania Kryzysowego. Zbiór badanych usług obejmował e-mail, strony www, ftp, monitoring, telefonia i faks zgodnie z zaleceniami organizacji ITU-T i IETF, definiujących telekomunikacyjne środowisko sieciowe. Wyniki symulacji stały się podstawą do rekomendacji gwarantującej jakość usług w samym Centrum i między innymi Centrami Zarządzania Kryzysowego.Management in a critical situation is a systematic and well-thought-out task with the aim of prevention and mitigation of the consequences of a crisis. The effectiveness depends on the methods of the management and functioning telecommunication devices in the Crisis Management System. Telecommunication devices assure the circulation of the data between functional persons (village mayor, president). A model network has been created that ensures timely delivery of services. The subsequent steps are carried out using simulations created in Comnet III. Comnet allows the qualification of capacity and delay between sixteen province cities that are the Centres of Crisis Management. The set of test services provides the following: e-mail, web browsing, downloading files from the database, and monitoring telephone and fax communication. Statistical distribution services are distributed as normal and exponential functions. These are generally accepted distributions for these services, conforming to the recommendations of ITU-T and IETF defining the environment network. The results of the simulation became the basis of recommendations guaranteeing the quality of services in the Crisis Management Centre. Presented theoretical knowledge and conducted computer simulation are a part of the results achieved in the one of the research work issues PBZ-MNiSW-DBO-01I2007. Monitoring, identifying and countering threats of the citizen's security